Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
BabyThe babies we "spiritually" adopted back in April, are due to be born January 12, 2015.  To welcome them into the world, we are planning a Parish Baby Shower.  All parishioners are invited to participate.

To participate, please purchase a baby item, and bring it to the church, UNWRAPPED, beginning Saturday, January 3, and no later than Monday, January 12.  Members of the Ladies of the Sacred Heart can consider their gift as "something extra" for January, and bring the gifts to the general meeting the morning of the 12th.

A display area will be set up in the narthex where the gifts can be left.  The donated items will be sorted, and then delivered to Catholic Adoption Services and local Pregnancy Help Centers in Hot Springs, Benton and Malvern, based on need.

Disposable diapers, all sizes, are always needed.  Also, crib sheets, blankets, clothing for preemies and just about anything else parents would need for a newborn baby.  Please remember NOT TO WRAP your gift.  A flyer, listing the specific needs of each agency, will be available in the narthex.  For information, call Edie Gray at 922-4694.
Religious EdBeginning Sunday, January 11, 2015, grades pre-K through fifth will begin meeting on Sunday mornings from 9:15 a.m. to 10:15 a.m.  The Junior High and High School classes will continue to meet on Wednesday at 6:00 p.m.  For information on the REY program, to register new students, or to volunteer as an aide or substitute, please call Terry Poldrack at 501-922-6095.
potluck2Sacred Heart Singles members will meet Monday, January 12, from 5:00 to 9:00 p.m. in the Lower Hall for Pot Luck and Games.  Join us and start the New Year with friends and neighbors.  The new 2015 event schedules will be available. Sign-up in the narthex, and call Ann Hooper with questions at 922-6963.
8 month fetusYour baby's face in now smooth and getting a little chubby, as baby is layering on fat stored over the next weeks in preparation for life outside the womb.  Most babies will have their bodies turned down by this time in preparation for birth.  If your baby were to be born now, (s)he would have a greater than 90 percent chance of survival.  Please continue to pray for this precious child of God!
More Than ChanceToward the end of the Christmas Season (Friday, January 9), we are going to offer to all, a crock pot supper and movie starting at 5:30 p.m. in the Lower Hall.  Please bring a crock pot of your favorite soup, stew or chili; or, some bread, cornbread or crackers; or, a dessert.  We will have a sign up for what you will bring this weekend and next in the narthex.  The movie, "More Than Chance" is inspired by a true story, and promises to be "The journey of a little girl with BIG faith." Let's come together for good food, fellowship and a movie in celebration of the end of the Christmas season.
New Years EveThe Knights of Columbus will again sponsor the New Year's Eve Party on December 31 in the Lower Hall.  Happy hour begins at 6:00 p.m. with dinner at 7:00 as catered by Home Plate.  Dancing to the Blue Velvet band at 8:00 p.m. will follow till the ball drop at 11:00 p.m. (midnight New York time).

Dinner will include appetizer of fruit cocktail followed by Caesar salad and rolls, prime rib, fresh asparagus, candied carrots and assorted desserts.  Party favors, champagne and all set-ups are provided; brink your drink of choice.  Dress is semi-formal.

Table reservations can be reserved through Russ Harrison at 922-1767.  Cost is $37.50 per person with checks made out to Knights of Columbus, and mailed to Russ Harrison, 38 Doscientos Circle, HSV, 71909, to be received by December 29. This event is open to everyone in the community, so reserve early, bring your friends and welcome in the new year, 2015.
Petit Jean spiral hamProduct brochures and order forms for succulent hams and related products will be available after weekend Masses through the weekend of December 20/21.  Pick-up date at the church is December 23.  Orders can also be shipped with deadline of December 12 for Christmas, respectively.  Detailed information with order forms is also availabe on the Knight's site  

Contact any member of the sales team:  Mike Welsh (915-8344), Ed Doyle (922-5771), Bill Nosek (915-9000), Tom Yerina (922-3062), Milt Spaniel (915-0148) and Bill Roe (915-9501).
Infancy Narratives of JesusDo you want to prepare yourself spiritually for Christmas this year?  Did you know that the stories connected with the birth of Jesus are found in only two of the four Gospels?  Did you know that the stories connected with the birth of Jesus are later, rather than earlier, additions to the Gospels as we have them?  Did you know that the stories connected with the birth of Jesus, though entailing only a small section of the Gospels of Matthew and Luke, are in fact the entire Gospel story in miniature?

