Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
Family Assistance1The mission of Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church Family Assistance is to provide help to those in need within our community, and to serve Our Lord Jesus Christ by proclaiming His Good News through these acts of assistance.  The committee helps those in need utilize community resouces and provide direst aid whenever possible.

Our committee started this year with a $15,000 budget, and we received an additional $3,059 in donations from individuals and other sources.  To date we have spent $17,017.52, and have assisted 31 families, including 57 children. Twenty-one of these families were assisted with monetary help of some kind.  It may have been rent, utility help, food, medical bills or transportation assistance.  We were also able to help the other families receive assistance from other agencies or charitites.  In addition, we provided food with the family food boxes from Project Hope, helped families move, helped people locate needed furniture, and assisted in helping provide transportation.  In partnership with the Knights of Columbus, we provided two families with home construction needs.

If this activity looks interesting to you, just contact one of our members for more information as we can always use more help.  Our committee members are:  Tom Ament, Dick Hill, Pamela Cox, Sheila Harrison, Ed Keearns, Marvin Young, Wayne Kapple and Gary Wolfer.
2016 big bandThe Village Big Band will present a free concert, Songs of Inspiration and Patriotism with a Beat, at Presbyterian Kirk in the Pines on Sunday, October 23, at 3:00 p.m.  The concert will feature some very well known hymns and patriotic pieces performed in the Village Big Band style. Randy Toney, Kirk choir director will be a featured soloist. Donna Toney, organist/pianist at the Kirk, will be subbing for regular keyboard player Steve Fetcko.  Sacred Heart Parishioners Hal Thompson (alto sax) and Maureen Morgan (vocals) invite you to attend this event.
Sparkle10372751 754291234615010 1855737959321503488 nTickets for the Ladies of the Sacred Heart FashionShow, "Fashionably Fun" to be held Monday, October 24, are currently on sale. Tickets are $17 each and can be purchased from your guild captains or calling Marty Schnoebelen at 501-204-9178.  The fashion show will be held in the Lower Hall at Sacred Heart Church.

Fashions will be presented by Accesssory Gallery and Sparkle in Hot Springs.  A delicious salad lunch, prepared by Casa Coronado, will be served.  A silent auction, door prizes and raffles will also be part of the event with proeeds going to local charities.  The fashion show is open to the public.
2016 Mount St. Marys Little RockThis one-day event will be held Sunday, November 6, 2016 in the McCauley Center at Mount Saint Mary Academy in Little Rock for students in Junior High grades 6-8.  This year's theme is" "He is the Way to Love" and will be presented by Oddwalk Ministries.  The day is filled with fun, games, praise and worship, and presentations by the Oddwalk group. The cost to attend is $40 per person.  Register your parish, download and return the registration packet with fee to the Youth Ministry Office at the Diocese of Little Rock.  Contact Trish Gentry at 501-664-0340, extension 418, for more information.
Divine Mercy Study9781627851145 lDIVINE MERCY, a study program appropriate to this Year of Mercy, will begin in the week of October 10 and extend for six weeks, ending the week of November 14.  There will be one 60-75 minute meeting each week that will be devoted to the reading and discussion of selected short biblical passages on mercy as an attribute of God's love and a necessary virtue in human life.  Parishioners can choose to sign-up for one of four groups.  Three groups will meet in the morning at 9:45 on Monday (Deacon Larry Lipsmeyer, facilitator), Wednesday (Paula Doyle, facilitator), and Thursday (Tom Canavan, facilitator).  One group will meet on Wednesday evening at 6:00 p.m. with Dave Johnston as facilitator.

Each participant will be asked to purchase Divine Mercy by Stephen Binz for $12.  The text, which will be distributed at the first meeting of each group, includes scriptural passages illustrating God's mercy.

