Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
KraemergoldmedalThe Knights of Columbus will once again be selling Wisconsin Cheese for Kraemer's of Wisconsin.  Pick-up an order form in the narthex or go to the Knights website.  Orders will be taken through the fall and winter, and it is a good time to order products to receive in time for Christmas.  Shipping will take place when enough products have been ordered for the Kraemer Group to make a run from Wisconsin and/or ship by United Parcel Service. We also maintain many products on hand for instant sales, and a list of these products will be on the Knights of Columbus website ("Cheese Inventory,") or call any sales staff from our listing.  Lastly, we will sell gift boxes for the holidays, and a brochure on boxes can be obtained from sales personnel and if you want gift boxes to be shipped by Kraemer's your order must be submitted by December 5.  Additional information can be obtained from the Sales Staff: Ed Miller, 922-0501, John Meyers, 915-0746 or Bill Taylor at 922-0959.
Petit Jean spiral hamOnce again we are featuring delicious products from Petit Jean meats.  There are brochures in the narthex on the long information table.

Please contact Al Bilgischer at 501-209-5231 to order, or order after all weekend Masses on November 12/13, 19/20 and December 10/11, 17/18.  Donations also accepted and appreciated - no matter how small.  All proceeds go to buy Christmas gifts for needy area children.

Products can be shipped all over the country, or items can be picked up at the church November 22 for Thanksgiving and December 20 for Christmas.  We also have a new delivery option for anyone in the Village area who can't pick up their order.

Let's make this the best Christmas ever for these amazing kids!
ink cartridgesPlease continue to bring your ink cartridges for recycling to the library.  Your used cartridges are donated to the HSV Animal Welfare League to help fund projects to help animals.
Christmas OrnamentsThe December meeting is a "Holiday Meeting with Wives or Dates," and all parishioners are invited.  We will gather on Wednesday, December 14, at 5:00 p.m. for a social hour, with dinner being served before 6:00 p.m.  After dinner, Leslie Nalley, CEO and General Manager of HSVPOA, will present her views on the status and future of the Village. Entertainment follows.  The meal will be prepared and served by Chef Johnna.  Menu includes choice of three entrees: Prime Rib, Citrus Salmon, Herb-Grilled Chicken.  These will be served with green salad with crackers, truffle mashed potatoes, asparagus, rolls and cheesecake.  The cost of the meal is $18 per person.  Send your check, with entree choice and payable to Sacred Heart Men's Club, to Bill Patterson, 7 Doscientos Lane, HSV, 71909, by Saturday, December 10.  You can reserve a table of eight with payment of $144.  If you have a questions, contact Bill Patterson at 922-6965 or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
kodellPleae plan to join us for an Advent Day of Recollection with Father Jerome Kodell, former Abbot of the Benedictine Abbey at Subiaco, Arkansas on Tuesday, December 13.  We will begin with Mass at 9:00 a.m. and end with our Advent Reconcilation Service around 1:00 p.m.  There will be a few talks by Father Jerome and time for reflection and meditation afterward.  A lunch of sandwiches, chips and drinks - and Father Bill's ice cream, will be served.  Please sign-up in the narthex and join us for this opportunity to prepare the way of the Lord at Chrsitmas and for the rest of our lives.
Bake Sale2Ladies of the Sacred Heart will hold their annual Christmas Bake Sale this weekend, December 10/11, after all Masses.  Members will be offering Christmas cookies as well as sweet breads and candy.  Please mark your calendars.  Come one, come all!
French Toast 1The Knights of Columbus will be serving a parish breakfast on Sunday, December 11. The menu will include French Toast, link sausage, juice, coffee/milk.  New parish members are invited guests.  Come join us for a delicious breakfast with good friends, good food, and great conversation.  We'll be ready to serve you after each of the two Sunday Masses.  Breakfast is still $6 a plate and kids 12 and under eat free.

