Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
Reading BooksThe Special Education teacher at Fountain Lake is asking for volunteers.  If this is something that interests you please contact Nancy Yarberry at 979-319-1063.

There is no substitute for reading.  I am looking for some volunteers to come in and listen to my students read.  That is all.  Just listen.  Be a smiling face.  A safe face.  A grandma/grandpa face.  Men faces and women faces.  I will provide everything you need, and I will never put you in a compromising position.

You could come once a week - or five times a week.  You could come as a couple or an individual.  You could stay 15 minutes or an hour;  anywhere from 10:00 a.m to noon or 1:00 to 3:00 p.m.  No pressure.  This is kind-of-like a calling thing.  If you don't feel the call, don't do it.
pull tabThanks to everyone who donates "Pull Tabs" as we continue to collect them for Ronald McDonald House Charity.

Any soda or beer cans, pet food cans, vegetable, fruit and soup cans all may have the "pull tabs."  There is a box in the cabinets of the hallway to the Administration and Education Building for you to place your tabs in anytime.  This effort is sponsored by the Ladies of the Sacred Heart, and we appreciate your support.  Thanks again.

                                                                                                 Ann Bowman
Bishop Robert BarronThe first Wednesday evening Lenten Mass series will be this Wednesday, March 13.  The soup/sandwich menu is:  Chicken Gnocci Soup and Pimento Cheese on wheat bread sandwich.  This deliciously light meal will be crafted by Nancy Smith and Cathy Leece.

The program will begin at 5:30 p.m. for Mass and will conclude in the Lower Hall with soup/sandiwch and the first section of Bishop Barron's video, "The Mass."  Please sign-up in the narthex this weekend if you plan to attend the meal as we need an accurate count.  monetary donations will be accepted.  Contact Cathy Silk at 501-22-2062, extension 17, for any comments or questions.
Electronic GivingJust a reminder that Sacred Heart is now offering Electronic Giving.  This means that you can make your donations on the Internet or with your mobile phone, and they can be charged to a credit/debit card or directly to your bank account.  Our hope is that it will make contributing easier for parishioners.  There is a link to our Giving Page on the Sacred Heart website, and we recommend that you save that Giving Page in your Favorites to make future access easier.  Please note that there is an additional charge for using credit or debit cards, but there is a button you can press that will add that charge to your contribution and reduce the charges to the church.  Also, you have the option of charging it directly to your bank account which eliminates the credit card charge.  If you have questions, please contact Larry Stein at 501-204-9074.
fishThe Sacred Heart of Jesus Men's Club Annual Charities Fish Bake will be held on Friday, March 15.  All are invited.  There will be two seatings;  5:00 p.m. and 6:30 p.m.  Doors will open 20 minutes prior to each seating.  Menu includes Baked Domestic Tilapia, Roasted Potato Wedges, Specialty Green Beans, Cole Slaw, rye bread and coffee.  Additional beverages will be available from the Refreshment Center.  Donations joyfully accepted.  In addition, Father Bill's famous ice cream will be available for a donation.

Tickets are $12.00 per person.  Children under 12 years of age are half the adult price.  Children under six years of age get a free meal.  Get your tickets before and after Masses the weekends of March 2/3 and March 9/10.  Carry-outs are available.  Tables of eight can be reserved.  Join us for a great meal!

For other information, table reservations and tickets, contact Rick martinek at 214-215-0133 (cell).
Lions Club glassesHave you noticed what looks like a mailbox in front of Sacred Heart with the large eyes and glasses on top?  It is really a drop box to recycle eyeglasses.

It's been one hundred years since a business man in Chicago named Melvin Jones founded the Lions Club.  At a convention in 1925 Helen Keller asked Lions attending to be advocates for the Blind.  Lions International then asked clubs to come up with a project to celebrate the founding.  I'm sure you've seen the little box in the hallway to collect used glasses that we send to be refurbished so they can be re-used for those unable to afford a pair.  Well, now you can dig those out of where you'be been keeping them, pull right up to the box with the Lion's emblem, and drop them in!  Thank you.
Blood Drive 1The next Arkansas Blood Institute Blood Drive supported by the Knights of Columbus and hosted by the Village United Methodist Church, 200 Carmona Road, will be held on Tuesday, March 12, 2019, from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.  Previous donors with e-mail addresses have been sent an e-mail reminder.  New donors can contact Bob Woodall with questions, schedule an appointment, or to be placed on an e-mail reminder list.  He can be reached at 501-282-6072 or via e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  Thank you, in advance, for sharing your "gift of life."
AppreciationThe mission group named UNBOUND and Father Jerry Morgan are very appreciative for the warm and generous welcome that was given to them.

