The Sacred Heart Singles will be meeting for a special pre-holiday luncheon at Diamante Country Club on December 5, from 12:00 to 2:00 p.m. Sign-up in the narthex before December 1, and contact Elaine Reynolds at 922-6850 or Jean Dobes at 915-0712 with questions. A luncheon will be served for $20 per plate, and those attending are asked to pay in cash, with exact change. A cash bar will also be available. Please join us as we look forward to seeing you there! Remember to sign-up before December 1.
Before and after the Masses on the weekend of December 5/6, the Knights of Columbus will be selling Solidarity Crosses. These crosses were made in Bethlehem of olive wood. This project is in support of persecuted Christians in the Middle East. These crosses are to be sold for $10 each, with the net proceeds of the sale ($5) being given to the Christian Refugee Relief Fund. To educate yourself more on the crisis for Christians in the Middle East, log on to
The Fourth Annual Parish Memorial Mass will be celebrated on Thursday, December 3, at 9:00 a.m. This Mass will remember in a special way, not only our parishioners who died since December of last year, but also family members of parishioners who died outside the Village and whose funeral services were held elsewhere. All parishioners are invited to this Mass as we lift up these deceased persons to the Lord and pray for comfort and strength to those who have experienced the loss of a spouse, family member, or close friend.
There will be a reception with sweets and drinks immediatedly after Mass in the Lower Hall. Those who have deceased family members are asked to come early to sign a special book with the name(s) of your loved one(s) and to light a candle for them which will be placed on a table for this Mass.
There will be a reception with sweets and drinks immediatedly after Mass in the Lower Hall. Those who have deceased family members are asked to come early to sign a special book with the name(s) of your loved one(s) and to light a candle for them which will be placed on a table for this Mass.
AARP Driver Safety Program will be held Thursday, December 3 from 12:30 to 5:00 p.m. in the Upper Hall of the church. Sign-up for this one-day course in the A & E building hallway. Bring your driver's license and AARP card, along with a check , payable to AARP for $15 each for AARP members and $20 each for non-members. Call Gene Widlowski with questions at 922-5170.
Each angel on the Angel Tree in the narthex represents a gift for a child in one of the families in need who will receive a Christmas Basket. The angel has the child's age, gender, size and a suggested article of clothing. Please select one or more angels from the tree. If you choose to purchase more than one gift, please take additional angels with one gift per angel. Each child has four angels. After the gifts are purchased and wrapped, please tape the angel firmly to the present and return it to the Angel Tree. Please place the side of the angel with only the age and gender facing up. All gifts must be placed under the tree no later than December 6 in order for families to receive their gifts.
Donations can also be made to the Village Outreach Shoe Fund. Each child in the families receiving a Christmas Basket will also receive a certificate for a pair of shoes. Please make checks payable to Sacred Heart Church, with the notation "shoe fund," and place the donation in the box located on the cabinet in the A & E building hallway. Thank you for your generous support of our Sacred Heart Holiday Basket Program.
Donations can also be made to the Village Outreach Shoe Fund. Each child in the families receiving a Christmas Basket will also receive a certificate for a pair of shoes. Please make checks payable to Sacred Heart Church, with the notation "shoe fund," and place the donation in the box located on the cabinet in the A & E building hallway. Thank you for your generous support of our Sacred Heart Holiday Basket Program.
The new Liaisons to the Pastoral Council for 2016 are as follows:
Thank you to each nominee who participated in this election and to parishioners for your votes. Regardless of outcome, we are all winners, for through your participation as nominees and voters, you have taken an interest in Sacred Heart Community. You are urged to continue in this positive and fulfilling path by volunteering in support of a Commission.
Rose Harrigan | Education |
Renee Steinpreis | Liturgy |
Anna Suttor | Parish Life |
Bill Gribbon | Social Justice & Charitable Outreach |
Thank you to each nominee who participated in this election and to parishioners for your votes. Regardless of outcome, we are all winners, for through your participation as nominees and voters, you have taken an interest in Sacred Heart Community. You are urged to continue in this positive and fulfilling path by volunteering in support of a Commission.
It's that time of year again! The Knights of Columbus are proud to partner with Petit Jean Meats to offer their various ham and turkey products just in time of the holidays. There is a brochure with order forms in this bulletin or, we will have two tables set up the next two weekends to take orders. You can order on November 14/15 or November 21/22, before or after weekend Masses. All proceeds go to buy Christmas gifts for children in need in our area. Thank you for your support!
