Food insecurity is defined as limited or uncertain access to an adequate amount of healthy food due to economic or social conditions. Arkansas remains the second worst in the nation for people's overall access to healthy food. With the economy improving, people are still having trouble affording a trip to the grocery store. Even though unemployment is at a lower level in Arkiansas, these are low-level jobs and people who are on SNAP, or what used to be called food stamps, are still struggling. The children in these families qualify for discounted or free lunches at school, if school is in session. The Sacred Heart of Jesus Food Basket Program is one answer to that problem. A special collection will be taken up the last week-end of October (Oct 30-31) to cover the expenses of this program for twelve months. Please be generous. Remember, Deacon B.J. Bowen stated he had never seen a Brinks Armored Truck in a funeral procession. The only way to take riches to heaven is to share what we have with others, who will someday meet us there. Any questions can be directed to Sheila Harrison, 501-922-1767, or Ed Keearns, 501-922-3832.
8:00 A.M. Opening Ceremony & Walk
Hopefully you've registered already but if not you still can. We're walking the Balboa & Hernandez Trails (5 miles). Registration is $35.00 and our goal is 500 walkers and to raise $50,000 for cancer research. So if you haven't signed up yet, get your registration in and help us reach our goal!! We're also looking for sponsorships and items for our silent auction. Questions, plese call Lynne Border at 501-922-2062 ext. 13 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to find how you can help!
8:00 A.M. Opening Ceremony & Walk
Hopefully you've registered already but if not you still can. We're walking the Balboa & Hernandez Trails (5 miles). Registration is $35.00 and our goal is 500 walkers and to raise $50,000 for cancer research. So if you haven't signed up yet, get your registration in and help us reach our goal!! We're also looking for sponsorships and items for our silent auction. Questions, plese call Lynne Border at 501-922-2062 ext. 13 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to find how you can help!
Married Couples, give your marriage a well-deserved vacation. Plan to go on a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend and come back with a marriage that is refreshed and full of energy! To register or for more information, please visit: or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Can't get away to attend in person, register and request to attend the virtual option! The event will be in Subiaco, AR Cory House on September 17-19, 2021.
Sacred Heart is taking part in this year's Apostle Build with eleven other local churches. The site is 205 Bellview Street, (behind the Oaklawn Race Track). We will set up work groups from 8:00 a.m. till noon on Tuesday, September 7; Wednesday, September 8; and Thursday, September 9. Please email me which day(s) you want to work, if you want to car pool and if this is the first time for Habitat work. It is a fun, great way to meet new friends and is a heart warming experience. Please contact Dave Witchger, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 922-9058.
September 13 - General Meeting, 9:45 a.m., Lower Hall
COVID protocols will be followed.
Something Extra for September: School supplies will be collected for Mt. Pine School. The following is a list of supplies needed.
High School-Expo marker, pencils, highlighters, composition books, 3-ring binders, Clorox wipes, Kleenex, Lysol spray.
COVID protocols will be followed.
Something Extra for September: School supplies will be collected for Mt. Pine School. The following is a list of supplies needed.
High School-Expo marker, pencils, highlighters, composition books, 3-ring binders, Clorox wipes, Kleenex, Lysol spray.
Elementary School-Crayons, markers, colored pencils, kids scissors, Clorox wipes, Germ-X and Kleenex.
Items may be dropped in the playpen in the Narthex the weelend of September 11/12 OR, bring them to the General Meeting on September 13th. If you prefer to give a monetary donation, make checks payable to Sacred Heart of Jesus, LOSH School Supplies in the memo line and place in the manila envelope on the playpen. Your donation will be used to buy supplies.
Items may be dropped in the playpen in the Narthex the weelend of September 11/12 OR, bring them to the General Meeting on September 13th. If you prefer to give a monetary donation, make checks payable to Sacred Heart of Jesus, LOSH School Supplies in the memo line and place in the manila envelope on the playpen. Your donation will be used to buy supplies.
