Each year Sacred Heart of Jesus delivers food to needy families in the Fountain Lake, Jessieville and Mountain Pine areas for the holidays. Last year we delivered 60 baskets for Christmas alone. The food is purchased, in part, with funds donated by Sacred Heart parishioners. Without those donations, we would not be able to help as many families.
Donations to help purchase food for the baskets can be made at a SPECIAL COLLECTION next weekend, November 12/13. There will be a second collection at Mass-just put your check in the collection basket. If you miss the opportunity, you can also mail your check donation to Jim Schmidt, 2 Cetero Circle. Please make your check payable to Sacred Heart and on the memo line, please write "food basket fund." This is necessary to identify the basket donations from Regular Collections.
According to the United States Census, approximately 22% of individuals in Garland COunty live in poverty. Thank you for your generous donations in the past. Please continue to help us to help our less fortunate.
If you can deliver a basket at either Thanksgiving and/or Christmas, please contact Ed Keearns, 922-3832 or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The delivery can be made anytime 10 days prior to the holiday. Please help if you can.
Donations to help purchase food for the baskets can be made at a SPECIAL COLLECTION next weekend, November 12/13. There will be a second collection at Mass-just put your check in the collection basket. If you miss the opportunity, you can also mail your check donation to Jim Schmidt, 2 Cetero Circle. Please make your check payable to Sacred Heart and on the memo line, please write "food basket fund." This is necessary to identify the basket donations from Regular Collections.
According to the United States Census, approximately 22% of individuals in Garland COunty live in poverty. Thank you for your generous donations in the past. Please continue to help us to help our less fortunate.
If you can deliver a basket at either Thanksgiving and/or Christmas, please contact Ed Keearns, 922-3832 or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The delivery can be made anytime 10 days prior to the holiday. Please help if you can.
St. Elizabeth Guild will hold their annual bake sale before and after all Masses on November 12/13. They will be offering cakes, pies, muffins, cookies, brownies, etc. The proceeds from this sale are used to help two needy families at Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter with food and gifts for their children. Please come early and support our efforts. Thank you and God bless.
We will mark the third anniversary of Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration at Sacred Heart Church with a special Eucharistic Holy Hour in church on Sunday, November 13, at 2:00 p.m. There will be a coffee/cookie social following in the Lower Hall. All current Adorers and all parishioners are encouraged to participate. Call Mike Kerwin, at 922-1513, with questions.
Sacred Heart Church will be the host for the Mass in which our seminarian, Nelson Rubio, will be ordained a transitional deacon (the last step before his priestly ordination). Please plan to participate in this special Mass on Saturday, December 17, at 10:00 a.m. A reception with food and drink will follow in the Lower Hall. Please sign-up for the reception in the narthex if you plan to celebrate with Nelson, our seminarians, and our bishop, Anthony Taylor, after Mass. Congratulatory cards for Nelson will be accepted in the Lower Hall after Mass.
Not a new Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church dinner theater yet - but a performance, in which, many of your familiar Sacred Heart of Jesus Church thespians are performing. "In-Laws, Outlaws, and Other People That Should Be Shot" will be performed on the Woodlands stage on November 4 and 5 at 7:00 p.m. and on November 6th at 2:00 p.m. This is a very clean and funny comedy written by Steve Franco that centers around a family's Christmas eve dinner gathering and some very unwelcome guests. This HSV Player production is directed by our own Cathy Kraus and stars Ken Silvers, Karen Feckler and Bill Lamoureux. Get your tickets soon st www.HSVTicketsales.com or stop by any POA office during their working hours of 9:00 a.m. to 2 :00 p.m.
The Adoration Team is planning on taking small groups of adorers on a pilgrimage to the Mercy Door at Our Lady of Good Council on the first Saturday of November, November 5. We will be leaving from Sacred Heart at 8:15 a.m. and return around 3:30 p.m. The pilgrimage will consist of praying at the Door of Mercy, quiet time in their Adoration Chapel, Confession, tour of the House of Formation and Mass. Anyone interested in joining with the Adoration Team is welcome. If interested, contact Mike Kerwin at 922-1531 or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Another successful Treasure Sale thanks to all of you who volunteered and all of the treasures brought in by the people of the parish. Without everyone contributing time and treasures, it would not have been the success it was. Overall, we raised $13,583 for Catholic education and will be split between St. John's School and Our Lady of Fatima School. It is great that we have such a wonderful parish and when called, will come together for such an important cause. Once again, a big thank you to everyone. God bless.
All Souls Day is Wednesday, November 2. You are invited to bring framed pictures of your deceased loved ones to church by next weekend (October 29/30) and place them on the designated table in the narthex. They will eventually be moved to a special table in the front of church where they will remain throughout November. PLEASE put your name and phone number somewhere ont he back of the photo. We will gather at 9:00 a.m. for Mass in the Main Church and then pray for our deceased loved ones at the Sacred Heart Columbarium following Mass; then, at CedarVale Cemetery at 10:45 a.m. for the same purpose.
