Get your old cards and dessert recipes out because it's a new Hand and Foot season. Easy to play, easy to learn and always fun. See old friends, meet new people, enjoy the fellowship and refreshments. Players need not be just married couples - can be single women or men who team up with a partner. Play begins in September, and we need your commitment by August 17. Call Cathy or Jerry Bertrand at 204-9088 for more information about this activity.
Farmer Tom, the Guy, AR. produce man and his helpers have returned to provide excellent produce for us during the growing season. Right now Arkansas peaches are plentiful and last week he brought green beans, squash, tomatoes, blackberries and grapes. They will be parked under the portico, in front of church, every Tuesday from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Don't hesitate to tell your friends and neighbors (whether they are Catholic or not). See you there!
On Wednesday, August 12, we invite Brother and Sir Knights, wives, and any prospective new members or guests, to attend a Special Mass celebrating the 163rd birthday of our founder, the Venerable Father Michael J. McGivney. The Mass will begin at 5:00 p.m. There will be a short fim honoring the life of Father McGivney that will be shown in the Lower Hall immediately following Mass. Pizza, along with tea and soft drinks, will be served afterwards. Please make arrangements to be at this very special Mass and honor the memory of this great priest.
As the summer moves on, we are looking toward the start of our Religious Education offerings for our adults and youth. Right now we are in need of a Confirmation teacher to prepare three of our students for that Sacrament every Wednesday evening from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. starting in September. Teaching experience is desired, but not necessary.
Please contact Father Bill at 209-2502 if you are interested.
Please contact Father Bill at 209-2502 if you are interested.
Your baby will be completely formed by the end of this third month. He may have begun moving his hands, legs, and head - and opening his mouth. Your baby's fingers and toes are now more distinct and have soft nails. Hair has started to form on his head, and his head is quite large compared to the rest of his body. By the end of the month, the unbilical cord, which carries nutrients to your baby and takes waste away, will be fully formed. Please continue to pray for this special child of God.
The Sacred Heart Youth sincerely thank all parishioners for their help in funding our upcoming trip to the Steubenville Conference in Springfield, Missouri. The Conference will bring young Catholics from all over mid-America to join together in praise and worhip, and in kindling the fire of the Holy Spirit in their hearts. We are very grateful for your support of the Bake Sale and the Car Wash, and for your generous donations.
The Sacred Heart Singles will meet on Monday, August 10, from 5:00 to 9:00 p.m. in the Lower Hall for a Salad Supper and Bingo. You will need to bring $1.25 and a can of ready to eat soup for Jackson House plus your favorite covered dish. Sign-up in the narthex. Please call Ann at 922-6963 for questions.
The Sacred Heart SIngles will carpool from the church parking lot on Thursday, July 30, at 10:30 a.m. and head to Hot Springs Village to lunch at Jay's on Grand Avenue. Sign-up in the narthex. Please call Ann for questions at 922-6963.
Your adopted Unborn Baby is now two months old and is less than an inch long. By the end of the second month, all of your baby's major body organs and body systems, including the brain, lungs, liver and stomach, have begun to develop. The first bone cells appear during this time. Eyelids form and grow but remain sealed shut. The inner ear is forming. Ankles, toes, wrists, fingers and sexual organs are developing. At the end of the second month of pregnancy, your baby looks like a tiny human infant. Please continue to pray for this special child of God.
July VIRTUS training session will be offered on Monday evening, July 20, from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. in an A & E classroom. If you are a new volunteer minister and have not attended a previous training session, you are required to attend to meet the bishop's directive that all volunteer ministers be in compliance with this diocesan program. Check out website, select "registration," then "Little Rock Diocese" and "Sacred Heart of Jesus at Hot Springs Village," select the date and follow instructions. Any questions, call Russ Harrison at 922-1767.
