Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
DementiaThe third Friday of every month from 10:00-2:00 pm (November 19 the next date), Christ of the Hills Methodist Church, 700 Balearic Road, is hosting "The Caring Day."  This is a drop off program for anyone diagnosed with any form of dementia.  Let specially trained professionals give you a break while your loved one socializes, exercises, plays games and just has fun in a safe environment.  There is a $5.00 Lunch Fee.  To reserve a spot, call 501-623-2881 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..    Drop off at handicapped entrance in back of church, entrance door is past the church office entrance.
2021 catholic charities arkansas top
Catholic charities of Arkansas and Fr. Bill would like to thank the following for being hole sponsors ($500 contributors) for the Bishop McDonald Golf outing at Diamante:

Eye care Specialties (Mike and Susan Semmler)
Ike Eisenhauer Insurance (Ike)
Bob and Mary Anne Honzik
Bob and Patte Brandt
Dave and Kathleen Witchger
Marian LaVelle
Karen Feckler
The Children of Jim and Pat Anderson in their memory
Phyllis Melenson for sponsoring a priest ($125 to play (in memory of Ralph)
All others who made a donation

St. NicholasThe Knights of Columbus is hosting a "Wives Appreciation" and "St. Nicholas Dinner Dance" on Saturday, December 4, 2021, in the Lower Hall of the parish.  This is to show our appreciation and support for everything the wives do for the council/assembly.  All Knights, along with their wives/dates are invited to attend.  Social will begin at 5:00 p.m. with dinner served at the individual tables at 6:00 p.m.  The dinner entree is a choice of Prime Rib with shrimp or Chicken Oscar.  Dinner will include tossed salad, rice pilaf, asparagus and a dessert.  Dancing to the sounds of disc jockey, Marcus Sugg, will follow dinner.  A donation bar will be provided.  Dress code is "After 5."  Cost is $30.00 per person.  Reservations can be made by calling the Knight's Ticket Line at 501-404-5195.  Please reserve by November 29th.
JS Paluch logoPlease take a moment and review the various advertisers on the back of our weekly bulletin.  The generosity of these sponsors allow for the quality printing that J.S. Paluch Co., provides to us.  Please frequent these vendors when requiring any of their needs or services.  Thank you for your service.  For information on being an advertiser, please contact J.S. Paluch Co., at 1-800-833-5941.
Eucharistic AdorationIt is significant and truly a joy for us to be celebrating the Eighth Anniversary of Eucharistic Adoration at Sacred Heart of Jesus Church.  Over these eight years many have been blessed to spend at least one hour a week in communion with Jesus, adoring Him, petitioning Him, and sometimes just resting peacefully in His presence.  We have been blessed with good and faithful leadership of this special ministry at all levels, including the coordinator, which has been been and still is Tom Donnelly.  We hare having a special Mass this Friday, November 19th at 9:00 a.m., followed by a light brunch in the Lower Hall.  ALL adorers (regular and substitutes) as well as potential adorers are invited to the brunch.  Please call Tom Donnelly at 915-0880 if you have not already signed up in the Narthex.
Our Lady of GuadalupeOn Thursday, November 18, the Knights of Columbus are sponsoring a program honoring Our Lady of Guadalupe at The Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church.

The program honors Our Lady as the patroness of the Americas and also affirms our dedication to the sanctity of all human life.  All Knights of Columbus and Sacred Heart parishioners are encouraged to attend.

This Devotion is part of the Knights of Columbus Silver Rose Program; the Silver Rose is carried by Knights from city to city, district to district, and council to council from Canada to the Cathedral in Mexico City - to arrive there on the Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe.  The rose symbolizes one of the roses that fell from Juan Diego's cloak when he delivered the Virgin's message to his bishop on December 12, 1531.
Mass time changeJust a reminder, due to diminishing daylight after Daylight Savings time has ended (November 7 at 2:00 a.m.), the Saturday evening Mass starting November 13 and throughout the winter will be at 4:00 p.m. instead of 5:00 p.m.  Please make a note of this.
Spaghetti DinnerThe Knights of Columbus will be serving a Spaghetti Dinner on Saturday, November 20 starting after 4:00 p.m. Mass in the Lower Hall of the Church.  Come enjoy a Spaghetti Dinner prepared by Chef Peter Pellegrino and crew for only $10.00 with net proceeds benefiting local charities.

