Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
The 22nd Annual Village Walk for Cancer Research will be held on September 30, 2023 at the Balboa Pavilion. In preparation for this event, we will be accepting reservations at all Masses on the weekends of August 12/13 and 19/20. The registration cost is $35 and includes a t-shirt. You may pick up your shirts on September 25 and 26 from 1:00-3:00 p.m. at Sacred Heart. Our church has always been the LARGEST supporter of the walk and so we ask you to join us once again as we continue to be at the top of participants! We also appreciate any items you might donate for our silent auction. With questions, please call Carolyn Bowers at 502-984-1850.
Worldwide Marriage Encounters is accepting nominations for the 2023 Longest Married Couple (couple does not need to be Catholic). Submit the couple's name, location and wedding date along with the nominator's name, phone number and email address. Winners will be recognized by each state as well as an overall national winner. To nominate, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 321-544-3440.
Please come every Tuesday from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the lower part of the church parking lot for the freshest fruits and vegetables from the Henry's, a Catholic farm family from Guy, AR. Everyone is invited to come and support!
The annual parish baby shower will once again be in January. Baby items are collected and distributed to three pregnancy help centers in our area. This effort allows all of us to help "on the front lines" those women making the decision to give birth. During the next few months we will track the development of the baby in the womb, culminating with the baby shower and celebration of life. Join your parish on this journey.
We the people of Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish welcome you to our Catholic, Christian community in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. We all believe our mission is to live and nurture our faith by:

  • Worshipping,
  • Praying,
  • Serving,
  • Sharing,
  • Healing,
  • Loving,
  • Together.

Check out our website where you will find a wealth of easy to navigate information. Maybe you're interested in more information on an activity or event--you're sure to find it plus more.
The Knights of Columbus would like to invite all parishioners to join us in the Lower Hall for pastries, coffee and juice on Sunday, August 13 after both Masses. This special celebration commemorates our founder, Blessed Michael McGivney (Aug. 12 1852 - Aug 14, 1890). A very brief video, highlighting his incredible story, will be shown. For planning purposes, there will be a sign-up sheet in the Narthex. Please join us as we celebrate this fraternal charity, evangelization and empowerment of the laity.
Do you have distractions that keep you from praying? Do you know why we need to talk with God? Our FORMED subscription recognizes that without prayer we die spiritually, so it includes several videos from the Chris Stefaniak Show on improving your prayer life. Chris teaches us on "Why We Need Prayer" a FORMED video, why we need it and how to do it. In another show, his guest, Scott Powell, gives a reality check about our prayer life as we watch "How Did Jesus Pray?". Join the parish in signing up for your free subscription at Remember to register as a parishioner, add your zip code and enter your name and email in the box provided.
Thank you Fr Bill and all the Extraordinary Ministers who brought me communion. Thank you to all who stopped by for a visit, to all the card senders and well wishers. A special thanks to the Sacred Heart Rosary Makers for meeting on Thursdays without me.
Voices Rising will be presenting a summer concert, "Awaken the Music", Sunday, August 6 at 3:00 p.m. at the Village Bible Church. This concert will be a mix of familiar movie melodies, spirituals and hymns along with some "silly summer stuff" all representing how music inspires us throughout our daily lives. Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for children. They can be purchased at the door or from any Voices Rising singer (especially Bill Lamoreaux and Maureen Morgan). Voices Rising appreciates the support provided by Sacred Heart at our concerts and when we have been invited to sing at our church events. Hope to see you there!!
Our church offers balance, strength training and light to moderate aerobic activity classes. This is our "Fit'nBalance" class every Tuesday and Thursday at 10:00 a.m. in the Lower Hall. We also offer Chair Stretch & Balance (in the Lower Hall) and Mat Yoga (Upper Hall) on those same days at 11:30 a.m. Having good balance is an important way to help prevent falls and there are many benefits to regular exercise, especially as we age. Physical activity along with a healthy diet are two of the most important lifestyle factors that help us age gracefully. Finding an exercise program that is fun and engaging is essential to help create a lasting habit. If you have questions or want more information, reach out to Linda Broome, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. or call 870-995-2797.
Here at Sacred Heart of Jesus we are blessed to have a congregation that so generously gifts prayers for those who have passed along with intentions for those who remain but may need to be lifted up for whatever reason. Other parishes are not so fortunate and the diocese recommends forwarding to parishes with less requests. Rest assured, your intention has not been overlooked. There is a list of those intentions kept at the church office. Thank you for your understanding.
"The Church and the world have a great need for Eucharistic worship. Jesus awaits us in this sacrament of love. Let us not refuse the time to go meet him in adoration, in contemplation full of faith and open to making amends for the serious offenses and crimes of the world. Let our adoration never cease." - St Pope John Paul II
 For general information about Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration, contact Kathy Clark, Coordinator at 203-816-7737.
Looking for a bible based study for your family or friends during this year's Eucharistic Revival? "Presence: The Mystery of the Eucharist" can be found on Formed. It consists fo three episodes along with a bonus episode. There is also available a study guide for both participants and the leader. To obtain this study provided by your parish, go to, sign in as a parishioner, add your zip code and enter your name and emial in the box provided.
The August 3 Council Member Meeting will take place in the Lower Hall beginning with the rosary at 5:00 p.m. The meal for the eveing is chicken marsala, whole potatoes, green beans and a cookie. Dinner will be served areound 5:45 p.m. With questions, contact Gary Wolfer at 501-204-1192 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
The time is getting close for the Knights to host our 15th annual charity golf event. This tournament donates ALL proceeds to St John's School in order to aid students whose families would otherwise not be able to afford to send their children to receive a valuatble Catholic high academic education. There are currently numberous students attending who would not be there without our assistance. There are two major compnenets to the succes of this event: golfers and sponsor donations. While many sponsors are from HSV and Hot Springs businesses, may others are from parishioners from Sacred Heart, St John's and St Mary's. Please take some time to think and pray about donating to such a worthy cause. One of the most valuable sponsors/donors is Fr Bill and the Elser family. With interest, contact Scott Krantz at 512-626-7711 or email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Thank you for your consideration.