Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
The annual effort to support this Catholic school in Fort Smith is going on now. Your $20 donation gives you the opportunity to win money every week (18) of the NFL season. At least $1150 is given each wekend from $25-$100 awarded to highest & lowest point totalf or the three randomly given teams weekly. Pick up a football card or cards in our church office. Good luck!!
Our Sociable Six is returning for July-September 2023. Three couples will be grouped together and then arrange among themselves to share a simple brunch, lunch or dinner at alternate homes, once a month. Participants get to know their fellow parishioners in an informal setting. It is also a great way for newcomers to become acquainted with with our parish family. To sign up, call Nancy Emery at 815-861-0820 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please provide your names, addresses, phone number and email address. Sign-up deadline is June 28 andyou will receive your group information the first week of July.
New day and time: following 10:00 a.m. Mass on Sundays from 11:15-12:15. Forms are in the Narthex and the parish office.
First gathering Mass, meet & greet and brunch Sept 10 in the Upper Hall.
First Faith Formation session: September 17 after Mass.
We look forward to learning, sharing, serving, enjoying and growing in faith in this new year!
For more information, call Lou Ann Kemper 469-323-2505 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. YOu may also leave a message a the office 501-922-2062 and Lou Ann will return your call.
The Wednesday daily Mass time returns to 5:00 p.m. effective this Wednesday, September 6.
Prayer and discernment are requested as we ask you to consider your part in Sacred Heart returning to Perpetual (24 HOUR) Adoration in time for our 10th Anniversary celebration in March. Time slots during 1 a.m.-4 a.m. hours will be in 90 minute increments. We currently need an adorer for 2:30-4 a.m. on Monday. There are two unfulfilled hours Thursday 3-4 p.m. and Friday 8-9 p.m. in need of an adorer.
Adorers experience the greatest blessing by establishing a weekly commitment. However, it is possible for a group (such as LOSH guild or Men's Club) to share responisbility for an hour. 
For information, contact Kathy Clark at 203-816-7737.
The Balboa Baptist Church, Barcelona Road Baptist Church, Faith Lutheran Church, Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church and Village Bible Church will all participate in the Crosses For Life Memorial in the Village this year during the month of September. The crosses represent some of the 2000 plus pre-born children that die daily in the United States of America due to abortion. The displays at each of the churches are to memorialize those children that were aborted and increase public awareness of the devastating effects of abortion in our country. Saint Mothere Teresa was a champion of life and was quoted saying the following: "And if we can accept that a mother can kill her own child, how can we tell other people not to kill one another."

Crosses will be erected at Sacred Heart Catholic Church on Wednesday, August 30th beginning at 8:00 a.m. Contact Bob Bowman at 501-922-6619 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to volunteer to help put up crosses. The crosses will be displayed for the complete month of September.
Morning adorer : "He has done so much for me. Can I not spend one hour with Him?"

 Afternoon adorer: "I feel the peace that only Christ present in the Eucharist can provide."

 Evening adorer: "Adoratin helps enlighten my spiritual journey!"

Nighttime adorer: "I can take the time to remember everyone I have to pray for. An hour is the perfect  time to Commit."

Eucharistic Adoration, Jesus, physically present in the Blessed Sacrament is "working" all hours of the day to bless you, our parish and our community. There are 59 calendar hours in need of a second adorer. 

For information about Eucharistic Adoration, contact Kathy Clark at 203-816-7737.
Many men and women have lived lives of intense faith and devotion, as well as, great compassion for their fellow man. Be inspired with the life of others by going to the top of the page on FORMED and searching "movies". You can choose from a variety of topics. "Men and Women of Faith" and "Saints of History" are two subtopics that offer a variety of film choices that are sure to inspire and entertain you.

Not yet registered for FORMED? Just go to  and start your free membership. Click on "sign in as a parishioner", add your zip code and enter your name and email in the box provided. You then have free access to FORMED.
Next week we will have an additional collection for the Catholic Home Missions Appeal. Nearly 40% of Dioceses in the United States and its territories are unable to fund the essentioal pastoral work their communities require. Your support of this appeal helps them meet these faith formation and sacramental needs. Please prayerfully consider a contribution.
Thank you so much for your in-kind donation of US and foreign canceled stamps which benefit our Ministry with the Poor. We are deeply grateful for your support and hold you and your loved ones in our daily prayers.
Baby's arms, hands and toes are fully formed and it can open and close its fists and mouth. Fingernails, teeth and ears are forming. Baby's gender may still be difficult to distinguish but he/she is fully formed. All organs and estremities along with it circulatory system and the liver are functional. At the end of month 3, baby is about 4 inches long and weighs an ounce. Chances of carrying to term are very good at this point in pregnancy.
The 2024 Diocese of Little Rock Directory is coming soon. I tis an invaluable resource to keep in your house or car to find Mass times for another parish or to call or email a parish, priest, deacon or religious in the diocese. Cost is on $15 which includes shipp8ing. Please send your check or money order to Directory, Arkansas Catholic, PO Box 7417, LIttle Rock, AR 72217. Shipment will be in October.
The Solemnity of Mary's Assumption into heaven (a holy of obligation to attend Mass) occurs this Tuesday, August 15 and will be celebrated here with Masses on August 14 at 6:30 p.m. and August 15 at 9:00 a.m. Please make it a priority to participate in Mass for this holy day.
A big Thank You to Sara Pilgrim and th LOSH ladies for their help with the first two days of the pictorial directory photography session. It may have been a bit of a rough start, but due to Sara's calm direction, all went well. 
It is time to either renew or order your subscription to "Give Us This Day" ($30) and/or "The Word Among Us" ($20) and take advantage of our bulk subscription rate. Use the envelopes provided in the Narthex to put your payment (checks to Sacred Heart Church), note which publication and put your name on the outside of the envelope and leave in the basket on the table. The deadline is the end of August. When the new subscription starts, The Word in October and GUTD in November, you will pick up your copy in the Narthex and check off your name on the provided sheet.
Our 2023 Sacred Heart of Jesus church directory will not be complete without you. Schedule your professional photography session by stopping by the sign-up tables after all Masses on the weekends of July 8/9, 15/16, and 22/23. You may also sign up online at your convenience. Instructions will available in a few weeks for the online sign-up.

Potrait dates: August 8/9, September 12-16 from 2:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Everyone who is photographed receives a free 8x10 portrait and a directory. Join us to celebrate faith and family with our new church family album!

Available Monday through Friday beginning July 10

  • go to Universal Church Directory site (
  • Click on box on right "photography appt. scheduling login"
  • Enter church code ar127 (lower case)
  • Enter church password: photos
  • Click Enter button
  • Click desired date
  • Click Reserve Time button beside desired appt. time
  • Enter appropriate information in all required fields (indicated by *). Please add email
  • Click Schedule Appointment button at bottom of screen to reserve time
  • If you have more than six family members, please reserve 2 appointments consecutively, such as 6:00 & 6:10
  • Print the next screen for your reminder. You will receive an email or reminder call the day prior to your appointment
  • Contact KATERI AMRHEIN AT 302-841-2042 OR RENEE STEINPREIS AT 501-984-1006  to change or cancel your appointment