Those who are not able to participate in one of the organized groups are encouraged to purchase Divine Mercy and follow the text's guidelines for individual study.  If you wish to follow the program for individual study, please contact Linda Daniels in the parish office at 922-2062, extension 10, and request that a copy of the text be ordered for you.
2016 Carnival BreezeWe are pleased to announce a Caribbean Cruise co-sponsored by the Knights of Columbus and Home Plate Cafe. The cruise ship is the beautiful Carnival Breeze departing Galveston, TX on October 9, 2016.  The ports of call included in this seven-night cruise are Mahogany Bay, Isla Routan, Belize & Cozumel, Mexico.  This will be a unique experience featuring a fantastic cruise aboard one of Carnival's newest ships, and the opportunity to share spiritual enhancement along the way with Father Mike Hinken, SOLT.  Father Mike will serve as our Padre providing daily Masses, Reconciliation and the rosary on afternoons at sea.  He also will serve as a spiritual director for Catholics and non-Catholics alike.  For information, call Bill Nosek at 915-9000.
BusThe St. Anthony Guild Lady Travellers will leave on Tuesday, October 11 returning on Sunday, October 16.  The Lady Travellers will spend one night in Nashville where they will visit the Grand Ole Opery.  Travelling on to Gaitlinburg, they plan on a three night stay.  They plan on visiting the Biltmore Estate in Ashville, North Carolina, on one of their day trips.  The group will also spend one night in Memphis and attend Mass before returning to the Village on October 16.  For questions, contact Rosemary Miller at 501-922-5850.
2016 Mount St. Marys Little RockThis one-day event will be held on Sunday, October 16, in the McCauley Center at Mount Saint Mary Academy in Little Rock for students in grades 9-12.  The cost is $25 per person for a day filled with praise, worship, presentations, lunch and Mass. Register through your parish youth group, and to register your parish, contact Trisha Gentry at 501-664-0340, extension 418.  This annual event is sponsored by the diocesan Catholic Youth Ministry Office.  Please join us!
3 month fetusYour adopted Unborn Baby is now three months old and measures nearly five inches from head to buttocks and has learned to breathe.  This is apparent from the regular movement of his chest, inhaling and exhaling small amounts of amniotic fluid.  These actions help the lungs to develop and grow.  The baby hears external voices, sleeps and dreams, can grasp with his hands, kick, or even somersault.  Please continue to pray for this special child of God.
griefDo you wish there was a safe place where you could be with others who have suffered the loss of a loved one and just share what worked for you and what you still struggle with? There is such a place!  We will begin another Grief Support Group here at Sacred Heart.  The group will meet in the DVD Room next to the Library (there will be a sign on the door) on Tuesday mornings at 10:00 a.m. beginning October 4.  There will be six weekly sessions facilitated by Deacon John. Each session will last one and a half hours.  If you know someone who is grieving and could use support, invite them to attend.  The size of the group is limited so if you wish to attend, please make a reservation by calling Deacon John at 226-9035 or e-mailing him at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
animalsThis year we will offer the blessing of animals on the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, Tuesday, October 4, at 1:00 p.m.  You are asked to bring your pet either on a leash or in a cage and meet in front of church where we will offer the blessing of God on your pets, and ask for the intercession of St. Francis for them.
mother holding sleeping babyThe 29th Annual Life Chain will take place Sunday, October 2, from 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. in front of the Visitors Center in downtown Hot Springs.  Stand with thousands of Pro-Life individuals throughout the country and Canada in honor of millions of babies whose lives have been lost to abortion.  Pray for people in crisis situations and for our nation.  This gathering is a visual statement of solidarity by people of all faiths that:  Abortion kills children, and we support the sanctity of human life from the moment of conception to natural death.

Invite friends to car pool; bring water and lawn chairs.  Signs will be provided. There is a sign-up sheet and information on the table in the narthex.  Please indicate if you need a ride, or if you have room in your vehile to take additional passengers.  Call mary at 501-922-3915 with questions.
Flu shotThis weekend, October 1 and 2, before and after all Masses, the quadravalant flu vaccine will be administered by healthcare professionals.  Please bring photo identification and either a Medicare identification card or Part D insurance identification card.  Call pharmacist Bill Nosek at 915-9000 with questions.
Cream chicken bakeThe Sacred Heart of Jesus Men's Club Annual Chicken Bake will be held on Friday, September 30, 2016.  Everyone is invited.  There will be two seatings, the early seating at 5:00 p.m. and the late seating at 6:30 p.m.  The doors will open 20 minutes prior to each seating.

The menu is Creamed Baked Chicken, baked potato, Green Beans Almandine, salad, roll, butter, coffee.  Additional beverages will be available from the Refreshment Center.  Donations are joyfully accepted.  In addition, Father Bill's famous homemade ice cream will be available for a donation - it's worth it!

Tickets are $12 in advance, and $13 at the door.  Children under 12 years are half the adult price.  Children under six get a free meal.  Carry-outs are available.  Tables of eight can be reserved.  For tickets, contact Jim at 501-915-8496.
Our Lady of GuadalupeThe Running of the Silver Rose to honor Our Lady of Guadalupe will be held on Friday, September 30, at 1:00 p.m.  The Knights of Columbus are sponsoring a program honoring Our Lady of Guadalupe at Sacred Heart of Jesus Church. This program honors Our Lady as the patroness of the Americas, and also affirms our dedication to the sanctity of all human life. All Knights of Columbus are encouraged to attend, and all parishioners are invited to join us.

This Devotion is part of the Knights of Columbus Silver Rose Program; the Silver Rose is carried by Knights from city to city, district to district, and council to council from Canada to the Cathedral in Mexico City - to arrive there on the Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe.  The rose symbolized one of the roses that fell from Juan Diego's cloak when he delivered the Virgin's message to his bishop on December 12, 1531.

The Silver Rose will arrive from Benton in the late morning of Friday, the 30th; from here it will be delivered to Hot Springs in mid-afternoon the same day after our devotions.
Gods Not Dead 2A movie for parishioners will be shown Wednesday, September 28, in the Lower Hall at 6:00 p.m.  The Knights of Columbus are hosting the movie "God's Not Dead 2," a sequel to "God's Not Dead."  We will be serving hot dogs, or chili dogs, popcorn and soft drinks.  The movie reflects the clash between a devout high school teacher and one of her students.  A sign-up sheet is in the narthex so that the amount of food can be determined.