Let's play 18 holes of golf at the Magellan Golf Course in Hot Springs Village, and help support St. John's Catholic School. There are two tee times: 8:00 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. on Saturday, July 18, 2015. This tournament is open to all registered players. One morning flight will be reserved for Ladies Teams. In the afternoon women and men will be flighted together. Father George is looking for players to join him in his foursome.
The by-ticketed Barbeque will be served starting 11.45 a.m. at the Balboa Pavilion for both the finishing morning golfers and the 1:30 p.m. tee time starting golfers. Hamburgers cooked to order will be available for the finishing afternoon golfers.
This tournament is sponsored by the Knights of Columbus. To register, please contact Hans Purkott at 501-623-8263 or Ralph Melenson of our parish at 915-0303. The entry fee is $85 person/$340 per team which includes the tickets for Joe Giompoletti's Famous Rib Barbeque and Hamburger Meals with all the trimmings.
The by-ticketed Barbeque will be served starting 11.45 a.m. at the Balboa Pavilion for both the finishing morning golfers and the 1:30 p.m. tee time starting golfers. Hamburgers cooked to order will be available for the finishing afternoon golfers.
This tournament is sponsored by the Knights of Columbus. To register, please contact Hans Purkott at 501-623-8263 or Ralph Melenson of our parish at 915-0303. The entry fee is $85 person/$340 per team which includes the tickets for Joe Giompoletti's Famous Rib Barbeque and Hamburger Meals with all the trimmings.
The next Red Cross Blood Drive supported by the Knights of Columbus and hosted by the Village United Methodist Church, 200 Carmona Road, is 8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Tuesday, July 14. Previous donors at this site with email addresses have been sent an email reminder. New donors can go to for detailed information and to schedule an appointment. Contact John Bodensteiner with questions or to be placed on an email reminder list (915-0339 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). Thanks in advance for sharing your "gift of life."
The Sacred Heart Singles will meet in the Lower Hall on Monday, July 13, from 5:00 to 9:00 p.m. for a potluck dinner, with games following. Bring your friends and neighbors. All are welcome. Come and join the fun. SIgn-up in the narthex. For questions, call Ann at 922-6963.
Members of our parish family have an opportunity again this year to "spiritually" adopt a child who is newly-conceived in the month of April. You see, not all newly-conceived babies are allowed to be born. In fact, almost 4,000 babies lost their lives to abortion each day. It is these babies, who are in danger of having their lives ended before birth, that you are being asked to "adopt".
Prayer commitment cards willbe available after all Masses the weekend of April 11/12. You can "adopt" a child individually or as a family. You will be asked to name the child for whom you will be praying, thereby giving the child the humanity he or she deserves. Just say a short prayer each day for nine months, for your unborn child and for all the unborn children.
You will receive monthly reports describing your baby's develpment, and your child will be born in January, 2016. At that time we will have a baby shower and all Sacred Heart of Jesus parishioners will be invited to bring gifts which will be donated to local Pregnancy Centers.
Prayer commitment cards willbe available after all Masses the weekend of April 11/12. You can "adopt" a child individually or as a family. You will be asked to name the child for whom you will be praying, thereby giving the child the humanity he or she deserves. Just say a short prayer each day for nine months, for your unborn child and for all the unborn children.
You will receive monthly reports describing your baby's develpment, and your child will be born in January, 2016. At that time we will have a baby shower and all Sacred Heart of Jesus parishioners will be invited to bring gifts which will be donated to local Pregnancy Centers.
The annual Fortnight for Freedoom, a nationwide event focusing on prayer, education and action, will be held June 21 to July 4. This year, the theme: "Freedom to Bear Witness" will be highligted. It is based on a talk Archbishop Lori gave at a workshop on religious freedom at Mount St. Mary's University in Emmitsburg, MD in 2014. "Keeping the spirit of the Gospel means that Catholic institutions are to bear wirness in love to the full truth about the human person by providing social, charitable and educational services in a manner that fully reflects the God-given dignity of the human person," said Archbishop Lori, chairman of the U.S. Bishop's Ad Hoc Committee for Religious Liberty.