Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
The Ladies of Sacred Heart are excited to be hosting their "Fall Into Fun" card party on Monday, November 6, in the Lower Hall. Grab your friends, men or women, and organize your table for cards, mahjong, UNO, Poker (no gambling please) or whatever game you enjoy to play! Game play will take place from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m.; doors open at 12:30 p.m. Red and white "adult beverages" will available for a cash donation. Other refreshments to be served free of charge. a 50/50 raffle, themed baskets, silent auction items and door prizes add to the fun and help LOSH support several local charities. Individual tickets are $12, table for 4 is $48, table for 6 is $72 and table for 8 is $96. Contact Jane Brandon at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for tickets or to reserve a full table. Our parishioners are invited to come the day of the card party to purchase raffle tickets and bid on silent auction items. The auction closes at 3:30 p.m.
In anticipation of All Souls Day (Thursday, November 2) and the month of All Souls, please remember to use the envelope (and drop it in the collection basket by Nov 1) in yout stewardship mailing to list the names of your deceased loved ones that you would like remembered in all November Masses. Any donation you choose to give will support the "One Church" initiative to help the Blessed Stanley Rother mission parish in Decatur, AR. All Souls Masses will be celebrated at 9:00 a.m. & 5:00 p.m. prayers will be offered at our Columbarium following the 9:00 a.m. Mass and at 
Cedarvale Cemetery at 10:30 a.m. that day.
Helping Hands Ministry is proud to have been part of the solution for our parishioners in need since the 1980s. Part of the mission of Helping Hands Ministry is to provide transportation to Mass, medical appointments and escort shopping for necessities to registered parishioners who are either temporarily or permanently unable to drive themselves. We have a special ongoing need for drivers, particularly for transport to medical treatments, appointments and day surgeries. If you would like to become a Helping Hands volunteer, applications are always available at our station in the Narthes. You may call a coordinator for more details or if you have questions. TO BECOME THE ANSWER TO SOMEONE'S PRAYER CALL Cathy Wedwick at 501-915-8456 or Pat Widowski at 501-922-1395.
If you are an Adorer or substitute, please save the date, November 20 at 6:00 p.m. and join us as we celebrate 10 years of Perpetual Adoration.

Galations 6:9 "And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up".
In recent Masses we have sung "the Lord hears the cry of the poor." Believe it or not, within and especially outside the village, families struggle to put food on the table. The Food Basket Committee, a ministry of Sacred Heart, coordinates the delivery of food to families designated in the area, school districts at Thanksgiving, Christmas & Easter (including presents for children) as well as non-perishable foods. We rely on the generosity of our parishioners time and especially monies. Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with questions or to volunteer.
The Sacred Heart Singles Ministry is available to all who are alone. Sign up in the Narthex in the SINGLES book on the cabinet by the server's room for any of the following activities:
  • October 28: Bus trip up HWY 7 to Jasper Cliff House for lunch to view fall foliage. 20 seats.
  • November 19: Attend HSV Players performance of "White Christmas" and dinner at Grenada Mexican Grill. Purchase tickets at
  • December 9: Christmas lights bust trip to Garvin Gardens. 4:00 p.m. dinner at Dolce Vida or just meet at 5:15 p.m. for bus departure in the church parking lot. Seating on the bus is limited to 20.
  • December 14: Singles Christmas Party-Save the date.
Weekly Wednesday card games start at 1:00 p.m. in the Upper Hall. Check the calendar for specifics. 
Social Sunday on the 2nd Sunday of the month. 3:00 p.m. in the Upper Hall.
Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to add your name for upcoming events or with questions.
Please mark your calendars and plan to participate in our upcoming parish Eucharistic Mission on Monday, October 30 and Tuesday, October 31 at 6:30 p.m. each evening. Fr Declan Gibson of the Missionaries of the Holy Eucharist will preside and preach at all Masses October 28/29 to encourage participation in the mission.
 Have you sampled any of the documentaries featured on FORMED? "Coaching of Christ" is a perfect documentary for football season. It is the story of an aspiring football coach who, on retirement, becomes the Executive Director of the CYO in the archdiocese of Indianapolis. Bruce Scifres believes coaches can be a significant key to the development of our youth. His mantra "A good coach improves a player's game, a great coach improves and player's life." 

Go to and sign up as a Sacred Heart parishioner for our free subscription.
The Knights of Columbus Council #6419 will host its Fall Upscale Resale at 3045 Spring St in Hot Springs, October 13/14 and 20/21, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Shop four buildings filled with furniture, seasonal and decorator items, kitchenware, bedding, jewelry, books, toys, tools, electronices, crafts, lamps, pictures and picture frames, morrors and a specific Christmas room. All proceeds benefit local charities.
The Knights of Columbus Fall Fest , helping people with special needs, will be Saturday, October 21 at 6:15 pm. in the Lower Hall. Join us for Bob Kulas's special chili, cornbread and desserts provided by LOSH. There will be live and silent auctions to benefit CPID. Tickets are $10 and include entry into a $100 raffle. Sign up sheets will be in the Narthex or you may pay at the door. With questions, call Pat McGannon at 281-785-5073.
Do you love the Bible? Our Faith Formation asks that you spread the love? We invite you to donate a St May's Press Catholic Youth Bible to one of the following:

  • A child or teen (10 registered)
  • A parent/guardian (one pre couple-5 (families)
  • A Faith Formation Leader (3 permanent) or substitute (2 subs)
  • Extras to keep on hand for those who are new or help

The children, parents and committed leaders would be able to keep their Bibles. Having the same Bible helps tremendously in sahring faith. Inaddition, you are invited to be a prayer partner for the recipient of your Bible. He/she will also pray for you with an eventual meeting at a later date. Please contact Lou Ann Kemper This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with inquiries or interest. Your generosity is appreciated!
The World Mission Sunday collection is taken up the weekend of October 21/22. This collection is 91% to the Catholic Near East Welfare Association. Please consider a donation.
LOSH St. Mary's Guild will be collecting hygiene items for school children over the next two weeks, prior to the October 9 general meeting. Please drop items in the playpen in the Narthex.

 Items needed include: Hair ties, burshes & combs, hand sanitizer, tissues, small towels & wash clothes, feminine products, large baggies and travel size shampoo, conditioner, soap, toothpaste, toothburshes, dental floss, deodorant and dryer sheets.
The Quadrivalent Flu Vaccine (Super Senior) will be administered by health care professionsl October 7/8 before and after all Masses. Bring a photo ID and Medicare/Insurance card. Clothing should allow for easy access for injection. With questions, contact Bill Nosek at 501-915-9000.
When making contributions of K of C charities or commissions, please be sure to make the check payable to Knights of Columbus not to Sacred Heart Church.
If you posted a loved one's card on the Military Prayer Board in the Narthex and that loved one is no longer serving, please remove their card in order to make room for those that currently serve. With questions contact Bill Taylor 309-630-6360.