The program Reclaiming Friendship: God's Plan for Deep Connection will start this Fall in October. The cost for the Study Guide is $20.00. Meetings are scheduled for Mondays: October 4, 11, 1, 25, November 8 and 15. Time TBD. A Zoom course will be offered for Tuesday evenings. Pre-registration for this program will be in the Narthex the weekend of September 11/12.
The first meeting of the 2021-2022 year for the Sacred Heart Men's Club will be on Tuesday, September 14th, at 5:00 p.m. in the Lower Hall of the Church. All men of SHJ parish are welcome to attend. Membership dues remain at $15/year. At 5:00 p.m., you may join others in the Upper Hall to pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet for family, Church, our nation, world peace and your personal intentions. Social gathering in the Lower Hall is from 5:00 to 5:45 p.m. Dinner will be served before 6:00 p.m. The program for the evening will be a presentation by Program Director, Rick Martinek to Karen Feckler, Bud Campbell and Rose Drake for their generosity to our club. After the program, we will have a short business meeting. The dinner for the evening will be meat loaf, mashed potatoes, corn-on-the-cob and cobbler for dessert. The Refreshment Center will be open for additional libations. The cost of the dinner is $15.00 per person prepared and served by the staff of Home Plate. Seating will be 4 to a table. Please confirm to Russ Harrison by sending an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 501-922-1767 by 5:00 p.m. Sunday, September 12th, to reserve your place at the meeting.
Just a few words to thank all the participants at the 3rd Annual Men's Club Nine & Dine. First and foremost, thanks for coming out in the 90+ heat and supporting us. Big thanks to those who donated gifts for door prizes, and Greg Jones of Explore Restaurant Group for his gracious donation of the tax and gratuity for our meal. We had a great day, great meal and you all made it a day to be thankful for. Looking forward to next year!!
Mike Webster, President, Men's Club
Mike Webster, President, Men's Club
Suffering is a mystery we all suffer at some time in our lives. Whether it is physical, emotional or spiritual, it may test our faith. Jeff Cavins, an internationally known speaker, shares personally learned insights he gained through his own physical pain, in a fifty-five minute talk featured on FORMED. He shows us how we can join our sufferings with those of Jesus on the Cross, bringing renewed meaning to the suffering we experience in our lives. Listen to "15 Things To Do In The Midst Of Suffering" by this exciting speaker who has a deep love for Jesus Christ. There are 3 easy steps for new parishioners to sign up on FORMED:
1. Visit www.
2. Enter our parish zip code or name
3. Enter your name and email address
1. Visit www.
2. Enter our parish zip code or name
3. Enter your name and email address
The 3-week study on Mary Magdalene, Apostle to the Apostles will be repeated, this time via Zoom, on Tuesday, 7:00-8:00 p.m. on September 28. If you missed this intriguing class last round and/or are seeking to refresh your spirit and deepen your faith from the comfort of your own home, this might be just the right fit! For details, contact Mary Senander at 501-226-5690 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
The Diocese of Little Rock is starting to prepare for its next diaconate class, which will be ordained in 2028. Inquiry meetings will be held at seven locations this fall, with the closest being listed below.
Catholic men in good standing with the Church who will be at least 35 years old and probably not more than 60 years old by 2028, are invited to attend. The five-year diaconate formation program, which is scheduled to begin in the fall of 2023, will be explained.
The meetings will be presented in both English and Spanish. Men discerning a vocation to the permanent diaconate should attend one of these meetings:
*Sept. 12, St. John Center, Little Rock
*Sept. 13, Immaculate Conception Church, Fort Smith
*Sept. 20, St. Joseph Church, Pine Bluff
For more information, contact Deacon Mark Verkamp, associate director of permanent diaconate formation, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 479-965-6255. If you would like to talk or get additional information, you can contact Deacon Larry Lipsmeyer at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 501-922-3283 or Fr. Bill Elser at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 501-922-2062 ext/ 17.
