In addition to Friday, February 1, being First Friday with mass at 9:00 a.m. and devotions to the Sacred Heart of Jesus afterward, Saturday, February 2, is First Saturday and Candelmas Day (The Feast of the Presentation of The Lord). Candles will be blessed in the narthex at the start of Mass and a procession with lighted candles will follow into the body of the church. If you have candles to be blessed, please bring them before Mass begins or you can purchase blessed candles after Mass.
Next weekend, please welcome Reverend Jerry Morgan who will be with us to celebrate Masses and tell us about the work of Unbound, a lay Catholic sponsorship ministry that helps children and elderly in 18 developing countries. To learn more, call (800) 875-6564 or visit Unbound online at
The babies we spiritually adopted in April are due to be born in January, 2019. To welcome them into the world we are planning a Parish Baby Shower. All parishioners are invited to participate. A baby crib will be set-up in the narthex on January 5 through January 20. The gifts can be left in and around the crib or taken down to the Lower Hall. If they so choose, the Ladies of the Sacred Heart can bring their unwrapped gifts to the January 13 meeting for the Ladies.
Items specifically requested are: preemie, new born, and 3 through 18-month clothing, scent-free diapers of all sizes (newborn through 3, 4 and 5, additive-free baby wipes, crib sheets, blankets, bath items, diaper bags (many mothers like back packs) and there is a great need for formula. All items collected will be divided between Catholic Charities Adoption Agency, New Beginnings in Benton, and Change Pointe in Hot Springs. Thank you for contributing! Please remember that all gifts are to be unwrapped.
Items specifically requested are: preemie, new born, and 3 through 18-month clothing, scent-free diapers of all sizes (newborn through 3, 4 and 5, additive-free baby wipes, crib sheets, blankets, bath items, diaper bags (many mothers like back packs) and there is a great need for formula. All items collected will be divided between Catholic Charities Adoption Agency, New Beginnings in Benton, and Change Pointe in Hot Springs. Thank you for contributing! Please remember that all gifts are to be unwrapped.
To our Sacred Heart Church Family: It was our honor and pleasure to present our "12th Day of Christmas" concert on January 6. Your warm reception and generosity touched us all. And to be invited to the crock pot supper and bingo afterwards was really appreciated. We hope we will be invited again, to share our love of music and harmony with you all.
- The Singers and Musicians of Voices Rising
- The Singers and Musicians of Voices Rising
Have you ever wished you were more informed about your faith? Your parish has provided a great solution for you. As a member of the parish, you have free access to the course on The ten-session course, Symbolon: Knowing the Faith, explains the essentials of the Catholic Faith in a way that will inform your mind and inspire your heart. With this course through, you are in control of the timing of your sessions so there is no pressure involved.
On Sunday, January 27, the Knights of Columbus invite everyone to a Parish Breakfast. This breakfast is being underwritten by Jim and Joann Arnold in celebration of their 34th wedding anniversary. The menu includes French Toast, link sausage, hash browns, juice, coffee or milk.
Breakfast is only $6.00 a plate and, as always, children 12 years and under eat free. All breakfast proceeds are used to help fund charitable activities for the Knights of Columbus throughout the year. Your support is greatly appreciated!
Breakfast is only $6.00 a plate and, as always, children 12 years and under eat free. All breakfast proceeds are used to help fund charitable activities for the Knights of Columbus throughout the year. Your support is greatly appreciated!
Have you said to yourself, or others, "I'm doing pretty well, I think. Learning how to adjust." While that may be the way you're feeling after the loss of a loved one, you might be able to help others who are grieving by sharing what has worked for you and what you still struggle with. There is a safe place for just that . . . as we begin another Grief Support Group here at Sacred Heart.
