Helping Hands is in need of drivers to transport parishioners to ALL weekend Masses. We particularly need those who regularly attend Mass on Saturday evening to consider offering rides to those who are no longer able to drive themselves. Many of our requests come from long time parishioners who live nearer to the west end or center of the Village, and who feel more able later in the day. If you can give someone a most welcome opportunity to attend Mass by driving him/her on a regular basis, please call Helping Hands Coordinators Cathy Wedwick (915-8456) or Pat Widlowski (922-1395).
The Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus is sponsoring a dinner-dance to be held on Saturday, December 6, 2014 in the parish hall. All parishioners and their guests are invited to attend.
Social will begin at 5:00 p.m. with dinner served at the individual table at 6:00 p.m. The dinner entree is a choice of Chateaubriand with burgundy sauce, pork with apricot glaze or roast turkey with gravy. Potatoes au gratin, asparagus, rolls and Caesar salad will complete the dinner. There will be a choice of assorted desserts with coffee and tea.
Dancing to the sounds of disc jockey Monica Morgan will follow dinner. A donation bar will be provided. Dress code is "after 5" and cost is $25 per person. Reservations can be made by calling Russ Harrison at 922-1767 to reserve a table or a ticket. Checks should be made out to the Knights of Columbus and mailed to Russ Harrison, 38 Doscientos Circle, HSV. If you are reserving a table, please indicate the number of those attending. Deadline for reservations is Wednesday, December 3.
Social will begin at 5:00 p.m. with dinner served at the individual table at 6:00 p.m. The dinner entree is a choice of Chateaubriand with burgundy sauce, pork with apricot glaze or roast turkey with gravy. Potatoes au gratin, asparagus, rolls and Caesar salad will complete the dinner. There will be a choice of assorted desserts with coffee and tea.
Dancing to the sounds of disc jockey Monica Morgan will follow dinner. A donation bar will be provided. Dress code is "after 5" and cost is $25 per person. Reservations can be made by calling Russ Harrison at 922-1767 to reserve a table or a ticket. Checks should be made out to the Knights of Columbus and mailed to Russ Harrison, 38 Doscientos Circle, HSV. If you are reserving a table, please indicate the number of those attending. Deadline for reservations is Wednesday, December 3.
Members and guests can sign-up for the December get-together at Diamante Country Club on Saturday, December 6, at 12:00 noon. The cost will be $20 cash at the door, which includes a buffet and entertainment. A cash bar will also be available. Please, no cancellations after Monday, December 1. Sign-up in the narthex. Call Ann with questions at 922-6963.
The AARP Driver Safety class will meet on Thursday, December 4, from 12:30 to 5:00 p.m. in the Upper Hall of the church. The sign-up sheet is in the hallway of the Administration and Education Building. Bring your driver's license and AARP card, along with a check made payable to AARP: $15 each for AARP members and $20 each for non-members. Call Gene Widlowski at 922-5170 with questions.
The third annual Parish memorial Mass will take place on Thursday, December 4, at 10:00 a.m. (Please note there will be no 9:00 a.m. Mass that day.) The Mass will be followed by a reception with refreshments in the Lower Hall. This Mass will remember and pray for our parishioners, as well as the loved ones of our parishioners who died since our last Parish memorial Mass in November, 2013. We will lift-up to the Lord in prayer all who are grieving the loss of a loved one. All parishioners are invited and encouraged to participate in this Mass and light a small candle in front of the sanctuary that represents your deceased loved one. Please join us for this special Mass.
