Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
Thank you to everyone who donated to the 138th annual Black and Indian Mission Collection last weekend.  Our prayerful support enables people to come to know Jesus Christ in African American, Native American and Alaska Native Communities in the United States.  Spreading His gospel would not happen without your support.
Retrouvaille is a Christian marriage program, Catholic in origin, where couples work to restore and rebuld their loving relationships. Married couples share their personal stories of struggles and the tools they utilized to rediscover their love. This program will take place at St. John's Center in Little Rock the weekend of February 17-19, 2023. For further information call 800-470-2230 or 501-834-1956. Sign up at
Help plan our 2023 calendar. Thursday, February 2nd, we will meet in Classroom D at church and plan our activities. Bring your ideas and help plan the fun. Questions, call Debbie Doughty at 414-313-0415.
This 50/50 will work like any typical Super Bowl squares. Donation per square is $20 and the payout is as follows: 1st quarter $200; 2nd quarter $250; 3rd quarter $200 and final score $350. This year you may purchase 12 squares per person as we plan to fill 3 boards. Family members, neighbors, etc are welcome to participate. If any squares remain the final week of January, then additional squares will be available to purchase. This is a Men's Club fundraiser enabling us to make financial donations to select charities or any in house projects deemed worthy.   
Checks should be to Sacred Heart Church with 50/50 Squares on the memo line. Checks can be dropped into my folder in the Mail Room or mailed to: Mike Webster, 32 Alteza Dr, HSV, AR 71909 any time during the months of December & January. No entries will be permitted after January 29. The Super Bowl is Sunday, February 12. Numbers will be drawn by the Men's Club Board Members on January 30 ar our board meeting. Completed boards with all numbers will be sent to each Clubs' representative on February 1. Thanks in advance for your participation.
The diocesan Respect for Life office is sponsoring the 2023 Adult Pro-Life conference entitled "Hearts for Life, Beyond the Abortion Facility: The Challenge of being Pro-Life Today" on Saturday, January 21 from 5:00-8:00 p.m. at St John's Center (Fitzgerald Hall) 2414 N Tyler Street. This conference and a free taco bar dinner is open to all and will explore current trends and challenges in pro-life ministry through a guest speaker and discussion time. Call 501-664-0340 x 326 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to register.
Give your spouse a Valentine gift that will last a lifetime. Spend a weekend away discussing what really matters. Sign up for an upcoming Worldwide Marriage Encounter Experience on February 10-12, 2023 at Subiaco Coury House, Subiac, AR or June 2-4, 2023 at Our Lady Queen of Peace Retreat Center in Stanton, TN (near Memphis). A WWME Experience provides all the tools necessary to achieve the best marriage ever! Application fee is $200/couple. Discount available with early registration. Visit our website at or call 501-733-1235 to register or for more information.
Sacred Heart Parish is looking to employ someone (a parishioner) to work part-time in the area of Parish Life. This will include being on the Parish Life Commission and working together with our parish organizations, i.e., LOSH, Men's Club, Singles and the Knights on "parish sponsored" social events when it comes to coordinating the help that these groups provide for activities. Responsibilitites include ordering supplies as needed and supporting those who lead our parish life activities (card groups, Singles, etc.). The hours will average up to 20 per week but will be on a flexible schedule. Wages are paid hourly.  Please call Fr Bill at 501-209-2502 if interested and/or for more information.
 If you are reluctant to commit to an hour every week but you are looking to "dip your toe" into Eucharistic Adoration, you can enroll as a sub for one or multiple hours while the chapel is open. You will receive email notifications when the hour for which you've enrolled requires a sub. If you are available, simply click "fill the request." Remember, just one hour in Adoration may improve your prayer life. For information on subbing contact Kathy Clark 203-816-7737 or a division leader for specific hours. Division Leaders--Morning: Ann Bowman 501-316-6672, Afternoon: Ken Raney 832-922-2383, Evening: Don Ritter 2024-659-5001. All listed numbers are for texting or calling and are also listed at
This Wednesday, the House of Representatives is scheduled to vote on the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. Please act now to tell your representative to vote "Yes" on this bill. It is a horrific reality in this country that children who are fully born and living after a failed abortion can in many instances be left to die without medical attention and basic needs met. The Born-Alive Survivors Protection Act would require health care professionals to offer the same level of medical care to such children as would be appropriate for a premature baby born at the same age. Please make your voice heard and ask Congress to help save these vulnerable survivors among us. by clicking on the link below:
The family of Emma Stovall, mother of Susan Harrell, would like to thank everyone who reached out during her short hospice stay and passing. Fr Bill came and offered up the Anointing of the Sick and his visit brought us peace. We certainly appreciate those who are having masses and novenas said in her honor at various places. These will be remembered and cherished along with those who visited the hospital, dropped by the house, called, emailed, texted and sent cards or just lent an ear.