We invite you to delve more deeply into the infancy narratives of Jesus by joing us at Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church for a four-week study of these fascinating and revealing stories starting the week of November 24-26 with the following options:

Mondays 9:45 a.m.
Tuesdays 9:45 a.m.
Wednesdays 6:00 p.m.

Meet inthe classroom section of the church after entering the bulding from our small, side parking lot.  People of all faith traditions are invited to join us.  The cost of materials is $13.  Please sign-up in the narthex.  A Bible will be needed, both in the class and in preparation for each session;  the last of which will be December 17.
reconciliationThe parish Advent Reconciliation Service will be held Wednesday, December 17, at 2:00 p.m. Priests will be available for individual reception of the Sacrament. Also, during Advent, Father Bill offers additional opportunites for the Sacrament of Reconciliation on Tuesdays from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m.  Fr. Bill be NOT be offering the Sacrament on Saturday, December 20, as he will be attending the ordination of Jack Sidler at Subiaco.

Additional opportunities for a Reconciliation Service are provided by St. Mary's Church in Hot Springs on Tuesday, December 16, at 6:00 p.m.  There will also be a Reconciliation Service at St. John's Church, Hot Springs, on Wednesday, December 17, at 6:00 p.m. and by Our Lady of Fatima Church in Benton on Thursday, December 18, at 6:30 p.m.
Six Month Unborn BabyThis month continues to be a period of rapid growth for your baby.  At 24 weeks, he can suck his thumb and hiccup, and his brain is developing rapidly. Fatty sheaths which transmit electrical impulses along nerves are forming.

If your baby is a girl, she will develop eggs in her ovaries during the month. Bones are becoming solid, and your baby is almost fully formed.  At her growth level, she cannot usually live outside the uterus without specialized care.

By the end of the sixth month, your baby will have grown to be 11 to 14 inches long and will weigh about one to one and one-half pounds.  Please continue to pray for this special child of God.
Altar Servers

Ray Bertrand needs volunteers to serve as Servers for all Masses. Please contact Ray at 501-922-9339 or 501-209-2769.
church library 1Check out our library!  Lots of new books for adults and children, video by Scott Hahn, and DVD sets: "The Reluctant Saint, Saint Francis," "Love is Faith" by Bishop Fulton J. Sheen and "Heaven is for Real."
Homeless for the HolidaysThe December movie "Homeless for the Holidays," starring Matt Moore and based on a true story, will be shown Friday, December 12, at 6:30 p.m. in the Lower Hall. Will family and faith be enough to bring joy when you're homeless for the holidays?  Come find out in this heartwarming movie and enjoy the popcorn, drinks and snacks that are available before the movie starts.
Bake Sale2The annual Ladies of the Sacred Heart Holiday Cookie Sale is coming!  After Masses on Saturday and Sunday, December 13 and December 14, there will be delicious and festive homemade cookies available to purchase in the classrooms of the Administration/Education hall.  We invite you to come and support our fundraiser while at the same time having Christmas cookies ready for the upcoming holiday.
bowlingWe have started our Fall bowling and are always looking for subs.  We have a fun time every Thursday at 2:00 p.m. at the Fiesta Bowl.  Please join us and/or call Ann Bowman at 922-6619 or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
ChristmascandleCome one, come all to the special Holiday Men's Club Party.  The Sacred Heart Men's Club will host their holiday Party and Dinner for their wives and guests on Tuesday, December 9.  This year this joyous event is open to all in the parish. A fun evening is planned with a special music program by the Fountain Lake High School Mixed Choir and other special music.  A fabulous dinner served at your table will include a salad, your choice of Prime Rib, Turkey or Pork Loin, a vegetable, twice-baked potato, rolls and assorted desserts.  This special evening of music, food and fun will start at 5:00 p.m. in the Lower Hall with social time, followed by dinner and then our special music program. The cost for this wonderful holiday party is $18 per person.  What a great way to start your holiday season with your friends.

Send your check to Don Glinka, 23 Delgado Way.  Make your check payable to Sacred Heart Men's Club.  Seating is limited and on a first-come basis.  Make your reservations early.  The dress code is "holiday casual."