Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church held a welcome dinner for members who recently joined the church. Key members of the Parish leadership provided information about the various organizations which are open to all members. A delicious lasagna dinner was served, topped off with Fr. Bill's homemade ice cream. It was a wonderful evening and much was learned about all Sacred Heart has to offer.
Thank you for taking an angel from the special tree in the narthex. As you know, each Angel has a child's age and gender on the front. On the back of the angel is a suggested article of clothing.
When you took an Angel, you promised to return to the tree, a wrapped gift by DECEMBER 2 - this Sunday! The gifts are inventoried Monday, December 3, to be sure that each child receives the assigned angels. Gifts that are not returned by that date, must be purchased and wrapped by the committee.
When you took an Angel, you promised to return to the tree, a wrapped gift by DECEMBER 2 - this Sunday! The gifts are inventoried Monday, December 3, to be sure that each child receives the assigned angels. Gifts that are not returned by that date, must be purchased and wrapped by the committee.
The paper Angel must be taped securely to the front of your gift with the age and gender of the child showing. Be sure that the suggested gift side is FACE SIDE DOWN, so that child will not know what is in the package.
Our less fortunate neighbors are so frateful for our help.
Our less fortunate neighbors are so frateful for our help.
KofC Council 10208 General Meeting reminder that the January Council meeting will be held on Thursday, January 3, 2019. Normally, we have our Council Meeting the first Tuesday of the month; however, the first Tuesday falls on January 1. Schedule includes 4:00 p.m. for Wingmen and 5:00 p.m. to begin with the Rosary. If you have questions, please call Rick Darnell at 501-725-1296.
Photo courtesy by Renee Steinpreis |
The Sacred Heart Rosary Makers are now making the "Gift of Prayer" rosaries. They are available for parishioners.
The idea of this rosary is to say it each day of Advent for a loved one, then make a gift of the rosary to that person. Rosaries can be picked-up from the basket in the hallway between the narthex and the A & E Building beginning November 17 - until they are gone. Advent begins December 2.
The idea of this rosary is to say it each day of Advent for a loved one, then make a gift of the rosary to that person. Rosaries can be picked-up from the basket in the hallway between the narthex and the A & E Building beginning November 17 - until they are gone. Advent begins December 2.
Please make it a priority to participate in Mass for this Holyday of Obligation on Friday, December 7, at 4:00 p.m. or Saturday, December 8, at 9:00 a.m. here at Sacred Heart Church.
Your baby's skin is reddish in color, wrinkled, and veins are visible through the baby's translucent skin. His eyelids begin to part and the eyes open. He responds to sounds by moving or increasing the pulse. His mother may notice jerking motions if her baby hiccups. If born prematurely, your baby may survive after the 23rd week with intensive care. By the end of six months in the womb, your sweet baby is about 12 inches long and weighs about two pounds. Please continue to pray for your spiritually-adopted baby and his mother.
We have three openings on the Parish Pastoral Council, for the Education, Social Justice and the Liturgy Commission. Each term is for two years.
The Education Commission handles all adult and young adult education in the parish. They meet the first Thursday of even months. The Liturgy Commission handles everything to do with having a Mass, from Eucharist ministers, servers, ushers, to sacristan. They meet the first Friday of even months. Social Justice encompasses the Rosary Makers, Shawl Ministry, Respect Life, Helping Hands, community assistance and charitable giving. They meet the fourth Wednesday of odd months.
Elections for our Pastoral Council will be held in November. We would like to have at least two candidates for each position. As a Pastoral Council representative, you are the liaison between your Commission and the Council. You would be expected to attend the Commission and the Council meetings. The council meets on the third Friday of even months.
I can speak from experience, and say that being on the Council and a part of a Commission has given me a deeper understanding of our parish and its activities, along with getting to know many more people within the parish. The time commitment is not overwhelming.
We can't continue to ask the same people to support our parish. It is time for some new people to step up and help out. Please give this prayerful consideration. Please contact me at 844-7656 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., and I will be happy to further discuss the open positions and answer any question you have.
-Rebecca Huber, Chair, Pastoral Council
The Education Commission handles all adult and young adult education in the parish. They meet the first Thursday of even months. The Liturgy Commission handles everything to do with having a Mass, from Eucharist ministers, servers, ushers, to sacristan. They meet the first Friday of even months. Social Justice encompasses the Rosary Makers, Shawl Ministry, Respect Life, Helping Hands, community assistance and charitable giving. They meet the fourth Wednesday of odd months.
Elections for our Pastoral Council will be held in November. We would like to have at least two candidates for each position. As a Pastoral Council representative, you are the liaison between your Commission and the Council. You would be expected to attend the Commission and the Council meetings. The council meets on the third Friday of even months.
