Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
Funeral In Loving MemoryIn the Year of Mercy we should remember that one of the corporal works of Mercy is to bury the dead.

Sacred Heart has a funeral ministry that consists of women who prepare the church for a funeral, greet the family members of the deceased, and help those who attend the funeral.  Currently there are thirteen women signed up for this ministry, with eight active participants.  The members work in pairs, and have been a much appreciated service to the families.  The more people participate, the wider the service can be spread.  If you can find it within yourself to help with this work of mercy, and it is not limited to women, please call Libby Dyer at 922-9443.
2016 War RoomJoin us Wednesday, August 24, at 5:30 p.m. for refreshments and then, the movie "War Room" which starts at 6:00 p.m. This movie is a compelling faith drama about Tony and Elizabeth Jordan who have it all - great jobs, a beautiful daughter, and their dream house.  But appearances can be deceiving.  Tony and Elizabeth's world is actually crumbling under the strain of a failing marriage.  While Tony basks in his professional success and flirts with temptation, Elizabeth resigns herself to increasing bitterness.  Their lives take an unexpected turn when Elizabeth meets her newest client, Miss Clara, and is challenged to establish a "war room" and a battle plan of prayer for her family.  As Elizabeth tries to fight for her family, Tony's hidden struggels come to light.  Tony must decide if he will make amends to his family and prove Miss Clara's wisdom that victories don't come by accident.  There is a life lesson to be learned, and you will also enjoy this movie!  Please join us!
PlanIn late 2015, eleven parishioners established an endowment for Sacred Heart Church to provide an annual payment to the church for charitable outreach programs.  At present, this endowment is $12,500 and will provide an annual payout of $500 (4%). The larger the endowment amount, the larger the payout for charitable use.  This endowment was set-up under the HSV Community Foundation and is under the fiduciary care of the statewide Arkansas Community Foundation.  Anyone can contribute to this endowment. Please consider this endowment for a donation of any kind, and please include the Sacred Heart Church Endowment in your will when doing your estate planning.  Please consult the church website ( under the Parish information tab for more information about the Endowment, or call Carolyn Bowers, 915-8022.
Altar ServersEucharistic MinistersVolunteers are needed for the Extraordinary Ministers and Servers for Sacred Heart Church. We have several volunteers who have moved, and some are out because of illness.  We need new volunteers!

If you are new to Sacred Heart Church and have served in your prior parish, please consider bringing your expertise to our ministries.  We need you!  If you have been here awhile and would like to step-up and help, this is an excellent place to start!

Let Father Bill know if you would like to be an Altar Server.  If you would like to be an Extraordinary Minister and distribute the Precious Body and Blood of Jesus, please contact Deacon Larry.  We would love to have you.  For more information, contact Renee Steinpreis at 922-4480 or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
casalogo08The Catholic Arkansas Sharing Appeal continues in our parish and throughout the state.  The generosity of Catholics throughout Arkansas will provide needed support for a variety of ministries, including Catholic Charities, Catholic schools, college campuses and Youth as well as the desperately needed renovations at the St. John's Retreat building in Little Rock. If you have not made a pledge or one-time gift, please do so as soon as possible. Envelopes are in the pews and in the narthex.

Choir-CantorWith the summer rapidly approaching, the Sacred Heart Sunday Choir will soon be taking some well deserved time off.  But that doesn't mean we stop singing! Just like the Servers and Extraordinary Ministers, the Music Ministry has lost several Cantors recently due to illness and relocation. So, we are in need of some willing volunteers to act as Cantors - Leaders of Song. 

While the ministry does require some solo singing, the most important part is announcing the hymn numbers and getting the congregation started during the hymn and sung parts of the Mass.  We would love to work with you, to bring you along at your own pace, and to help you feel comforatable in this ministry.

We have a need at both the 8:00 a.m. and the 10:00 a.m. Mass, and are very flexible in working with your schedule.  If you have an interest, please contact Lynne Border at 922-2062, extension 13, or e-mail her at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

