Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
WomenofHopeADayofRetreatDigitalAd1Women of Hope, A Day of Retreat will be held on Saturday, February 5, 2022. from 8:45 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at Christ the King Catholic Church, 4000 N. Rodney Parham Road, Little Rock.  Come fill your soul and prepare your heart for Lent with inspirational talks, praise and worship, and a small group experience!

If any ladies in the parish are thinking of going, you can give me a call, Cathy Raney at 832-721-5326 and I would be willing to set up carpooling for anyone interested.
Talbot John MichaelJohn Michael Talbot will be coming to Sacred Heart of Jesus on Saturday, March 12, 2022 at 7:00 p.m.  John Michael Talbot is the founder and leader of the Brothers and Sisters of Charity at the Little Portion Hermitage near Eureka Springs, has recorded over fifty albums and is one of the preeminent Catholic musicians in the world.  He is also the founder of the Catholic Association of Musicians and the author of more than a dozen books on Christian meditations and music.  You won't want to miss out on this concert.  Mark your calendars today!  There will be a free will offering taken that will assist John Michael Talbot and the Brothers and Sisters of Charity in the work they do.
EducationInterested in volunteering to be on the Education Commission?  Come find out more about the Education Commission at our next meeting on Thursday, February 3 at 9:45 a.m. in the Classrooms A & B.  The focus of the Education Commission is the coordination, development, promotion and evaluation of parish-related education and formation programs.  

Some of its responsibilities include facilitation of adult religious education classes, REY (Religious Education of Youth), outreach programs and scripture studies, selecting theological speakers, promoting vocations, publicizing parish information to the community and developing the Church library including its policies and program.  Committees include:  Adult Education, Perpetual Adoration, REY and Sacred Heart Library.

No experience needed.  Our meetings last 1-1 1/2 hours and we meet the first Thursday of even numbered months.  Any questions, please contact Linda Durrett at 972-768-1574 or Janet Liszka at 501-922-0103.
Baby ShowerThe annual PARISH BABY SHOWER was an outstanding success for 2022.  Even with the challenges our world is facing in these unusual times, our three chosen charities, Catholic Charities Adoption Services in Little Rock, Change Point in Hot Springs and New Beginnings in Benton each received a carload of baby items.  We distributed a total of 3,501 diapers, 8,295 wipes, 47 blankets, 193 pieces of baby clothing, 24 backpacks/diaper bags, and 1 car seat, in addition to bath items and baby thermometers.  Each of the Charities also received two checks totaling $405.00.  All of these items were personally delivered to the various Charities by Karen Buchanan, Linda Durrett and Barbara Sweeney.  Of course, this could not have been accomplished without all of YOU extremely generous parishioners as well as the team of volunteers who made it happen.  Thank you all for the many blessings you shared with those in need.
The Big SingThe Woodlands Auditorium has been reserved for a hymn festival the evening of Sunday, February 27th at 6:00 p.m.  It will be ecumenical in spirit.  There will be no host congregation nor any homily or sermon.  All costs have been underwritten and no colledction will be taken.

We hope to gather singers from many congregations-be they few or many-so that we have a strong core chorus to anchor a rich evening which will  include organ, brass and timpani.  There will be a rehearsal with the singers at 3:30, a meal provided at 5:00 and the festival begins at 6:00.  Anyone from the parish interested in singing contact Lynne Border at 231-881-4472.
Funeral 1The Funeral Ministry is looking for a few parishioners to help out when there is a funeral.  You would help out setting up photos, putting out the programs, helping with the guest book and be there to greet the family as they enter church.  If you are interested in helping with this ministry, call Chris Frantz at 501-922-5877 for more information.
food basketThe 2021 Food Basket Program was the most successful year round community outreach program in the history of Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church.  The program started many years ago with only a few families receiving help, to a program that reached 205 families with 484 children this calendar year.  We have gone from a food basket once a year to delivering food four times a year.

Easter, providing a generous holiday meal; Summer, considering that children are home from school and not participating in the breakfast and lunch programs offered during the school year; Thanksgiving, food for the family to share at their holiday table; Christmas, where families receive non-perishables to last about two weeks, plus fresh fruit, vegetables and meat.  Each child in the familiy also receives four wrapped gifts of clothes.  A certificate for a new pair of shoes, provided by Village Outreach Shoe Fund, is also included in the Christmas delivery.  The non-perishables are purchased through the Hot Springs Food Bank, Project Hope, which gives Sacred Heart much more buying power.

It is estimated that the Food Basket Program donated almost $20,000 in food and $8,000 in Christmas presents.  There was also $1,054 donated to the Village Outreach Shoe Fund.  The total expense for the shoes for all the children, including those supported by other churches in the Village, comes to over $4,000.  Sacred Heart of Jesus, with the support of the Knights of Columbus, Sacred Heart Men's Club and Ladies of Sacred Heart is the largest sponsor of the Food Basket Program in Hot Springs Village.

