Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
Fish fry 1The Knights of Columbus Council is sponsoring a Fried Catfish Dinner on Friday, March 11, 2016.  The dinner is open to parishioners, the community, Knights and family members, served between 5:00 and 6:30 p.m.  The menu:  delicious fried catfish, baked potato, coleslaw, cornbread muffin and dessert.  Take-outs available. Tickets - $10 per person. They will be sold before/after each of this weekend's Masses.  You can also call Gary Wolfer at 501-204-1192.  Come early and enjoy a delicious, down-home, gried catfish meal while helping the Knights' charities.
AppreciationPlease join us after the 8:00 a.m. Mass this Sunday in the Lower Hall for a reception honoring Ann Hooper who recently retired as the Coordinator of our Sacred Heart Singles after 18 years!  We thank God for Ann and for the many lives she touched in this group and in our grief support ministry.  Come to enjoy fellowship and Mary Park's delicious homemade cake.
2016 Dora KlaymanOn Wednesday, March 9, at 7:00 p.m. the Ouachita Speaker Series is proud to present Theodora Klayman, a Holocaust Survivor.  You will learn of family arrest, deportation, life in hiding, being found and sent to Auschwitz and Klayman's eventual liberation and life in the United States, where she worked for 30 years as a Maryland school teacher. This event was arranged through the United States Memorial Holocaust Museam.  Join us as we hear her incredible story of survival!  Admission is FREE, but please reserve your tickets at or visit the office at 101 De Soto Boulevard, HSV, Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
2016 Year of MercyCatholics throughout the world are invited and encouraged to participate in Eucharistic Adoration sometime between 10:00 a.m. on March 4 and 9:00 a.m. on March 5.  The Sacrament of Reconciliation is encouraged during this time and will be available every other hour starting at 11:00 a.m. and ending at 8:00 p.m. on March 4.  Stations of the Cross will be prayed in community at 4:30 p.m. on that day.  Mass will be celebrated at 9:00 a.m. both days followed by devotions to the Sacred Heart of Jesus (Friday) and the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Saturday).  Come praticpate in the worldwide 24 hours of prayer and Reconciliation.
Fish fry 1The Knights of Columbus Council 10208 is sponsoring a Fried Catfish Dinner on Friday, February 26, 2016.  The dinner is open to all: parishioners, the community, Knights and family members.  Dinner will be served between 5:00 and 6:30 p.m. The menu includes: delicious fried catfish, baked potato, coleslaw, cornbread muffin and dessert.  Take-outs will be available.  Tickets are $10 per person and will be sold before and after each of the Masses on February 20/21.  You can also call Gary Wolfer 501-204-1192.  Come early and enjoy a delicious, down-home, fried catfish meal and good fellowship - all while helping the local charities of the Knights of Columbus.  Don't wait as our last Catfish Fry was a sellout!
griefDo you wish you could be with others who have suffered the loss of a loved one and just share what worked for you and what you still struggle with?  There is such a place!  We have scheduled two Grief Support Groups for anyone interested.

There will be a group just for men, meeting on Mondays starting January 25. We will meet at 10:00 a.m.  This group will meet for six weeks in the Library for one and one-half hours. This support group is open to anyone; so, if you wish to attend, please make a reservation by calling Deacon John at 226-9035 to tell him whether you prefer mornings or evenings.

There will also be a group for women meeting in the Library on Tuesday Mornings at 10:00 a.m. beginning January 26. There will be six weekly sessions facilitated by Deacon John Froning and Martha Rogers.  Each one will last one and one-half hours.  If you know someone that is grieving and could use support, please invite them to attend.  Those attending do not need to be a member of Sacred Heart Church.  Since the size of the group is linmited, however, please make a reservation by calling Deacon John at 226-9035 or Martha Rogers at 501-580-1750.
This Sunday, February 21, 2016, the Knights of Columbus would like to invite everyone to their delicious parish breakfast after each of the Masses.  New parish members will be our special guests.  Biscuits, gravy, hash browns, sausage and eggs are on the menu.  Breakfast is only $6 a plate and, as always, kids eat free. All breakfast proceeds are used to fund Knights charitable activities.  Your support is appreciated.  
fishSacred Heart of Jesus Parish Men's Club is sponsoring their annual Fish Bake to be held on February 12, 2016 in the Lower Hall.  The menu includes Baked Domestic Tilapia, green beans, tater tots, coleslaw, rolls, butter and coffee. Additional beverages will also be available.  As a special treat, there will be a selection of Father Bill's homemade ice cream for dessert.  There will be two seatings: 5:00 and 6:30 p.m.  Take-outs will also be available.