Due to Thanksgiving occuring later this year, the Angel Tree will be in the narthex the weekend of November 22 and November 23. Each angel on the Angel Tree in the narthex represents a gift for a child in one of the needy families receiving a Christmas Basket. The angel has the child's age, gender, size and a suggested article of clothing. Please select one or more angels from the tree. If you choose to purchase more than one gift, please take additional angels with one gift per angel. Each child has three angels. After the gifts are purchased and wrapped, please tape the angel firmly to the present and return it to the Angel Tree. Please place on the side of the angel with only the age and gender facing up. All gifts must be placed under the three no later than December 7 in order for families to received their gifts before Christmas. Donations can also be made to the Village Outreach Shoe Fund as each child in the receiving families will also receive a certificate for a pair of shoes. Checks should be made payable to Sacred Heart Church, with the notation of "Shoe Fund" included. Place your Shoe Fund donations in the box located on the cabinet in the hallway. Thank you for your generous support!
. . .you could talk with someone about your loss? Or that there was a safe place to be with others who had suffered the loss of a loved one and just share what worked for you and what you still struggle with? There is such a place! We will begin a Grief Support Group here at Sacred Heart in the Library on Thursday mornings, at 10:00 a.m. beginning on October 16th. There will be 7 sessions facilitated by Deacon John and each one will last approximately one and a half hours. The size of the group is limited so if you wish to attend, please make a reservation by calling Deacon John at 226-5506 or 226-9035.
Our Village Interfaith Council Thanksgiving Worship Service is scheduled for Tuesday, November 25, at Holy Trinity Episcopal Church at 2:00 p.m. The church is located at Barcelona and Carmona Roads. Rabbi Sheldon Kleinman will be the main preacher. In spite of the evil in our world today, let us join together in prayer as a community to thank Our Lord for his many blessings. He continues to provide for us.
All Adorers, subs and their spouses are invited to our first Anniversary Dinner celebrating the success of our entire year of Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration at Sacred heart on November 17, 2014.
We will start with a Mass at 5:00 p.m. (to which all of our parish family is invited), and then retire to the Lower Hall for a delicious catered dinner. Beer and wine will be provided or you can bring your favorite beverage. (Unfortunately, size limitations prevents us from inviting our whole parish family to the dinner). This event will be a special thank you for all the adorers, subs and their spouses for their didication, support and prayers this past year.
Our special guest will be Bishop Taylor. Thank you for sending, and please keep sending in, your pledges for our Spiritual Bouquet for the Bishop.
Please be sure to sign the sign-up sheets in the narthex according to Morning, Afternoon, Evening and Late Night divisions, and please indicate your hour of Adoration (or if you are a sub) on the sign-up sheets. We will attempt to sit you with your team and/or division to encourage everyone to get to know each other better. If you have questions, please call Paula Doyle at 922-5771 or transmit an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Anyone interested in offering personal testimony that night about their experience with PEA or in thanksgiving should also advise Paula.
We will start with a Mass at 5:00 p.m. (to which all of our parish family is invited), and then retire to the Lower Hall for a delicious catered dinner. Beer and wine will be provided or you can bring your favorite beverage. (Unfortunately, size limitations prevents us from inviting our whole parish family to the dinner). This event will be a special thank you for all the adorers, subs and their spouses for their didication, support and prayers this past year.
Our special guest will be Bishop Taylor. Thank you for sending, and please keep sending in, your pledges for our Spiritual Bouquet for the Bishop.
Please be sure to sign the sign-up sheets in the narthex according to Morning, Afternoon, Evening and Late Night divisions, and please indicate your hour of Adoration (or if you are a sub) on the sign-up sheets. We will attempt to sit you with your team and/or division to encourage everyone to get to know each other better. If you have questions, please call Paula Doyle at 922-5771 or transmit an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Anyone interested in offering personal testimony that night about their experience with PEA or in thanksgiving should also advise Paula.
The Knights of Columbus will once again be serving breakfast on Sunday, November 16. All parishioners, friends and neighbors are invited. The menu will consist of biscuits and gravy with sausage, scrambled eggs, hash browns and juice, coffee or milk. Come join us for a delicious breakfast with good friends, good food and great conversation. We'll be ready to serve you after each of the two Sunday Masses. Breakfast is still $6.00 a plate, and as always, kids eat free. Proceeds go to help fund the many Knights' charitable activities.