The Food Basket Program's only fundraiser is a special collection taken on the last week-end in October that coincides with Halloween.  The generosity of this parish allows us to reach out to the wider community in this basic way.  "I was hungry and you gave me food."
PadrePioFr. Bill recently encouraged during a homily, the prayer after Communion from St. Padre Pio entitled "Stay With Me Lord."  Besides providing it in written form, you can get it on an app from Google or the Apple App Store.  Type in "SanPioelmondo," click the box that says Pray and scroll down to where it headlines that prayer.
Mother MaryA group of parishioners would like to invite any parishioner to join them.  'The Mother Mary Prayer Group' which meets every Sunday in classrooms A&B for one hour at 3:00 p.m.  They pray the rosary, for individual intentions, the Divine Mercy and other prayers.  If you have an questions, please call Deacon Larry at 501-922-3283 or Jim Goodson at 501-204-2494.
Spiritual Direction"Spiritual direction is a process of being conformed to the image of Christ for the sake of others."       Robert Mulholland

All of us long for a more conscious experience of God's presence and love.  Eash of us has a sacred story unfolding and inviting our attention.  Spiritual direction provides a space to notice, reflect, discern, and discover where God is present and active in our lives.  Each season of life offers its unique challenges and opportunities--loss of loved ones, health concerns, diminishment due to aging.  Reflecting on these with a trained spiritual director whose only desire is that you hear God answer your questions can be refreshing and comforting.

This ministry has been called a Holy Conversation or prayer time between three persons-the director or companion, the directee, and the Holy Spirit.  God's spirit is ultimately the sole source of spiritual guidance, comfort, and knowing.  Spiritual direction is an opportunity to step away and allow God the space to minister to you in the way only God knows is best for you.  It can be good medicine for the soul.  For more information, contact either:

Deb Troxel, 204-4480, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Paula Doyle, 922-5771, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Super BowlLAST CHANCE!!  There are only 50 squares left on the Second board.  If you pruchased squares on the 1st board you can purchase additional squares on the 2nd board.  The squares are $20 per square.  All money needs to be sent to Mike Webster, 32 Alteza Drive, HSV, AR 71909.  Deadline is January 30th.  For more information or if you have any questions call Mike Webster at 501-209-5476.
3rd Degree KofC LogoKofC Council 10208 General Meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 1 in the Lower Hall.  Praying the Rosary will start at 5:00 p.m.  The meal consisting of beef brisket, mashed potatoes, gravy and a veggie will be served around 5:45 p.m.  The cost of the meal is $10.  If you are going to attend the meeting and have a meal, please contact, Murray Claassen (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 501-908-4346) no later than noon on Friday, February 25th to reserve your meal.
Mens Club LogoThe February meeting for the Sacred Heart Men's Club will be this Tuesday, February 8, at 5:00 p.m. in the Lower Hall of the Church.  All men of the parish are welcome to attend.  At 5:00 p.m. you may join others in the Upper Hall to pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet for family, Church, our nation, world peace, and your personal intentions.  Social gathering in the Lower Hall is from 5:00 to 5:45 p.m.  Dinner will be served before 6:00 p.m.  Dinner will be apricot pork loin, sweet potato casserole, green beans and cobbler with ice cream for dessert prepared by the staff of Home Plate.  Seating will be 4 to a table.  The refreshment center will be open for additional libations.  The cost of the dinner is $15.00 per person.  

Program will feature HSV Police Chief Ricky Middleton talking about what's happening inside and outside the gates of HSV.  The Club has invited representatives from St. Johns School, Our Lady of Fatima School, Samaritan Ministries and Jackson House to be present to accept a $1,500 each donation from our charitable endeavors.  

Please confirm your reservation to Russ Harrison by email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by phone 501-922-1767 by 5:00 p.m. Sunday, February 6, to reserve your meal at the meeting.  Due to the number of guests at this function the meal charge is a little higher than normal.  No shows are expected to pay for their meal.
Homebound EucharistRose Farrell is the new Coordinator for scheduling Eucharistic Ministers for those who need Holy Communion for a short period of time or long term at their home, or during in patient therapy or at an assisted living facility or nursing home.  Call Rose at 860-208-9813 or send your request by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..   We have Eucharistic Ministers who are trained and Fr. Bill ready to provide the Eucharist for you in your time of need.  Please call Fr. Bill directly at 501-209-2502 if you or your loved one needs the Sacrament of the Sick (anointing with holy oil).
Cancelled StampWe received the following from Sisters of the Holy Cross at Notre Dame, IN.  "Thank you for your kind donation of stamps which will benefit our Ministry With the Poor Fund.  May God abundantly bless you all!  Thank you for your support.  Please hold us in prayer, and know that I am praying for you too!  Blessings.........Sister Rose"
Rosary2We are in need of Rosary Maker Wannabees!

Due to COVID and other reasons our group has shrunk in size.  We are looking for anyone who would like to learn how to make corded rosaries.  We will teach you how to make them.  It's easy and fun but it does take a bit of practice.  We meet every Thursday morning after Mass in the A&E Building.  It's not necessary that you come every week as most rosaries are made at home.  Any questions, please call Marge at 922-9047.  We will welcome you with open arms.  Our rosaries are sent around the world.