Sacred Heart Parishioners,
Please take the time to read and reflect on what the bishops says in the letter that can be pulled up as a link on this e-mail. Please remember our bishop has definitely had and has our entire well being in mind with the decisions he has made with regard to the Coronavirus.
His lifting of the dispensation from the obligation to ATTEND Mass comes I’m sure after much thought, prayer and consultation with various civil and maybe religious leaders.
I agree that it speaks strongly about the safety of everyone coming back to Mass that there has not been one case of COVID that comes as a result of anyone being at Mass since the resumption of public Masses in Arkansas since Mother’s Day weekend.
Continuing to follow the protocols of sanitizing on the way in and out of church, keeping Families six foot apart in the pews and wearing masks the WHOLE time we are gathering together in the pew area and throughout our parish complex HAS and we pray will continue to keep us safe from getting the Coronavirus.
For those who saw the recent upsurge in positive cases in Arkansas.....some of which were tied to church, funeral and large gatherings of people, those cases happened because the protocols I mentioned about above were not being followed as they should.
WE WILL continue to follow these protocols to the best of our ability and efforts AND we will continue for now to offer the option of at least one parking lot Mass every Sunday from this weekend until further notice on Sundays at 11:30 am. Consider trying this Mass out of you wish. Tune in to 88.1 FM from anyone in our church parking lot and hear (and hopefully see) the Mass clearly with the “great” blessing of receiving Holy Communion in your car!!!
Thanks for reading this and now clicking on below what the bishop has to say.
Fr. Bill
Letter from Bishop Taylor - 9/25/2020
Our something extra for October will be items for Ouachita Children's Center. They are requesting the following items: Men's Large or XL underwear (for teenage boys); Deodorant, Shampoo, Conditioner, Body Wash, soap, combs and brushes, disposable razors, first aid items, hand sanitizer, coloring books, colors or pencils, pens, notebooks for journaling. There is a collection bin in the narthex for your use. If you are staying home, and prefer to send a cash donation for supplies, contact Susan at 501-226-8546 for instructions or mail a check payable to Sacred Heart Catholic Church with Ouachita Children's Center on the memo line and send to Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Attention: Susan Harrell, 295 Balearic Road, HSV, AR 71909.
Cash! We will accept cash donations for OCC so they can purchase new clothing for the children. We will also be selling raffle tickets ($1 each or 6 for $5) for four baskets of goodies and a silent auction for various jewelry items. We hope to see you on the 12th!
The dinner for the evening will be multiple selections of pizza and ice-cream for dessert. Cost of the dinner is $10. Any man who is a member of Sacred Heart or whose wife is a member of Sacred Heart, even though he is not a member, is invited to attend. New members eat free by paying the $15 membership fee. Anyone attending and eating dinner, whether a member or visitor, will need to make a reservation by contacting Bill Patterson at 922-6965 or by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 3:00 p.m. Monday, October 12.
~ Rebecca Huber ~
*Date: Sunday, August 30, 2020 POSTPONED TO A LATER DATE
*Place: Desoto Golf Course
*Format: 4 person scramble
*TIme: 1st tee time is 2:00 p.m. (no shot gun start due to the COVID).
*Cost: $25 per person is for prizes and your dinner: bowl of hot chips as our appetizer; dinner is salad, chicken tenders, French fries. Everyone will be served per plate. Bar is open but cash for all drinks. Golfers are responsible for their green fees and cart. Again, this is our first fund raiser and I only have room for a total of 48 people. If you want to golf and your spouse/friend doesn't, please indicate that when you email me your reservation. This is what I need from all golfers/participants:
1) Your POA #(golfers only)
2) Your average for 9 holes
3) Anyone you would like included in your foursome (I'll do the best I can to accommodate all requests)
4) A check made out to SH Men's Club
5) All monies must be received by August 22
6) Reservations please email Mike Webster: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 501-209-5476
7) Checks mailed to: M.Webster, 32 Alteza Dr. HSV, AR 71909