The Sacred Heart Singles Lunch Bunch members will travel to Little Rock on Sunday, May 31, for a buffet dinner and to witness the play, "The Church Basement Ladies." Those attending will leave the Fuel Stop parking area at 10:00 a.m. Cost is $32 for the dinner and play, along with $5 to help reimburse the driver for gas. Sign-up in the narthex, and call Ann at 922-6963 with questions.
The Knights of Columbus Councils in Hot Springs Village and Hot Springs are once again sponsoring a four-person scramble benefit Golf Tournament for St. John's School in Hot Springs on Saturday, July 18, at the Magellan Golf Course in the Village with optional tee times of 8:00 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. This tournament includes a separate ladies flight for the morning tee time, and will pay prizes in four places of each flight. Additional prizes can be won on special holes throughout the course.
The $85 fee covers 18 holes of golf, cart, range balls, and a delicious barbeque rib dinner cooked by Chuck Wagon Joe Giompoletti. You can sign up as a single or as a complete team. Registration forms are available on the long table in the narthex, or you can call Hans Purkott at 501-623-8263 or Ralph Melenson at 915-0303 to get signed up to play.
The $85 fee covers 18 holes of golf, cart, range balls, and a delicious barbeque rib dinner cooked by Chuck Wagon Joe Giompoletti. You can sign up as a single or as a complete team. Registration forms are available on the long table in the narthex, or you can call Hans Purkott at 501-623-8263 or Ralph Melenson at 915-0303 to get signed up to play.
May 25 of every year is designated as National Missing Children's Day; and, this year, that date is Memorial Day. Take a few minutes and visit the website and read about 25 ways to make children safer. Please pray for all missing children and their families - every day.
Sacred Heart members raising a partition wall at the Habitat For Humanity house on May 5/6, 2015. |
All Helping Hands volunteers are invited to our fourth annual Appreciation Dinner on Monday, June 15, 2015 in the Lower Hall. We will meet at 5:30 p.m., and dinner will be served at 6:00 p.m. as catered by Richard's Catering. You are welome to bring a spouse/guest, and we ask that you PRINT all names and the total number in you party on the sign-up sheet.
The sign-up sheet is located on top of the cabinet under the Helping Hands slot in the hallway of the Administration and Education building. Call Cathy Wedwick with any questions at 915-8456.
So that we can get an accurate count of those who plan to attend, we need the names and numbers no later than Sunday, June 7.
Please join us to celebrate all the good things you do for Sacred Heart of Jesus parishioners - even if it has just been to wait for the call!
The sign-up sheet is located on top of the cabinet under the Helping Hands slot in the hallway of the Administration and Education building. Call Cathy Wedwick with any questions at 915-8456.
So that we can get an accurate count of those who plan to attend, we need the names and numbers no later than Sunday, June 7.
Please join us to celebrate all the good things you do for Sacred Heart of Jesus parishioners - even if it has just been to wait for the call!
Please help support our young people in their efforts to attend the Steubenville Conference this summer by purchasing delicious baked goods the weekend of May 23/24. There will be a variety of items to choose from, and all proceeds will help defray Conference costs. We have a great group of dedicated students who are ambassadors of our faith and our parish. Come and meet them when you shop!
We are also planning a car wash next month, and we guarantee the cleanest cars in the Village! Watch the bulletin for more news.
We are also planning a car wash next month, and we guarantee the cleanest cars in the Village! Watch the bulletin for more news.
Members of the Knights of Columbus will meet Tuesday, May 19, at the Balboa Pavilion at 5:00 p.m. for their annual spring picnic. Smokin' in Style will be catering beef brisket, pulled pork, sausage, potato salad, beans and cole slaw. Soft drinks, lemonade and ice tea will be provided. Beer and wine will be available for the usual donations. Cost is $10 a plate. Contact Bill Nosek at 915-9000 or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for Milt Spaniel to confirm your reservations by May 18.
May VIRTUS training sessions will be offered on Monday evening, May 18, from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. in the A & E classroom. If you are a new volunteer minister and have not attended a previous training session, you are required to attend a VIRTUS session to meet the bishop's directive that all volunteer ministers be in compliance with this diocesan program.
To register on line, go to, select "registration" then "Little Rock Diocese" and "Sacred Heart of Jesus at Hot Springs Village;" select the date and follow instructions. Any questions, call Russ Harrison at 922-1767.
To register on line, go to, select "registration" then "Little Rock Diocese" and "Sacred Heart of Jesus at Hot Springs Village;" select the date and follow instructions. Any questions, call Russ Harrison at 922-1767.
EVER WISH. . . . .
You could just talk with someone about your loss? Or that there was a safe place to be with others who had suffered the loss of a loved one and just share what worked for you and what you still struggle with? There is such a place! We will begin a Grief Support Group here at Sacred Heart in the Library on Tuesday mornings, at 10:00 a.m. beginning on May 5th. There will be 6 sessions facilitated by Deacon John and each one will last approximately one and a half hours. If you know someone that is grieving and could use support, anyone, they don't have to be a parishioner, invite them to attend. The size of the group is limited so if you wish to attend, please make a reservation by calling Deacon John at 226-5506 or 226-9035.
You could just talk with someone about your loss? Or that there was a safe place to be with others who had suffered the loss of a loved one and just share what worked for you and what you still struggle with? There is such a place! We will begin a Grief Support Group here at Sacred Heart in the Library on Tuesday mornings, at 10:00 a.m. beginning on May 5th. There will be 6 sessions facilitated by Deacon John and each one will last approximately one and a half hours. If you know someone that is grieving and could use support, anyone, they don't have to be a parishioner, invite them to attend. The size of the group is limited so if you wish to attend, please make a reservation by calling Deacon John at 226-5506 or 226-9035.
Sign-up for a one-day course scheduled for May 14, from 12:30 to 5:00 p.m. The sign-up sheet is in the A & E Hallway. Bring your driver's license and AARP card, along with a check, payable to AARP for $15 each. If you are not an AARP member, the cost is $20 each. Call Gene Widlowski at 922-5170 with questions.
The next Red Cross Blood Drive supported by the Knights of Columbus and hosted by the Village United Methodist Church, 200 Carmona Road, is 8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m., Tuesday, May 12. Previous donors at this site with email addresses have been sent an email reminder. New donors can go to for detailed information and to schedule an appointment. Contact John Bodensteiner with questions or to be placed on an email reminder list (915-0330 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). Thanks in advance for sharing your "gift of life."
The first outing is scheduled for Thursday, May 7, when we will meet in the church parking lot to travel to Scott and Keo, Arkansas. Be there no later than 9:30 a.m. For more information, please see the related insert in our Singles notebook in the narthex near the entrance doors. (Exciting tip: Cotham is the home of Hubcap Hamburgers)! Sign-up in the narthex.
The movie night has been rescheduled for Thursday, May 7. The movie shown will be "The Way." The Way is a powerful and inspirational story about family, friends and the challenges we face while navigating this ever-changing and complicated world. Martin Sheen plays Tom, an irascible American doctor who comes to France to deal with the tragic loss of his son (played by Emilio Estevez). Rather than return home, Tom decides to embark on the historical pilgrimage "The Way of St. James" to honor his son's desire to finish the journey. What Tom doesn't plan on is the profound impact this trip will have on him. Through unexpected and oftentimes amusing experiences along "The Way," Tom discovers the difference between "the life we live and the life we choose."
The movie will begin at 5:30 p.m., and popcorn will be available along with assorted refreshments. Come and enjoy an evening at the movies.
The movie will begin at 5:30 p.m., and popcorn will be available along with assorted refreshments. Come and enjoy an evening at the movies.