Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas

Here's a thought...embrace a ;ott;e [eace and qioet/ Om what may just be the busiest time of the year, why not allow yourself a break on your way to or from wherever you may be going? Leave a half hour rearly to come and refocus on what really matters most. Receive the true peace that only God can give and then return it to a world that so desperately needs. it. If you plan on visiting the chapel for the first time, please check in as a visitor on teh iPad to the right as you enter. 
For information regarding Perpetual Eucharistic Adorations call Kathy Clark, Coordinator, at 203-816-7737 or one of the division leaders listed on the home page of the PEA website website

The diocesan initiative One Church invests each year in a small mission church within our diocese that needs a leg up to become a thriving community. The 2022-2023 partner is Immaculate Heart of Mary Church in Magnolia. All funds donated to One Church for the next twelve months will help the church expand its parish center to include classrooms, a conference room, a larger kitchen and offices. Please pray for this project and give today. To give or for additional information visit

Do you have any roosters in the woodpile?  Listen to Ken Yasinski's 45 minute talk "Freedom through   Forgiveness" on FORMED to help you understand that question. This popular speaker reveals  what we can do to ease the burden of sins through the sacrament of Reconciliation. Advent is quickly   approaching and FORMED is a wonderful resource provided by our parish for you to prepare for the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. Simply search on FORMED using the term "advent" and check out what is available. Set up your free account by visiting and select our parish.

Singles will be viewing a matinee showing of The Little Mermaid on Sunday, December 11. Reservations must be made no later than November 10 so please do not wait. We will be enjoying wonderful food and the play for $47. Sign the single's book in the Narthex or call Debbie Doughty at (414) 313-0415.
You are invited to bring framed pictures of deceased loved ones to church. You may either drop them at the office or place them on the designated table in the Narthex. They will be moved to a special table in front of the church for All Soul's Day where they will remain during November. PLEASE securely put your name and phone number on the back. With questions, call Sandy Darnell (602) 418-3414.
The weekend of November 12/13 will be the kickoff of the 2022 Arkansas Catholic Schools Scholarship Appeal. Thanks to your prior support the Scholarship Appeal raised over $60,000 providing financial assistance to 86 students! Funds raised go directly to Catholic schools for tuition assistance for qualifying students. This weekend marks the beginning of the 2022 appeal. With your support, our goal is to help even more students this year. Without your help, these students would not have access to all the wonderful advantages of a Catholic education. A grateful family wrote: "We would like to thank you for providing our family with scholarship funds. These last two years have been incredibly difficult for so many. Through these trying times one of our biggest comforts lies in our faith, our church and our Catholic school. Knowing that our daughter is getting the best education in a Christian environment is comforting. It's a true blessing." Please support this fund and give the gift that lasts a lifetime and beyond, a Catholic education. Donations can be made through the Office of Catholic Schools, PO Box 7565, Little Rock, AR 72217-7565 or online at Thank you.
Has your phone number, email or address changed? Please make sure you inform the office if you are moving out of the area or your contact or address information has changed by filling out the Change of Information form found on the Narthex and A & E Hall credenzas. You can also call the office at 501-922-2062 ext 10.
The committee would like to offer a big "Thank You" to all parishioners who donated so generously to the Food Basket Program the last weekend in October. While donations can be made year round, this particular weekend collection represents the bulk of our annual budget. You may additinally help those in need in the Fountain Lake, Jessieville and Mountain Pine school districts by participating through the Angel Tree which will be in the Narthex the weekend prior to Thanksgiving (November 18/19). Select an angel and purchase the suggested gift. Return the wrapped gift to the tree the first weekend in December. Also, there is still time to volunteer to help in person by taking a family to shop for and deliver the food and gifts at Christmastime. The Food Basket Committee will provide you with the name and contact information for a family in need this holiday season. As a volunteer, you contact the family by phone, ask a few questions regarding their preferences and shop for perishable grocery items. Turn in your receipts to the committee forreimbursement. Delivery of the Angel Tree food and gifts is the week prior to Christmas. Please help be an integral part of the true spirit of Christmas.
Our parishioners have the opportunity to help those in need in the Fountain Lake, Jessieville and Mountain Pine school districts by participating through the Angel Tree which will be in the Narthex the weekend prior to Thanksgiving (November 19/20). Please select an angel and purchase the suggested gift only if you are certain that you are able to return the specified gift by the deadline of December 4.

