St. Elizabeth's Guild will have their annual bake sale before and after all Masses on November 8/9. Items will include homemade cakes, breads, pies, candy and brownies. We will also have some sugarfree goodies. Proceeds from our bake sale provide food for those in need in our area. Please come and support our efforts.
The Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus Assembly 2316 will arrange for rides to and from the Polling Booths for the upcoming election. Rides will be provided, both for the early voting period which began October 20, as well as on Election Day, Tuesday, November 4.
If you want to vote but do not have a way to get to and from the Polling Booth, please contact Mike Kerwin at 922-1531 who will arrange a ride for you. You can also contack Mike if you are interested in participating in the program as a volunteer driver.
If you want to vote but do not have a way to get to and from the Polling Booth, please contact Mike Kerwin at 922-1531 who will arrange a ride for you. You can also contack Mike if you are interested in participating in the program as a volunteer driver.
Don't forgot to reset your clocks when you go to bed Saturday evening. We, once again,"fall behind" on Sunday, November 2, at 2:00 a.m! The time will go back to Standard Time until March when it will return to Daylight Savings Time.
All parishioners are invited to nominate one or more Sacred Heart members for election to the Pastoral Council Commissions: Education, Liturgy, Parish Life and Social Justice and Charitable Outreach. The election will take place on the weekend of November 8-9. Each elected parishioner will serve for two years and will be a liaison between his/her Commission and the Pastoral Council. Normally, the Commissions and the Council meet six times each year. Responsibilities of the four commissions are explained in this week's bulletin insert. Nomination forms and a ballot box are in the narthex. Questions about the nomination/election process can be directed to any member of the Election Committee: Ruth Wolfer at 922-3052, Mary Lou George at 922-0065 or Marvin Young at 915-8028.
The 40 Day for Life campaign began September 24 and continues until November 2. Our parish has committed to provide volunteers to pray at the Little Rock Family Planning Service, 4 Office Park Drive. We will be covering two hours on Tuesday, Octobet 21, from 12:00 to 2:00 p.m. and four hours on Saturday, October 25, from 12:00 to 4:00 p.m.
If you have never prayed and witnessed in public before, please consider joining us for one hour on either day. Many women have said that seeing the "prayer warriors" convinced them to "choose life" for their babies. Several abortion clinics have been close, and workers have been converted, since this now international campaign, began in 2004.
Prayerfully consider what God is calling us to do indiviually: pray for an end to abortion and for respect for all human life, from conception to natural death, wear a pro-life button, and take extras from the basket to share with family and friends, and say the rosary with pro-life meditations.
Stop by the Respect Life display table in the narthex for more information. Prayer cards are available. There is a sign-up sheet for the prayer vigil in Little Rock, just indicate if you would like a ride. For more complete information, go to website listed: If you have questions, please call Mary Costello at 922-3915.
If you have never prayed and witnessed in public before, please consider joining us for one hour on either day. Many women have said that seeing the "prayer warriors" convinced them to "choose life" for their babies. Several abortion clinics have been close, and workers have been converted, since this now international campaign, began in 2004.
Prayerfully consider what God is calling us to do indiviually: pray for an end to abortion and for respect for all human life, from conception to natural death, wear a pro-life button, and take extras from the basket to share with family and friends, and say the rosary with pro-life meditations.
Stop by the Respect Life display table in the narthex for more information. Prayer cards are available. There is a sign-up sheet for the prayer vigil in Little Rock, just indicate if you would like a ride. For more complete information, go to website listed: If you have questions, please call Mary Costello at 922-3915.
The Knights would like you to consider them when purchasing your Christmas cards. These exceptionally high quality cards are discounted over 40-60% off suggested retail price. Any proceeds over cost shall be used to help provide "Keep Christ in Christmas" billboard. The Christmas cards range in price from $8.50 to $12.50 per box, and will be available every weekend until October 26.
This year's Baby Bottle campaign begins October 4/5 when baby bottle will be distributed. Thank you for your wonderful support last year, totaling $6,072. These receipts were shared with the Pro-Life efforts of the Ultrasound Fund, the Respect Life Committee and Arkansas pregnancy centers. If you wish to participate in this life-saving campaign, please take a bably bottle home and return it with your generous contribution.
Tour the Clinton Library and enjoy viewing the wonderful blown glass of Dale Chihuly. We'll leave the church parking lot at 9:45 a.m. on Thursday, October 23, to travel to Little Rock. The admission cost is $5.00, and lunch at "42" is Dutch treat. Sign-up in the narthex, and call either Ann at 922-6963 or Eileen at 915-9229 with questions.
The last Fall VIRTUS training session will be held on Monday evening, October 20 from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. in the classroom area. If you are a new volunteer minister and have not attended a previous training session, you are required to attend to meet the bishop's directive. To register online, go to, select "Registration," then "Little Rock Diocese," and lastly, "Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church." Call Russ at 922-1767 with questions.