Tickets are $10 when purchased in advance, and $11 at the door.  Children under 12 years of age are half-price, and children under six years eat free. Tickets can be purchased from members of the Men's Club after weekend Masses on January 30/31 and on February 6/7, or by calling Joe Lemmler at 915-0511.  Don't be disappointed.  Get your tickets early as seating is limited. Come, enjoy a great meal and good fellowship while helping the Men's Club with their support of local charities.
ConfirmationSacred Heart will be offering sessions on the Catholic Fatih for people who were baptized in other Christian faiths who want to become Catholic, AS WELL AS Catholics who have not been Confirmed and who wish to be.  Bishop Taylor will be here April 9 to confer the Sacrament of Confirmation on those who are prepared to receive it.  We will meet on Thursdays starting January 7, at 9:45 a.m. in one of our classrooms in the A & E Building.  Call Father Bill at 209-2502 or Deacon Larry at 922-3283 to learn more.  You are welcome to just show up on January 7 if you wish to participate.
thank you 1Thank you to all who praticipated in the 2015 Sacred Heart Basket Program! Without the many parishioners who contributed money to the basket fund and the shoe fund, effort in delivering the baskets, help in getting and distributing food from Project Hope and giving presents from the Angel Tree, we could not help our neighbors in need.  Here are a few interesting statistics.

During the 2015 calendar year, we delivered 43 baskets at Easter, 22 during the summer, 46 at Thanksgiving, and 63 at Christmas for a total of 174 baskets.  The families receiving the 174 baskets included 458 children with a total of 649 people helped.

We received a $12,230 in donations to the basket fund during 2015, and $999 in donations to the Village Outreach Shoe Fund.

At Christmas we gave 468 presents, most of which were from the Angel Tree, and 151 shoe certificates to the children in the families receiving baskets.

Approximately 65 volunteers delivered the baskets at Thanksgiving and Christmas, may of whom delivered for both holidays.

Thanks again for your continued, dedicated support in helping with this program!
Archbishop Peter Sartain
Archbishop Peter Sartain
The Arkansas Catholic Men's Conference will be held at Christ the King Parish in Little Rock on Saturday,  February 6, beginning with a Mass celebrated by Bishop Taylor at 8:00 a.m., with registration beginning at 7:15.  Principal speakers will be Archbishop Sartain and Dr. Allen Hunt. Cost is $40 to attend which includes a Continental breakfast and lunch. Numous priests will be available for Reconciliation.  Call Chris Fray at 501-831-6094 with questions and additional information.
AARP Driver SafetyThe AARP Driver Safety Program is scheduled for Thursday, February 4, 12:30 to 5:00 p.m. Sign-up for the one-day course in the A & E Building hallway.  Class will be held in the Upper Hall. Bring your driver's license and AARP card, along with a check payable to AARP for $15 each for AARP members and $20 each for non-members. Call Gene Widlowski with questions at 922-5170.
RosaryBefore each Mass on the weekend of January 30/31, the Knights of Columbus will lead the congregation in rosary recitation.  Each rosary will start 25 minutes before each Mass, Saturday at 3:35 p.m. and Sunday at 7:35 and 9:35 a.m. The purpose of these rosaries is to pray for our fellow Christians being persecuted in the Near East. All parishioners are urged to attend and participate in these prayers.
malone bMonsignor Bernard Malone will celebrate his 92nd birthday on Saturday, January 23.  He will concelebrate Mass with Father Bill on that date at 4:00 p.m., and at the 10:00 a.m. Mass on the following day, Sunday, January 24.  He will attend the Knights of Columbus breakfast after the last Sunday Mass.  Please plan on attending the breakfast and help us sing "Happy Birthday!"

For those who send cards, Monsignor Malone's address is listed.  Please make note of it for future reference:  St. John Manor, 2414 North Tyler, Room 201, Little Rock, AR 72207.

Scrambled eggs and baconThis Sunday, January 24, the Knights of Columbus invite everyone to their delicious parish breakfast.  We will be offering a trial change to the meat portion on the menu by adding BACON to the biscuits and gravy, scrambled eggs in addition to hashbrowns and juice, coffee or milk.  We will be welcoming new parishioners who will be guests of the Knights. Please join us in welcoming them to the Sacred Heart family.  Monsignor Malone will also attend the breakfast after the 10:00 a.m. Mass.  Please help us celebrate his 92nd birthday. Breakfast is only $6.00 a plate. See you there!

BabyThe babies we spiritually adopted are due to be born January 11, 2016.  To welcome them into the world, we are planning a Parish Baby Shower.  All parishioners are invited to participate. Please purchase a baby item and bring it to the church, UNWRAPPED, beginning Saturday, January 2, and no later than Sunday, January 17.  The Ladies of the Sacred Heart can consider this their "something extra" for January, and bring the gifts to the general meeting that morning.  A display area wll be set up where the gifts can be left.  The donated items will be sorted and then delivered to Catholic Adoption Services in Little Rock and the local Pregnancy Centers.  Items specifically requested are: Preemie and other newborn clothes, newborn Pampers, size one and two Pampers, scent-free/no additive baby wipes and diaper bags.  Disposable diapers, all sizes, are aways needed. Also needed are crib sheets, blankets and clothing up to 18 months.  Please do not wrap your gift.  For more information, contact Edie Gray at 922-4694 or Mary Costello at 922-3915.