I can speak from experience, and say that being on the Council and a part of a Commission has given me a deeper understanding of our parish and its activities, along with getting to know many more people within the parish. The time commitment is not overwhelming.
We can't continue to ask the same people to support our parish. It is time for some new people to step up and help out. Please give this prayerful consideration. Please contact me at 844-7656 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., and I will be happy to further discuss the open positions and answer any question you have.
-Rebecca Huber, Chair, Pastoral Council
All Parish Memorial Mass will be celebrated Tuesday, December 11, at 9:00 a.m. All parishioners are encouraged to participate in this Mass and offer prayers for the deceased family members and close friends of fellow parishioners who lost a family member or person dear to them in this 2018 year, and offer support by your presence for survivors. Those whose loved ones have died this year are especially encouraged to attend AND come early so we can enroll the deceased's name in a special Book of Remembrance for this Mass. All are then invited to a reception sponsored by our Parish Life Commission in the Lower Hall after Mass.
You are invited to bring framed pictures of your deceased loved ones to church and place them on the designated table in the narthex. They will eventually be moved to a special table in the front of church where they will remain throughout November. PLEASE put your name and phone number somewhere on the back of the picture.
Each October, the Catholic Church in the United States celebrates Respect Life Month to proclaim the immeasurable value of every person from conception to natural death. The theme for the 2018-19 Respect Life Program is "Every Life: Cherished, Chosen, Sent."
If you do not have plans for Thanksgiving Day, please think about having a fabulous dinner with us! Join us Thursday, November 22, at 12:00 p.m. in the Lower Hall. We will be serving turkey and ham, mashed potatoes, gravy green bean casserole, sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, a roll, and peach cobbler for dessert as catered by Clampit's. Dinner will be available at no cost, but a donation is appreciated. Sign-ups will begin Saturday, November 10 in the narthex. Please join us for a delicious meal and fellowship with your Parish Fanily. If you have questions, please call Sherrie Nichols at 617-733-1395 or Jen Rivera at 928-358-9069.
On Sunday, November 18, the Knights of Columbus invite everyone to a parish breakfast. The menu includes sausage and eggs, biscuits, gravy, hashbrowns, and juice, coffee and milk. This breakfast is being underwritten by the family of Dorothy McDermott. We will be welcoming new parishioners who will be guests of the Knights. Please join us in welcoming them to our Sacred Heart of Jesus family.
Breakfast is only $6.00 a plate and, as always, children 12 years and under are free. All breakfast proceeds are used to help fund Knights charitable activities throughout the year. Your support is greatly appreciated! See you there.
Breakfast is only $6.00 a plate and, as always, children 12 years and under are free. All breakfast proceeds are used to help fund Knights charitable activities throughout the year. Your support is greatly appreciated! See you there.
Eucharistic and substitute adorers are invited as guests by Pastor Bill Elser to Mass and dinner with Bishop Taylor on Friday, November 9, 2018. Mass will begin at 5:00, and a cash bar will open in the Lower Hall at 6:00 p.m. A buffet dinner, as catered by Home Plate, will be available at 6:30 p.m. Menu includes: Casesar salad, pork loin, in-season vegetables, scalloped potatoes, pan cake and coffee. The program will begin at 7:30 p.m. Sign-up sheets for the dinner are in the narthex; and, casual evening dress is encouraged.
Dates are Monday, November 12, at 5:00 p.m. through Wednesday, November 14, at 1:00 p.m.
The retreat will be led by Father Erik Pohlmeier at St. John's Catholic Center in Little Rock, and our Ladies of the Sacred Heart Ministry is excited to be able to offer this opportunity to grow in faith. Cost is $200 for the retreat, with two nights of lodging and all meals included. Stop by the narthex, before or after Mass, the weekends of October 13/14 and October 27/28 to register. Any questions, please call Carol Barrett at 922-0071 or transmit an e-mail message to Carol at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
The retreat will be led by Father Erik Pohlmeier at St. John's Catholic Center in Little Rock, and our Ladies of the Sacred Heart Ministry is excited to be able to offer this opportunity to grow in faith. Cost is $200 for the retreat, with two nights of lodging and all meals included. Stop by the narthex, before or after Mass, the weekends of October 13/14 and October 27/28 to register. Any questions, please call Carol Barrett at 922-0071 or transmit an e-mail message to Carol at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
The Ladies of the Sacred Heart will be meeting Monday, November 12, in the Lower Hall, following the 9:00 a.m. Mass. Our speaker this month is Desternie Sullivan, Executive Director of Tri Lakes CASA, Court Appointed Special Advocates. All women of the parih are invited to attend. Our "something extra" this month will be warm clothing donations to be given to workers at Oak Lawn racetrack. Men's and women's items are needed.