The monthly movie in the Lower Hall on the big screen is coming Friday, November 14, at 6:30 p.m. and is entitled "Ring the Bell." One review calls this movie "Amazing . . . there's nothing better than love, forgiveness and grace." It's a sports story where 'win at all costs' does not prevail. "Ring the Bell" stars Ryan Scharoun, Ashley Anderson and features Christian music artists from Casting Crowns, Stephen Curtis Chapman and Matthew West. Popcorn, drinks and other snacks will be served.
The next Red Cross Blood Drive supported by the Knights of Columbus and hosted by the Village United Methodist Church at 200 Carmona Road, is from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 11. Previous donors at this site with e-mail addresses have been sent an e-mail reminder. New donors can go to for detailed information and to schedule an appointment. Contact John Bodensteiner with questions, or be placed on an e-mail reminder list. Call 915-0339 or e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Thanks for sharing your "Gift of Life."
The Knights of Columbus will hold their annual Memorial Mass and dinner on Friday, November 7. (Please note that, due to a conflict, this is a departure from the usual Tuesday schedule for this event.) The evening will be a celebration of the lives of our deceased brother Knights. As always, their widows will be in attendance as our guest and will share in this special time of prayer and fellowship.
Father Bill will celebrate Mass at 5:00 p.m. We will then proceed to the Lower Hall for social time, dinner and a short program. The dinner menu includes Caesar salad with rolls, beef tri-tips with burgundy mushroom sauce, twice-baked potatoes, vegetable medley and dessert.
Tickets for this event cost $18 per person, $36 per couple. We also encourage you to sponsor one or more widows at $18 each and offer transportation, if needed. Send your check to Ed Doyle at 10 Vecilla Lane, HSV, AR 71909, payable to the Knights of Columbus.
Dress for this function is coat and tie, tuxedo for Knights. Please plan to attend and join us in remembering our deceased brothers.
Father Bill will celebrate Mass at 5:00 p.m. We will then proceed to the Lower Hall for social time, dinner and a short program. The dinner menu includes Caesar salad with rolls, beef tri-tips with burgundy mushroom sauce, twice-baked potatoes, vegetable medley and dessert.
Tickets for this event cost $18 per person, $36 per couple. We also encourage you to sponsor one or more widows at $18 each and offer transportation, if needed. Send your check to Ed Doyle at 10 Vecilla Lane, HSV, AR 71909, payable to the Knights of Columbus.
Dress for this function is coat and tie, tuxedo for Knights. Please plan to attend and join us in remembering our deceased brothers.
Each year Sacred Heart delivers food to the needy families in the Fountain Lake, Jessieville and Mountain Pine areas for the holidays. Last year we delivered 44 baskets for Christmas alone. The donated food is purchased with funds given by Sacred Heart parishioners. Without your donations, we would not be able to help those families.
Donations to help purchase food for the baskets can be made at a special collection the weekend of November 8/9. There will be a second collection at Mass . . . Just put your check in the colection basket. If you miss this opportunity, you can also mail your donation to Jim Schmidt, 2 Certero Circle. Please make your check payable to Sacred Heart and on the memo line, please write "basket program." This is necessary to identify the basket donations from the general church donations.
According to the United States Census, approximately 25% of the children in our area live in poverty. So, thank you for your generous donations in the past. Please continue to help us to help our less fortunate neighbors!
Donations to help purchase food for the baskets can be made at a special collection the weekend of November 8/9. There will be a second collection at Mass . . . Just put your check in the colection basket. If you miss this opportunity, you can also mail your donation to Jim Schmidt, 2 Certero Circle. Please make your check payable to Sacred Heart and on the memo line, please write "basket program." This is necessary to identify the basket donations from the general church donations.
According to the United States Census, approximately 25% of the children in our area live in poverty. So, thank you for your generous donations in the past. Please continue to help us to help our less fortunate neighbors!