Your baby is growing muscle and getting stronger every day. He may have some hair on his head, including eyebrows and eyelashes. Your baby sleeps and wakes at regular intervals. He may suck his thumb, and he weighs roughly 11 ounces. This is a period of tremendous growth. Please continue to pray for this special child of God.
OREMUS is a program that teaches participants the use of the Bible in prayer which will begin during the week of September 29 at Sacred Heart and extend for eight weeks, ending the week of November 17. There will be one 60-90 minute meeting each week that will include a video presentation and discussion of the biblical texts selected for the week. There will be four groups gathering, each with its own facilitator. All meetings are held at Sacred Heart. These groups include:
Each participant will need a Bible and the OREMUS workbook; the workbooks cost $15 and will be distributed at the first meeting. Sign-up sheets will be in the narthex through September 21. Those who participated in the OREMUS last year are encouraged to repeat and deepen their experience of the program this fall. The workbook will be the same as the one used in 2013 when OREMUS was first offered. Those signing up for OREMUS for the first time should indicate on the sign-up sheet that they will need a workbook.
Paula Doyle | Mondays | 2:00 p.m. |
Karen Ruebush | Tuesdays | 9:45 a.m. |
Tom Canavan | Wednesdays | 6:00 p.m. |
Don Ritter | Thursdays | 9:45 a.m. |
Each participant will need a Bible and the OREMUS workbook; the workbooks cost $15 and will be distributed at the first meeting. Sign-up sheets will be in the narthex through September 21. Those who participated in the OREMUS last year are encouraged to repeat and deepen their experience of the program this fall. The workbook will be the same as the one used in 2013 when OREMUS was first offered. Those signing up for OREMUS for the first time should indicate on the sign-up sheet that they will need a workbook.
Have you discovered our library? We are always adding to our collection of books, tapes, DVDs and pamphlets. We have something for everyone. Whether you need children's stories or fiction/non-fiction for grownups, we have it. Large print books are also available. Stop in to see us, and sign-out whatever material is of interest to you.
Ummmm Good! Plan on attending this year's Fall Fest and Concert, Friday, October 17. Bring your family, friends and neighbors. Dinner will include salad, thick-sliced Petit Jean smoked ham, sweet potatoes, green beans and marble rye bread. There will be a variety of delicious homemade desserts prepared by the Ladies of the Sacred Heart. The dinner will be followed by fabulous entertainment featuring the Village Big Band.
Tickets are $15 per person, and will be sold before and after weekend Masses, September 13 through October 12. You can also opt to call ticket chairman Bob Bowman at 922-6619.
Doors will open in Sacred Heart's Lower Hall for social time at 5:00 p.m. with dinner served at 5:45 p.m. Bring your appetite for good food, delightful music and lots of fun. See you there!
Tickets are $15 per person, and will be sold before and after weekend Masses, September 13 through October 12. You can also opt to call ticket chairman Bob Bowman at 922-6619.
Doors will open in Sacred Heart's Lower Hall for social time at 5:00 p.m. with dinner served at 5:45 p.m. Bring your appetite for good food, delightful music and lots of fun. See you there!
The Knights of Columbus Council will conduct its annual campaign with Tootsie Rolls given as a 'thank you" at the five Village gates, Cranford's and Walmart on Friday, October 10, and at the gates only on Saturday morning, October 11. To save parishioners a special trip to one of these locations to donate, Knights will also be available at weekend Masses, October 11/12. Checks should be made payable to Knights of Columbus.
The Caring Place in Hot Springs, for people with dementia or Alzheimer's, has been added as a beneficiary this year with 85% of the net proceeds divided among it and First Step, Abilities Unlimited, Special Olympics of Arkansas and Camps for the Blind. Fifteen percent of funds donated does go to the State Council for its charity, The Arc Arkansas in Little Rock. All of the money will stay in Arkansas. A complete financial report of the campaign will be shared with parishioners in late October. Thanks for helping to make this campaign a success.
The Caring Place in Hot Springs, for people with dementia or Alzheimer's, has been added as a beneficiary this year with 85% of the net proceeds divided among it and First Step, Abilities Unlimited, Special Olympics of Arkansas and Camps for the Blind. Fifteen percent of funds donated does go to the State Council for its charity, The Arc Arkansas in Little Rock. All of the money will stay in Arkansas. A complete financial report of the campaign will be shared with parishioners in late October. Thanks for helping to make this campaign a success.
Please plan to join us in prayer on October 11 at 12:00 noon at the grassy field behind Murphy's Gas Station in from of Walmart on Highway 7 as we pray the Rosary to Our Lady of Fatima for the intention of our country, our Religious Freedom and the Culture of Life. Bring your Rosary, chair, umbrella (for the sun), water and your friends. Join with over 12,000 other gatherings worldwide as we life each other up in prayer to Mother Mary.