AARP Driver SafetyThe AARP Driver Safety Course is schedule for Thursday, August 25 from 12:30 to 5:00 p.m.  Sign-up for the one-day course in the building hallway of Sacred Heart.  Class will be held in the Upper Hall.  Bring your driver's license and AARP Card, along with a check made payable to AARP for $15 each for AARP members and $20 each for non-members.  Call Judy Zitko at 915-8547 for more information.
handandfootThe Hand & Foot Club will be resuming in September, and we are looking for more members and hope you will consider joining our fun group. The cost is $5 per person or $10 per couple.  If you don't have a partner, please contact Cathy Bertrand at 501-204-9088 or Jerry Bertrand at 501-204-9299.  All interested must sign up by August 26 so we can prepare the schedule.  If you have questions, please call either Cathy or Jerry as listed above.
Fr. Vic Bieberle
You are invited to Father Vic's Memorial Celebration in the Lower Hall, Friday, August 12, at 5:00 p.m.  Dinner, which is stew and trimmings, will be provided by the Knights of Columbus. Following dinner, a short video will be shown reflecting on the life of Father Vic.  The video was created by Ed Voss and other Knights.  The information concerning Father Vic's life was obtained fromfamily, friends and parishioners.  Tickets are $10 per person and will be available this weekend and next before and after all Masses.  Seating is limited, so please mark your calendars to celebrate the remarkable life of Father Vic Bieberle with his family and friends.
SacristanSacristans are the women or men behind the scenes who set the Table for the Lord; and also after Mass, remove and clean the vessels that are used.  For the weekly Masses, three or four people are needed to assist.  One can help as much, or as little, as preferred.  On the average, a person is needed every two or three months, Monday through Friday. At the Sunday 8:00 a.m. Mass, help is needed for the fourth Sunday of each month; for the 10:00 a.m. Mass, the second Sunday of each month.  Please call Carol Cruz for information at home, 922-1428, or mobile at 984-1524. Also needed is someone to help with the Flower Donations sign-up book, flower ordering, etc. Please call Carol if you can help.
2016 Ben Riley
Ben Riley
2016 Isidro Negrete
Isidro Negrete
We are blessed to have two seminarians, Ben Riley and Isidro Negrete, as well as Aubrey Volpert (picture not available), a senior at Catholic High School in Little Rock, with us at Sacred Heart from July 19-29.  They will be helping with our Vacation Bible School July 24-28, and will be serving on the altar and accompanying Father Bill as he ministers to people in the hospital, nursing home or other venues.  Let's make these young men feel welcome among us and affirm them in their discernment of God's call in their lives.  For your information, Ben will be starting his fourth year studies in philosophy and Isidro his third year.
Farmers MarketFarmer Tom Henry and his helpers, from Guy, Arkansas, will be at Sacred Heart for the last time this summer, Tuesday, July 26.  Farmer Tom will be under the portico in front of church from 11:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m.  Come and purchase fresh Arkansas strawberries and produce.  The truck leaves early if all produce is sold out.  See you there!
Vacation Bible SchoolJoin us this summer for Vacation Bible School at the Sacred Heart Surf Shack!  All children of the community are invited to share the fun during the week of July 24 through July 28.  From 6:00 to 8:00 each evening we will explore the themes of Creation, Miriam and Moses, the Baptism of Jesus, Jesus Calming the Storm, and Breakfast on the Beach.

Bring your kids, their friends, grandchildren, nieces, nephews and anybody from the ages of 6 to 13 who want to learn more about Jesus and have fun at the same time.

We still need some adults or teens who can help with SIMPLE snacks and carts.  Please call Terry Poldrack at 922-6095 to volunteer and/or to register participants.
St. Mother TheresaThe next movie night has been scheduled for Wednesday, July 27, and will feature "The Letters."  Mother Theresa, recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize, is considered one of the greatest humanitarians of modern times.  Her selfless commitment changed hearts, lives and inspired millions throughout the world.  "The Letters" as told through personal letters she wrote over the last 40 years of her life, reveal a troubled and vulnerable woman who grew to feel an isolation and an abandonment by God.  The story is told from the point of view of a Vatican priest charged with the task of investigating acts and events following her death.  He recounts her life's work, her political oppression, her religious zeal and her unbreakable spirit. The movie will be shown in the Lower Hall at 6:00 p.m.  Please come and join us.
seminarians vocations friend bishoptaylor
DOLR Seminarians; Bottom row l-r, Monsignor Friend and Bishop Taylor
Our annual Seminarian Endowment Dinner will be held on Friday, July 22, 2016.  Tickets will be $20 per person, and will be on sale the weekends of July 9 and July 16, before and after all Masses.  Dinner will be catered by Chef Johnna and will include:  Beef Tips with Portabella Mushrooms, salad, vegetable, and Father Bill's ice cream for dessert.  Ten seminarians will be here as well as Bishop Taylor and other special guests from the Diocese.  Entertainment will be provided by the Hot Springs Village Strings.  Please mark your calendars to attend this special event honoring our seminarians.  Space is limited.  All money donated will go directly to the Seminarian Endowment Fund.  This fund is the foundation for the education for our future priests who will be dedicated to upholding the Word of the Lord and the principles and doctrines of our Catholic faith.  We would like to have you join us, mingle with the seminarians and special guests and be a part of this special evening.  We have always had a lot of fun at this event with the seminarians in years past, and this year promises to be equally enjoyable.
Spiritual DirectionWould you like to deepen your relationship with God?  Spiritual direction is now available to anyone in the parish at no cost except a desire to grow closer to God and one another.  Call 922-5771 or send an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..