Catholic men in good standing with the Church who will be at least 35 years old and probably not more than 60 years old by 2028, are invited to attend. The five-year diaconate formation program, which is scheduled to begin in the fall of 2023, will be explained.
The meetings will be presented in both English and Spanish. Men discerning a vocation to the permanent diaconate should attend one of these meetings:
*Sept. 12, St. John Center, Little Rock
*Sept. 13, Immaculate Conception Church, Fort Smith
*Sept. 20, St. Joseph Church, Pine Bluff
For more information, contact Deacon Mark Verkamp, associate director of permanent diaconate formation, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 479-965-6255. If you would like to talk or get additional information, you can contact Deacon Larry Lipsmeyer at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 501-922-3283 or Fr. Bill Elser at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 501-922-2062 ext/ 17.
This is a reminder that Sacred Heart is offering Electronic Giving. This means that you can make your donations on the internet. You can charge them to a credit card or directly to your bank account. Our hope is that it will make contributing easier for our parishioners. Simply follow these easy steps:
1. Visit the church website at
2. Locate the Give Online/IRA/Stocks link located on the home page, then:
3. Follow the onscreen instructions to create an online profile and to schedule your recurring contributions. The profile will include setting up a password and the credit card or bank account
you would like to charge. Subsequent visits will only require the password to enter.
4. On the next page will be all potential contributions, including our envelope contributions, with the option to select monthly, weekly or one-time frequencies. We recommend that your Regular and Building fund contributions be done monthly on the same date each month, preferably the 5th or
the 15th, to make it easier for accounting and to reduce charges to the Church. The envelope con-
tributions will all be listed along with the date on the envelpe. This will enable you, if you wish, to
schedule all of your contributions for the year at one time.
We recommend that you save the Giving Page in your Favorites to make it easier to access it going forward. If you have any questions please contact Larry Stein at 501-226-5105 or 501-204-9074.
1. Visit the church website at
2. Locate the Give Online/IRA/Stocks link located on the home page, then:
3. Follow the onscreen instructions to create an online profile and to schedule your recurring contributions. The profile will include setting up a password and the credit card or bank account
you would like to charge. Subsequent visits will only require the password to enter.
4. On the next page will be all potential contributions, including our envelope contributions, with the option to select monthly, weekly or one-time frequencies. We recommend that your Regular and Building fund contributions be done monthly on the same date each month, preferably the 5th or
the 15th, to make it easier for accounting and to reduce charges to the Church. The envelope con-
tributions will all be listed along with the date on the envelpe. This will enable you, if you wish, to
schedule all of your contributions for the year at one time.
We recommend that you save the Giving Page in your Favorites to make it easier to access it going forward. If you have any questions please contact Larry Stein at 501-226-5105 or 501-204-9074.
The next Arkansas Blood Institute Blood Drive supported by the Knights of Columbus and hosted by the Village United Methodist Church, 200 Carmona Road, is 8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. this Tuesday, September 7, 2021. The Drive will be inside the Hall (same one as pre-pandemic)! Please note: There is an urgent need of blood at this time. Also note - Masks will be required. Previous donors with email addresses have been sent an email reminder. New donors can contat Connie at 501-922-4891. Thank you, in advance, for sharing your "gift of life."
The Sacred Heart Rosary makers welcomes you to try your hand at making rosaries. It's fun and easy - just takes a little practice and creativity. We meet every Thursday morning in the A&E building after morning Mass. It's not necessary to come every week as most rosaries are made at home in our spare time but you do have to come for several weeks to learn how. Our rosaries are given free of charge and shipped worlwide to any group that request them. We also ship to schools, orphanages, hospitals, military and prisons. We are the only ministry in the church that goes beyond the borders of the United States. Call Marge Newburn with any questions at 591-922-9047.
The Parish of Sacred Heart would like to thank Tom and Jamie Henry, along with all their helpers, for providing us with all the delicious fruits and vegetables this year. They drive an hour and a half from Guy, AR on a weekly basis to provide us all with their fresh produce. We truly appreciate their efforts and hope to see them next year as well!