Our group for those grieving will meet Tuesday mornings beginning January 8 at 10:00 a.m. in the church library. There will be six weekly sessions facilitated by Deacon John and Bob Hofmann. Each session will last one and a half hours. If you know people who could benefit from these meetings - anyone, as it is not necessary to be a member of Sacred Heart, please invite them to attend. The size of the group is limited, so if you wish to attend, please make a reservation by calling or texting Deacon John at 226-9035 or by sending an e-mail to him at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Our group for those grieving will meet Tuesday mornings beginning January 8 at 10:00 a.m. in the church library. There will be six weekly sessions facilitated by Deacon John and Bob Hofmann. Each session will last one and a half hours. If you know people who could benefit from these meetings - anyone, as it is not necessary to be a member of Sacred Heart, please invite them to attend. The size of the group is limited, so if you wish to attend, please make a reservation by calling or texting Deacon John at 226-9035 or by sending an e-mail to him at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
The first Spaghetti Dinner of the new year will be in the Lower Hall Saturday, January 19, after the 4:00 p.m. Mass. Enjoy one of Tom Donnelly's famous spaghetti dinners served family style - only $9.00.
Dinner costs are being underwritten by Tom and Evelyn Donnelly so 100% of proceeds will go to charity. Tickets will be sold at the door with seating limited to 216 diners. Sorry - no take-away service. Take-away will only be available on a "By-exception" and prearranged basis.
Dinner costs are being underwritten by Tom and Evelyn Donnelly so 100% of proceeds will go to charity. Tickets will be sold at the door with seating limited to 216 diners. Sorry - no take-away service. Take-away will only be available on a "By-exception" and prearranged basis.
Mark your calendar for the Pot of Gold Dinner on Friday, January 25, 2019, at 5:00 p.m. The Ladies of the Sacred Heart are sponsoring this event for the benefit of the supported charities that help women and children.
Know that your $100 ticket entitles you to two dinners of Pot of Gold Chicken Ranch Casserole, family-style salad and dessert. Also included will be an exciting raffle that will present a one-time chance to get a return on your monetary donation. The first ticket drawn returns $100. Every tenth ticket returns $100, the 98th ticket receives $200, the 99th ticket, $500, and the 100th ticket returns $2,500!
Won't you take a chance? Each ticket sells for $100 and can be purchased from any member of the Ladies of the Sacred Heart. If paying by check, please make payable to Ladies of the Sacred Heart. Come for a barrel of fun, good food, good drink and the building excitement of the raffle. Members of the Knights of Columbus will serve you from the donation bar. Buy now, play later! Call 922-8155 for more information or to purchase a ticket.
Know that your $100 ticket entitles you to two dinners of Pot of Gold Chicken Ranch Casserole, family-style salad and dessert. Also included will be an exciting raffle that will present a one-time chance to get a return on your monetary donation. The first ticket drawn returns $100. Every tenth ticket returns $100, the 98th ticket receives $200, the 99th ticket, $500, and the 100th ticket returns $2,500!
Won't you take a chance? Each ticket sells for $100 and can be purchased from any member of the Ladies of the Sacred Heart. If paying by check, please make payable to Ladies of the Sacred Heart. Come for a barrel of fun, good food, good drink and the building excitement of the raffle. Members of the Knights of Columbus will serve you from the donation bar. Buy now, play later! Call 922-8155 for more information or to purchase a ticket.
The 41st annual March For Life will take place on Sunday, January 20, in Little Rock. The March reminds us of the many lives lost since the Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion (January 20, 1973) and celebrates the ongoing efforts to protect the lives of unborn children. The Mass For Life with Bishop Taylor as celebrant will take place at 12:00 noon at the Robinson Performance Hall at 426 West Markham Street in Little Rock. The March For Life will then begin at 2:00 p.m. at the staging area behind the State Capitol beteen Battery and Wolf Streets. You are encouraged to go to one or both events on your own or sign-up to go in a carpool. There is a sign-up list in the narthex.