For those who do not know, Cathy Kraus has resigned, for personal reasons, as our Parish Director of Religious Education. We are in search of a part-time replacement for her. Rose Harrington is temporarily in charge of our REY (Youth Education Ministry). Please call Fr Bill at 501-209-2502 if you are interested in this D.R.E. position.
Almighty eternal God behold, I come to the sacrament of your Only Begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, as one sick to the physician of life, as one unclean to the fountain of mercy, as one blind to the light of eternal brightness, as one poor and needy to the Lord of heaven and earth. I ask, therefore, for the abundance of your immense generosity, that you may graciously cure my sickness, wash away my defilement, give light to my blindness, enrich my poverty, clothe my nakedness, so that I may receive the bread of Angels, the Kind of kings and Lord of lords, with such reverence and humility, such condition and devotion, such purity and faith, such purpose and intentions are conducive to the salvation of my soul. Grant, I pray that I may receive not only the Sacrament of the Lord's body and Blood, but also the reality and power of that Sacrament. O most gentle God, grant that I may so receive the Body of your Only Begotten Son our Lord Jesus Christ, which he took from the Virgin Mary, that I may be made worthy to be incorporated into His mystical body and to be counted among its members. O most Loving Father, grant that I may at last gaze forever upon the unveiled face of your beloved Son, whom I, a wayfarer, propse to receive now veiled under these species: Who lives and resigns with you for ever and ever. Amen.
Women of Hope, a day retreat, will be held on February 4, 2023, at Christ the King Church in Little Rock. This retreat is an opportunity for women to set aside the outside world for a day and commit to a deep, personal experience with Christ. The retreat begins with Mass and includes reconciliation, inspiring talks from national speaker Sonja Corbitt and praise and worship with national recording artist Sarah Kroger. Lunch will be provided. There is a BONUS even on Friday evening to allow all registrants to prepare their hearts for the next day. This event includes adoration and praise and worship with Sarah Kroger, reconciliation and personal reflection time. Visit the website at for more information.
Our spiritually adopted babies, due this month, are always showered with gifts by you. We thank you. The last day for the unwrapped gifts in the crib or cash (checks payable to Sacred Heart) is January 16. Of course, any gift is welcome, however, there are specific needs for newborn diapers in sizes 2-6, baby wipes, clothing, onesies, formula, jackets (0-2T) and sleepers. All money and donated items will be delivered to the following three local charities: Catholic Charities Adoption Agency, Change Point and New Beginnings. now offers a four part video series which examines the origin of death, the afterlife and the powerful reality surrounding the sacrament that ushers us into eternal life. "Eternal Rest..." presents the Catholic Church's teaching about death and God's reponse to it. Simply go to, click on "sign up as a parishioner" and then type Sacred Heart of Jesus Hot Springs Village. Provide your name and email address and you are there. Scroll down the page and you will locate the referenced video series. 

We are now blessed to have the following serving on the council as the result of the recently held   election: Sandy Darnell, Liturgy Commission; Rose Harrigan, Education Commission; Mark Leslie, Parish Life Commission; Pietro Tomasso, Social Justice and Charitable Outreach Commission. Three of these individuals are serving on their respective commissions for the first time while one (Sandy Darnell) has been currently serving on the  Liturgy Commission. In their role on the commissions, they offer input and, in some cases, take on responsibilities that occur outside of these meetings. As Pastoral Council members they join current members Barbara Potter and Ann Bowman in offering council to the pastor on matters of importance for the parish. Remember the council members' name and phone numbers are listed in the bulletin and on the website. They welcome input from parishioners in their ministries anytime.