Diaconate OrdinationSacred Heart Church will be the host for the Mass in which our seminarian, Nelson Rubio, will be ordained a transitional deacon (the last step before his priestly ordination).  Please plan to participate in this special Mass on Saturday, December 17, at 10:00 a.m.  A reception with food and drink will follow in the Lower Hall.  Please sign-up for the reception in the narthex if you plan to celebrate with Nelson, our seminarians, and our bishop, Anthony Taylor, after Mass.  Congratulatory cards for Nelson will be accepted in the Lower Hall after Mass.
Angel TreeEach angel on the Angel Tree in the narthex represents a gift for a child in one of the families-in-need receiving a Christmas Basket.  The angel has the child's age, gender, size and a suggested article of clothing.  Please select one or more angels from the tree. If you choose to purchase more than one gift, please take additional angels with one gift per angel.  Each child has four angels.  After the gifts are purchased and wrapped, please tape the angel firmly to the present and return it to the Angel Tree. Please place the side of the angel with only the age and gender facing up.  All gifts must be placed under the tree no later than December 4 in order for families to receive their gifts.

Donations can also be made to the Village Outreach Shoe Fund.  Each child in the families receiving a Christmas Basket will also receive a certificate for a pair of shoes. Please make checks payable to Sacred Heart Church with the notation "shoe fund," and place the donation in the box located on the cabinet in the building hallway.

Thank you for your generous support of our Sacred Heart Holiday Basket Program!
Change AhedSaturday afternoon Masses will be celebrated at 4:00 p.m. since Daylight Savings Time as ended. Masses will continue to be celebrated at 4:00 p.m. each Saturday afternoon until Daylight Savings Time returns in March.
RCIAWe would like to see if there is anyone interested in learning more about the Catholic faith for purposes of perhaps becoming Catholic.  Call Father Bill at 501-209-2502
2016 Coat of Many ColorsSince the sequel to "Coat of Many Colors" is airing on the same night we originally planned to show it, Movie Night will now be shown on Tuesday, November 29.  This way you can see the sequel, "Christmas of Many Colors," shown on Wednesday on NBC Family.        

The November 29 movie is the "Coat of Many Colors."  This is Dolly Parton's true story about the simple gift that changed her life forever.  Come meet the close-knit Parton family as they struggle to overcome devastating loss and discover the healing powers of forgiveness, faith and one very special coat.  Popcorn ready by 6:00 p.m.  Sponsored by the Ladies of the Sacred Heart.
Funeral In Loving MemoryThe Fifth Annual Parish Memorial Mass will be celebrated on Wednesday, November 30, at 9:00 a.m.  This Mass will remember in a special way, not only our parishioners who died since December of last year, but also family members of parishioners who died outside the Village and whose funeral services were held elsewhere.  All parishioners are invited to this Mass as we lift up these deceased persons to the Lord and pray for comfort and strength to those who have experienced the loss of a spouse, family member, or close friend.

There will be a reception with sweets and drinks immmediatedly after Mass in the Lower Hall.  Those who have deceased family members are asked to come early to sign a special book with the name(s) of your loved one(s) and to light a candle for them which will be placed on a table for this Mass.
ThanksgivingIn the spirit of fellowship, Sacred Heart invites all parishioners, their family and friends, to enjoy a community celebration of Thanksgiving at 9:00 a.m., and dinner at 12:00 noon.

Sacred Heart volunteers from Ladies of the Sacred Heart, Men's Club, Knights of Columbus and the Parish Life Commission will be serving a Thanksgiving dinner of turkey, dressing, gravy, sweet potato casserole, green beans, ambrosia salad, rolls and butter as catered by Johnna.  Desserts will be "potluck by parishioners" who wish to bring their delicious desserts.  Sign-up sheets will be in the narthex starting this weekend.  There is no asking price for the meal - voluntary donations will be accepted.
Thanksgiving 2This year the Interfaith Council of all the churches in the Village will hold a Thanksgiving Service at Mountainside Methodist Church, 301 El Cano Drive (near the East Gate) on Monday, November 21, at 5:00 p.m.  Let us join our Christian brothers and sisters to give thanks to God who is always taking care of us.  Please make an effort to attend so Sacred Heart Parish is well represented.
Veterans DayThe Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus would like to invite all parishioners, especially Veterans, to join for coffee and donuts/pastries and some musical entertainment in the Lower Hall after the 9:00 a.m. Mass on Veterans Day.  The day will start at 8:00 a.m. as the Knights put up flags around the church followed by the Patriotic Rosary at 8:30 a.m.  We would love to have you participate in some or all of thse activities.