This year there are two celebrations for our second year of Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration (PEA). Morning and Afternon Adorers will meet on Sunday, November 15, and Evening and Late Night Adorers will meet Sunday, November 22. On each Sunday there will be Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament at 3:00 p.m., followed by an hour of Adoration for all adorers and Benediction in the main church at 4:00 p.m. A Wine and Cheese Social follows. Subs can choose which Sunday to attend, and all parishioners are also invited. We hope everyone can attend to welcome the new adorers who joined us this fall. If you have questions, please call Paula Doyle at 922-5771. See you there!
The United State Conference of Catholic Bishops has declared November 15-21 as National Bible Week for Catholics across the United States. This is a wonderful opportunity for us to celebrate the importance of the Word of God in the life of our communities. The theme The Bible: A Book for the Family serves as a reminder that God wants to live with us in our homes and speak to us through this gift of the Bible. The Little Rock Scripture Study has a week of very concise and insightful reflection for your use. Please click here for the link to access a brief reflection for each day of the week, in English or Spanish.
What an amazing response to our Special Collection last weekend. Thank you, Sacred Heart! If you missed the special collection, contributions to help purchase food for the holiday baskets can be made by mailing donations to Jim Schmidt, 2 Certero Circle, HSV. Please make your check payable to Sacred Heart and on the memo line, please write "basket program." This is necessary to identify the basket donations from the general church donations.
According to the United States Census, approximately 22% of the individuals in Garland County live in poverty. So, thank you for your generous donations, and please continue to help us help our less fortunate neighbors!
If you can deliver a basket at either Thanksgiving or Christmas, please contact Ed Keearns, 922-3832, or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The delivery can be made anytine 10 days prior to the holiday. We need your help.
According to the United States Census, approximately 22% of the individuals in Garland County live in poverty. So, thank you for your generous donations, and please continue to help us help our less fortunate neighbors!
If you can deliver a basket at either Thanksgiving or Christmas, please contact Ed Keearns, 922-3832, or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The delivery can be made anytine 10 days prior to the holiday. We need your help.
This month continues to be a period of rapid growth. At 24 weeks, your baby can suck his thumb and hiccup. Your baby's brain is also developing rapidly. A special type of "brown fat" that keeps your baby warm at birth is forming. Baby girls develop eggs in the ovaries, and bones are becoming solid. Your baby is almost fully formed and looks like a miniature human. Your baby cannot usually live outside the uterus at this stage withouy highly specialized care. By the end of the sixth month, your baby will be around 11 to 14 inches long and will weigh about 1 to 1.6 pounds. Please continue to pray for this special child of God.
As we enter the Fall, we want to see if anyone is interested in looking into the Catholic Faith and perhaps, consider becoming a Catholic either through the waters of Baptism (if you haven't already been baptized with water in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit) or through a profession of faith and Confirmation if you have already been baptized. Every situation is different and requires flexibility in the preparation process.
If you or someone you know might benefit from finding out more about what we, as Catholics believe, and our way of living the Catholic Faith, ask them to call Father Bill at 209-2502 to get more information.
If you or someone you know might benefit from finding out more about what we, as Catholics believe, and our way of living the Catholic Faith, ask them to call Father Bill at 209-2502 to get more information.
There is so much more that can be done to help our neighbors here in Arkansas if everyone contributes to CASA. We've been receiving more and more contributions lately. Won't you please join the 290 parish famiies (of 783 total) who have contributed, by considering a contribution to this statewide appeal. Please return your CASA gift/pledge in the envelope provided or visit us online at
The Ladies of the Sacred Heart sponsor a Shawl Ministry for the parish. Members meet the first Tuesday of the month at 1:00 p.m. in one of the classrooms. New knitters and crocheters are always welcome. We make shawls for anyone who is ill or in need of spiritual comfort, and Father Bill or Deacon Bernie bless the shawls. We usually have them available after our monthly meeting of the Ladies of the Sacred Heart on the second Monday morning of each month, September through May. To date, we have given over 1,000 shawls. Call Dee Kapple at 915-9331 or Tillie Tylka at 922-4190 if you need a shawl for someone; or, if you need more information.
Sacred Heart Rosary Makers will resume weekly meetings on Thursday, September 17, after daily Mass. We will again meet in classroom C, and we are always looking for new members to help us make rosaries for the needy missions. As a reminder, we have rosaries on the Rosary Tree in the nartex for anyone who needs or wants a rosary. We have made and sent over 70,100 rosaries to date. For questions, contact Dee Griffin at 226-5647.