There are sign-up sheets in the Narthex for planning purposes or contact Peter Pellegrino at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to sign up.  A generous portion of spaghetti, meat sauce with a tossed salad, garlic bread, and an Oatmeal Raisin Cookie will be served.  There will be seating for 180 attendees.  If paying with a check, please make it payable to the Knights of Columbus.  For those not wishing to attend in person,  please email Peter Pellegrino to place your order for pickup.  
6 Month Unborn BabyBaby's skin is reddish in color, wrinkled, and veins are visible through baby's translucent skin.  Baby's finger and toe prints are visible.  The eyelids begin to part and eyes open.  Baby responds to sounds by moving or increasing the pulse.  You may notice jerking motions if baby hiccups.  If born prematurely, baby may survive after the 23rd week with intensive care.  By the end of the sixth month, your baby is about 12 incles long and weighs about 2 pounds.
NewcomerIf  you enjoy meeting people, have a love for Sacred Heart Parish and desire to inform newcomers of the variety of activities and ministries that are available to them as a member of Sacred Heart Parish, we ask you to prayerfully consider joining our welcoming committee.  The committee is open to individuals and couples who will be prepared to meet with new parishioners to provide information and accept questions that they have about our wonderful parish.  Please reach out to Debbie and Dwayne Garrett who head up the committee for more information and/or to sign up.  You can reach them at 512-460-9903 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
OnLine GivingThis is a reminder that Sacred Heart is offering Electronic Giving.  This means that you can make your donations on the internet.  You can charge them to a credit card or directly to your bank account.  Our hope is that it will make contributing easier for our parishioners.  Simply follow these easy steps:
1.     Visit the church website at
2.     Locate the Give Online/IRA/Stocks link located on the home page, then:
3.     Follow the onscreen instructions to create an online profile and to schedule your recurring contributions.  The profile will include setting up a password and the credit card or bank account 
        you would like to charge.  Subsequent visits will only require the password to enter.
4.     On the next page will be all potential contributions, including our envelope contributions, with the            option to select monthly, weekly or one-time frequencies.  We recommend that your Regular and            Building fund contributions be done monthly on the same date each month, preferably the 5th or 
        the 15th, to make it easier for accounting and to reduce charges to the Church.  The envelope con-
        tributions will all be listed along with the date on the envelpe.  This will enable you, if you wish, to
        schedule all of your contributions for the year at one time.
We recommend that you save the Giving Page in your Favorites to make it easier to access it.  If you have any questions please contact Larry Stein at 501-226-5105 or 501-204-9074.
ark comm found logoIn 2015, eleven parishioners decided to create an endowment through the Arkansas Community Foundation that would provide our church with an annual income, in perpetuity, to be used strictly for local charitable outreach use.  The Finance Council has decided that we would not withdraw any funds from the endowment until in reaches $100,000.  At that time the Church should receive about $2,500 every year, in perpetuity, for charitable uses.  Many have donated to the endowment by making memorial contributions for deceased church members.  Today our endowment has grown to $53,000.  Please consider our endowment for memorial or recognition gifts and remember it when making your will or trust arrangements.  Envelopes are available in the Narthex for your convenience.  If you have any questions, please contact Carolyn Bowers (915-8022, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or Dave Witchger (922-9058, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
casalogo08MI CASA es tu casa.  This Hispanic saying holds a special meaning for us here in Arkansas.  CASA, our Catholic Arkansas Sharing Appeal, is a way for all of us to make a difference right here at home.  Not matter your resources, your monthly support can fit your budget, it's not the amount of the gift that is important.  As they say, many hands make the work light.  If we all give a little, with God's blessing, it will be enough.  Become a CASA supporter today, return your CASA/Gift/Pledge in the envelope provided.  Extra envelopes are located in the Narthex.
Treasure SaleWith COVID continuing to affect our lives, the Knights of Columbus of Hot Springs is planning an October Treasure Sale set for EVERY Friday and Saturday of October from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.  For increased safety, we ask customers wear masks.  The Knights of Columbus address is 3045 Spring Street, just east of Cutter Morning Star School and Westinghouse Road.  As a result of very generous donations, we have the usual "ton" of merchandise in 3 sale buildings, actually even more than usual.  Proceeds all are distributed among local charities.
pull tab"I want to thank you and tell you how very much we appreciate your donation of Pop Tabs in September 2021.  Your gift helps Ronald McDonald House provide a "home-away-from-home" for families whose children are sent to Little Rock hospitals for life-saving medical care.  On behalf of the families we serve, as well as our staff and board of directors, thank you for your generosity."

Fellow parishioners.......please continue to collect your pull tabs.  They can be placed in the yellow box on the cabinet in the A & E hallway.  If you have any questions, please contact Ann Bowman at 922-6619.
ReclaimingFriendshipfrontcover compactReminder!  WALKING WITH PURPOSE BIBLE STUDY, a 6-week program RECLAIMING FRIENDSHIP: GOD'S PLAN FOR DEEP CONNECTION begins Monday, October 4 through November 8.  The cost for the Study Guide is $20.00.  Zoom option available.  Contact Cathy Kraus at 922-2062 EXT. 11 for information.