Because of your generousity, there are now 62 more children/aging who are now thanking God for inspiring someone to help provide some basic life necessities and helping them to begin building a path out of poverty.  You - the sponsor, will be receiving a letter of thanks from your sponsored child in about two months.

For those parishioners who had to leave Mass early, or those who are having second thoughts, or others who were not able to be present the mission weekend, you can still sponsor a child/aging by going online to  Thank you.
thank you 1We thank those of you who thoughtfully participated in our "Baby Shower" and donated items for newborns whose mothers come to the local pregnancy help centers.  Also, monetary donations realized through the weekend collection totaled $658 and will be given to the following agencies:  Catholic Charities Adoption Agency in Little Rock, Changepoint in Hot Springs, and New Beginnings in Benton.
Thank youA huge shouted thank you to all the folks that bought Pot of Gold tickets and supported the Ladies of the Sacred Heart function in one way or the other.  Our charities that are geared toward helping women and children will benefit from your outstanding generosity.  Special thanks go to the following who helped underwrite the event:  JoAnn and Terry O'Brien, Pam Cox, Patty Doublin, and Tom Donnelly.  Each guild gave time and energy to make this event happen by supplying at least three people to work and others to make pies.  Karen Meyers headed the deco team to brighten the tables.  I appreciate the crew that assisted in the kitchen, made the music happen and those who operated the dishwasher.  Members of the Sacred Heart say "thanks" - we couldn't do it without each of you.

                                                                                                                                     - Chairperson Mary Lou George
food basketThank you to all who supported the basket program during the calendar year 2018 with donations of time and resources.  We provided help to needy families in the Fountain Lake, Jessieville and Mountain Pine school districts.  During the year we delivered 32 baskets for Easter, 25 for the Summer Program, 48 for Thanksgiving and 61 for Christmas; that's a total of 166 families helped.  There are 436 children in those families.

The value of the food given was approximately $22,700.  At Christmas 132 children were given four gifts with an approximate value of $8,000 and a certificate for a pair of shoes valued at approximately $4,600.  The total of our parishes' help to these families is over $35,000.

Our parish continues to lead the way in helping those less fortunate.  You are truly doing God's work!  "He who is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed." (Proverbs 19:16)
LOSHFollowing the 9:00 a.m. Mass, the Ladies of the Sacred Heart will hold their monthly meeting Monday, March 11, in the Lower Hall.  Featured speaker will be fellow parishioner Paula Doyle.  She is a certified spiritual director, and will offer tips for our Lenten journey.  Our "something extra" is "undies" for Jackson House.  Under clothes for men, women and children will be collected.  All women of the parish are welcome to attend.
Bishop Robert BarronJoin us five Wednesday evenings for a DVD study series titled, "The Mass," by Bishop Robert Barron.  Program will begin at 5:30 p.m. in the church for Mass and will conclude in the Lower Hall for Soup and Sandwich and Bishop Barron's Video.  Dates are:  March 13, 20, 27 and April 3, 10.

Sign-up sheets for Soup and Sandwich will be placed in the narthex the weekend prior to the Wednesday program for an accurate count.  Please consider attending this enlightening experience.
mardi gras maskYes, it is that time of year for the Knights of Columbus (Council 10208) sponsored, Mardi Gras party on Saturday, March 2.  The time is 5:00 p.m. for cocktails and then we'll serve Shrimp Creole, Chicken and Sausage Jambalaya, with Red Velvet cheese Cake for dessert at 6:00 p.m.  Music and dancing follows at 7:00 p.m.

Cost is $20 per person.  Contact Danny Murphy for tickets and table reservations at 501-984-1936 or mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  All proceeds go to the benefit of Knights of Columbus charities.
Fish fry 1Sign-up for the Fish Friday sponsored by the Knights of Columbus on February 22, 2019.  Cost, for some of the greatest catfish anywhere, is only $9.00 per person.  If you're planning on attending, please check-in with one of the sign-up tables at the church entrances this weekend before and after Mass.
Scrambled eggs sausage and biscuitsOn Sunday, February 24, the Knights of Columbus will present a Parish Breakfast and invite all to attend.  The menu includes sausage and eggs, biscuits, gravy, hash browns, juice, coffee or milk.  This breakfast is being underwritten by John Sagan.

Breakfast is only $6.00 a plate, and, as always, children 12 years and under, eat free.  All breakfast proceeds are used to help fund Knight charitable activities throughout the year.  Your support is greatly appreciated.  See you there!