An AARP Driver Safety Class will be available on a Saturday. There will be a class scheduled for April 23 at 9:00 a.m., and will be held at a location outside of Sacred Heart Church. Call Gene Widlowski at 922-5170 with questions.
Auditions for our "Next of Kin" Dinner Theater production will be held in the Lower Hall on Wednesday, March 30th. The audition process will begin at 6:00 p.m. Numerous male and female roles are being offered. This production has cast parts with limited memorization. A total of eight (8) rehearsals will be conducted in advance of "show time." If you are interested becoming a part of the "Next of Kin" production, please provide your name and phone number on the sign-in sheet provided in the narthex. Any questions, please call Gary Wolfer (501-204-1192) or Bill Lamoureux at (914-643-6064).
Join our parish community - and nearly 14,000 Catholic communities across the United States - in a life-changing Lenten journey with Catholic Relief Services (CRS) Rice Bowl. We journey with Catholic Relief Services Rice Bowl to the Central American country of Honduras where we meet students who are learning that it's better to help your neighbor learn and grow than to leave him or her behind. To whom are we called to extend a hand this week? Visit website for more.
This Lent, Dynamic Catholic has a great opportunity for our parish - a free email program called "Best Lent EverĀ®." And guess what? The program is based on Matthew Kelly's new bestseller Rediscover Jesus - that's the same book you all received as you left Christmas Mass this past year!
Each day you'll get an inspirational email with a short video featuring Matthew Kelly and a member of the Dynamic Catholic Team. Throughout Lent, they will guide you through each of the 40 chapters in Rediscover Jesus and share simple ways to bring Jesus into your everyday life.
I hope you will all join me for this free program! All you have to do is sign up at or click here to be directed to the website.
Let's do something life-changing this Lent. Let's take a 40-day spiritual journey to encounter Jesus - and ourselves - in a deeply personal way.
Each day you'll get an inspirational email with a short video featuring Matthew Kelly and a member of the Dynamic Catholic Team. Throughout Lent, they will guide you through each of the 40 chapters in Rediscover Jesus and share simple ways to bring Jesus into your everyday life.
I hope you will all join me for this free program! All you have to do is sign up at or click here to be directed to the website.
Let's do something life-changing this Lent. Let's take a 40-day spiritual journey to encounter Jesus - and ourselves - in a deeply personal way.
Mi casa es tu casa. This hispanic saying holds a special meeting for us here in Arkansas. CASA, our Catholic Arkansas Sharing Appeal, is a way for all of us to make a difference right here at home. No matter your resources, your monthly support can fit your budget. It's not the amount of the git that is the most important. Become a CASA supporter today, return your gift/pledge in the envelopes provided.
Mark your calendar for March 24, and plan to attend our Holy Thursday "Feast Before the Fast" parish family meal. This meal, prepared by Johnna's Catering and served by members of the Sacred Heart Men's Club, is at 5:00 p.m. in the Lower Hall. The menu includes Rosemary Chicken with cream sauce over Rice Pilaf, green beans, salad, rolls, butter and various cheese cake assortment for dessert. Coffee, tea and water will also be available. Donations will be accepted. After dinner, we will go upstairs into the churh and begin the Easter Triduum with Mass at 6:30 p.m. There will be sign-up sheets in the narthex beginning with this week. Please join us.
It's time again! The Knights of Columbus will be selling our Easter Petit Jean hams on the weekend Masses of March 12/13 and March 19/20. The pick-up date is Tuesday, March 22. We will also be taking orders that can be shipped anywhere in the United States. You will find color brochures of the products, after Mass on the table in the narthex for you to look over. All proceeds, again, go to get Christmas presents for needy children in the area. With your support, we can truly "sow hope where there is despair." Call Al Bilgischer with questions.
The weeks are rushing by and soon it will be March 20, time to go to the Montserrat Retreat House and spend quiet time with God. Call Tom today and reserve your spot for this important time to spend without distraction with your God. Perhaps you need some of your special undisturbed time with your Maker in order to get the special instructions that He has been waiting to whisper in your ear. I know, you still have a couple of weeks before you need to commit, but why not admit that Jesus wants to talk to you, make the call and let Tom know that you want to make a reservation. It will end the turmoil in your thoughts and get you on the road to getting that special message and help that you have been hoping for. You will be glad that you have made the commitment. Call Tom today at 922-3062.
During the Lenten season (in the Jubilee Year of Mercy), we invite everyone, either in small groups or individually, to grow in appreciation of the spiritual and corporal works of mercy through a work entitled, "Be Merciful," by Bill Huebsch. When done in small groups, it required no preparation for each session, and sessions will last around 45 minutes. You are welcome to form your own groups and meet at times and places that your group work out, OR you can join a group at church either on a weekday after Mass, or after one of the weekend Masses for the six weeks of Lent. Sign-up sheets are in the narthex. The cost of the booklet is $3 for each person who participates in this "Reflection" experience.
The Knights of Columbus Council is sponsoring a Fried Catfish Dinner on Friday, March 18, 2016. The dinner is open to parishioners, the community, Knights and family members, served between 5:00 and 6:30 p.m. The menu: delicious fried catfish, baked potato, coleslaw, cornbread muffin and dessert. Take-outs available. Tickets - $10 per person. They will be sold before/after each of this weekend's Masses. You can also call Gary Wolfer at 501-204-1192. Come early and enjoy a delicious, down-home, fried catfish meal while helping the Knights' charities.
Meet in the Lower Hall after the 9:00 a.m. Mass on Saturday, March 19, to share in baked goods in fellowship, celebrating the Solemnity of Saint Joseph. Call Don Ritter at 224-659-5001 with questions.
We will have our Lenten Penance Service with opportunity for individual reception of the Sacrament of Reconciliation (with 10 priests available) Thursday, March 17, at 6:00 p.m. in the church. Please respond in this extraordinary Year of Mercy to coming together to reflect on and celebrate God's mercy and purify our hearts in preparation for the coming celebration of the Paschal mysteries.
Come, have some fun! You are invited to join the Sacred Heart Rosary Makers. We have lost some of our merry makers and are in need of new people who would like to learn how to make cord rosaries. It's fun and easy. Our ministry sends rosaries around the world. We meet each Thursday after morning Mass. Come or call Marge Newburn at 922-9047 to learn about this rewarding ministry.
Join us Wednesday, March 16, for Mary Lou's cream of broccoli soup with honey ham and Cheddar on a Sully Roll after the 5:30 p.m. Mass in the Lower Hall. A video will be shown, "Seven Deadly Sins & the Seven Lively Virtues" by Bishop Robert Barron. Sign-up in the narthex before Monday, March 14. Call Pam Cox at 915-0222 with questions.
The featured books for December are Comon Sense 101, In Defense of Sanity and Orthodoxy by G. K. Chesterton, as donated by the Chesterton Society. On the Shelf are Christmas and angel books. New to our library are: The Cup of Our Life and Fly While You Still Have Wings by Joyce Rupp, Nothing Is Imossible With God by John Michael Talbot and Praying with C. L. Lewis. Please check all items out before reoving them from the library.