On the fifth Sunday of October, the Knights of Columbus are sponsoring recitation of the rosary, twenty minutes before Mass on Saturday and Sunday, October 29/30. Please join us to spend time before Mass with our Blessed Mother.
Once again this year we will be delivering baskets of food and presents to needy families in the Fountain Lake, Jessieville and Mountain Pine areas. At Thanksgiving we deliver food for a Thanksgiving dinner. At Christmas time we will deliver a substantial amount of food as well as presents and a certificate for shoes for the children in the family. If you can deliver a basket at either Thanksgiving or Christmas, please contact Ed Keearns, 922-3832, or transmit an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The delivery can be made anytime 10 days prior to the holiday.
The next Blood Drive as supported by the parish Knights of Columbus and hosted by the Village United Methodist Church on Carmona Road, will be held Tuesday, November 10, from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. New donors can go to www.redcrossblood.org for detailed information and to schedule an appointment. Previous donors at this site with e-mail addresses have been sent an e-mail reminder. Contact Scott Luchesi at 501-204-4101 with questions or to be placed on the reminder list.
Mark your calendar for October 26, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. for Parish Movie Night. We will be showing the movie "The Book Thief," starring Geoffrey Rush, Emily Watson and Sophie Nelisse. The movie is based on a best-selling book about a girl who transforms the lives around her during World War II. Popcorn and dinks will be available. Won't you please join us?
Prayerfully consider the following, if you are willing and able to assist, by nominating candidates for election to the Sacred Heart Pastoral Council for an election to be held November 5-6.
The bylaws of the Pastoral Council state that there are to be nine members. At the end of 2016, four members will step down from the Council. Forms and the nominations box will remain in the narthex for nominees to the Pastoral Council to represent the Commissions of Education, Liturgy, Parish Life, and Social Justice and Charitable Outreach. Each elected member serves for two years and is a liaison between his/her Commission and the Pastoral Council. The Commissions and the Council meet six times each year. There are pink forms in the narthex that explain the responsibilities of each Commission. The election is scheduled for the weekend of November 5-6.
Questions about the nominations/election process can be directed to the Pastoral Council Election Committee: Pamela Cox at 915-0222, Rose Harrigan at 915-0314 or Renee Steinpreis at 922-4480.
The bylaws of the Pastoral Council state that there are to be nine members. At the end of 2016, four members will step down from the Council. Forms and the nominations box will remain in the narthex for nominees to the Pastoral Council to represent the Commissions of Education, Liturgy, Parish Life, and Social Justice and Charitable Outreach. Each elected member serves for two years and is a liaison between his/her Commission and the Pastoral Council. The Commissions and the Council meet six times each year. There are pink forms in the narthex that explain the responsibilities of each Commission. The election is scheduled for the weekend of November 5-6.
Questions about the nominations/election process can be directed to the Pastoral Council Election Committee: Pamela Cox at 915-0222, Rose Harrigan at 915-0314 or Renee Steinpreis at 922-4480.
This month continues to be a period of rapid growth. At 24 weeks, your baby can suck his thumb and hiccup. Your baby's brain is developing rapidly. Fatty sheaths which transmit electrical impulses along nerves are forming. Baby girls will develop eggs in their ovaries during this month. Bones are becoming solid. Your baby is almost fully formed and looks like a miniature human. However, because the lungs are not well developed and the baby is still very small, a baby cannot usually live outside the uterus at this stage without highly specialized care. By the end of the sixth month, your baby will be around 11 to 14 inches long and will weigh about 1 to 1.6 pounds. Please continue to pray for this special child of God.
The Knights of Columbus Council 10208 will conduct a Baby Bottle Campaign beginning October 1 and ending October 30. The goal this year is to complete our goal of 2015 in purchasing an ultrasound machine for New Beginnings Pregnancy Resource Center in Benton. The cost is expected to be $30,000; however, if we raise half, the Knights Supreme Council will contribute the remaining half. We expect that this campaign will put us over the top, as your generosity last year totaled $6,820.
Ultrasound machines are saving lives of babies every day where they are used. What a great feeling it is when you know that you have helped save a life! Please take a Baby Bottle as you leave today and return it with your generous donation to the baby playpen in the narthex. Please open your heart and generosity to these beautiful unborn children of God. Thank you.
Ultrasound machines are saving lives of babies every day where they are used. What a great feeling it is when you know that you have helped save a life! Please take a Baby Bottle as you leave today and return it with your generous donation to the baby playpen in the narthex. Please open your heart and generosity to these beautiful unborn children of God. Thank you.