Village Outreach gives each child in the families helped at Christmas a certificate for a pair of shoes. This Christmas we will be giving about 550 pairs of shoes to students at Fountain Lake, Jessieville and Mountain Pine Schools valued at approximately $19,000! These certificates are funded by donations to the Village Outreah Shoe Fund made by churches, organizations and individuals.
Donations to this fund can be made by putting cash or a check (payable to Sacred Heart) in the decorated shoe box on the cabinet in the A & E hallway. Thank you for your past donations!
Donations to this fund can be made by putting cash or a check (payable to Sacred Heart) in the decorated shoe box on the cabinet in the A & E hallway. Thank you for your past donations!
Sacred Heart of Jesus Church has agreed to take part in this year's Apostle Build for Habitat for Humanity. We will join 11 other churches from the Village and from Hot Springs to fund and build a Habitat home. Each church donates $5,000 and a work crew. All that is needed is a group of willing workers, both men and women (no age limit!) to be guided by a Habitat Construction supervisor.
Please join us for a fun and personally-rewarding experience! Transmit an e-mail to Dave Witchger at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. A work crew will be assembled and scheduled for Sacred Heart's portion of the build. Please let Dave Witchger know if you can be a carpool driver. Your help is appreciated.
Please join us for a fun and personally-rewarding experience! Transmit an e-mail to Dave Witchger at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. A work crew will be assembled and scheduled for Sacred Heart's portion of the build. Please let Dave Witchger know if you can be a carpool driver. Your help is appreciated.
Please join the Knights of Columbus at the Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church on December 31 to usher in the New Year! Any profits will help support "Christmas Gifts for Children."
Gathering time and a Social will be held from 5:15 to 5:45 in the Lower Hall. Free party favors will be available. Dinner will be available at 6:00 p.m. as prepared and served by Home Plate: Shrimp Cocktail Starter, Chateaubriand (medium/rare), Rosemary Potatoes, Glazed Baby Carrots, Bourbon Sauce Bread Pudding. Dessert will be served at 9:00 p.m. with champagne service at 9:30 p.m. We will toast at 10:00 p.m.
We'll dance to the musical stylings of Marcus Sugg from 7:00 to 10:30 p.m. - or until whenever. We can bring our choice of drink as set-ups will be available with a "Free-Will Offering Refreshment Center (cash donations, please). Enjoy self-service wine, beer, soft drinks, mixed and other adult drinks.
Get your tickets early, for $35 each. Ticket sales will be held the weekends of December 8/9 and December 15/16 - before and after Mass. There are priority ticket sales for table reservations for eight guests. (Please prepary $280 a table). Other ticketed guests have random available seating.
For other ticket orders or for on-call-at-the-door ticket pick-up: Mail a check before December 20 to Walter Free, 5 Teleno Lane, HSV, 71909. To phone Walter for ticket availability, 501-922-9480.
Gathering time and a Social will be held from 5:15 to 5:45 in the Lower Hall. Free party favors will be available. Dinner will be available at 6:00 p.m. as prepared and served by Home Plate: Shrimp Cocktail Starter, Chateaubriand (medium/rare), Rosemary Potatoes, Glazed Baby Carrots, Bourbon Sauce Bread Pudding. Dessert will be served at 9:00 p.m. with champagne service at 9:30 p.m. We will toast at 10:00 p.m.
We'll dance to the musical stylings of Marcus Sugg from 7:00 to 10:30 p.m. - or until whenever. We can bring our choice of drink as set-ups will be available with a "Free-Will Offering Refreshment Center (cash donations, please). Enjoy self-service wine, beer, soft drinks, mixed and other adult drinks.
Get your tickets early, for $35 each. Ticket sales will be held the weekends of December 8/9 and December 15/16 - before and after Mass. There are priority ticket sales for table reservations for eight guests. (Please prepary $280 a table). Other ticketed guests have random available seating.
For other ticket orders or for on-call-at-the-door ticket pick-up: Mail a check before December 20 to Walter Free, 5 Teleno Lane, HSV, 71909. To phone Walter for ticket availability, 501-922-9480.