Angel Tree gifts and food will be available for volunteer pick up after December 10. Help be an integrel part of the true spirit of Christmas. Please refer questions to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Our Sacred Heart of Jesus Helath and Wellness Ministry recognizes that providing care for a loved one may be extremely stressful even if they are not at home. At times, caregivers also need support to get through the challlenges of caregiving. Being able to talk with those in similar situations plus receiving "how to" guidance from our facilitator, Kathy Packard with the Area Agency on Aging, is a confidential way to learn how to manage this monumental task. Taking car of YOU will enlighten the 24/7 path. Meetings are 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. the second Wednesday monthly in Classroom D with lunch served. Contact Evelyn Garrison at 501-204-4334  or Maureen Halloran Morley at 228-342-0491 with quesiton or to reserve a spot.
We have recently received a lovely "thank you" letter from the pastor of Harvey's Chapel Baptist Church, Buddy Leamons, expressing sincere appreciation for the generosity of our parishioners in support of their work of clothing and feeding the less fortunate in the Mountain Pine community. The complete letter is posted on the bulletin board in the hallway leading from the Narthex toward our administration and education wing. Take a moment to stop by and read it and,  please, continue your giving ways.
Every day we say "The Lord's Prayer" either at Mass or in private. But do we understand the meaning behind what we are saying as we recite this familiar prayer or are we on "rote"? Dr Scott Hahn, in his audio on FORMED titled "Understanding the Lord's Prayer", helps us to discover and understand the significance of this prayer in our daily journal of faith. Tap into this treasure with our free parish subscription. To set up your free account, visit and select our parish.
The Food Basket Committee is gearing up for the distribution of Christmas food baskets during the third week in December. Members of LOSH and The Knights of Columbus will have the opportunity to volunteer at their monthly meetings in October and November. Should you wish to participate, please call Ed Keearns at 501-922-8986.

Having spoken about Deacon Bernie in my homily last weekend after hearing of his passing, as well as at a Memorial Mass for him on Monday morning, I feel blessed to share something with his wonderful family and friends who have gathered at St. Peter's in Skokie this morning.

Having only known him for the last twelve years of his life, while serving as pastor at Sacred Heart Church in beautiful Hot Springs Village Arkansas, my experiences with him are fairly limited, when one ponders his almost 100 years of life in this world and all the blessings that came to him and through him in all those years. After reading the obituary that his wonderful family put together, it is clear to me that the qualities that I was blessed to see for a relatively short time, were qualities that he carried throughout his life. He was a gentle, kind, humble, other-centered disciple of Christ who loved the Lord and all those the Lord put in his life starting with his family of origin, and then his beautiful wife of over 70 years, his six children and the many grandchildren and great-grandchildren who were all listed by name in the obituary. That very listing of all of their names said to me, among other things, that they were all uniquely loved by him. Add to this, the large number of extended family Bernie had, including his beloved parish families such as yours and ours, and we have reason to rejoice and give thanks for the many who were blessed to know and love him and be loved by him.

For the sake of brevity during this funeral Mass, which I grieve I could not be a part of in person, I want to share something about Deacon Bernie that I look forward to sharing with the parishioners at Sacred Heart Parish that I pray will inspire more than a few to participate in something that is near and dear to my heart and clearly to Deacon Bernie's life for much of his life, that being the Celebration of the Mass, including in a special way, weekday Mass. In the obituary, it was shared that in his growing up years in Indiana, he LOVED getting up in the wee hours of the morning for his 6;30a.m. daily Mass assignment as an altar boy. Recalling these cherished memories, he said "I was so full of joy when leaving church, that I would run and leap like a stag, and scream. I was so happy! One day, this young Bernie paused, knelt at the altar of St. Joseph and asked the Lord to teach him how to love. I dare say that all of us who knew Bernie can attest that he was a good student of the Lord who learned and practiced love his entire life.

Fast forward to the last seven years at Sacred Heart Parish where there were few if any times that Bernie missed daily Mass, assisting me as a deacon on the altar countless times or in the pews with his fellow parishioners whom he offered the precious Blood of Christ at almost every Mass he participated in. I have no doubt that this daily part of his life served as the fuel that gave him his wonderful innocent, child-like, Christ-like demeanor and a perpetual desire to serve the Lord and others with compassion and love.

Like an uncle of mine, who was also born in 1923, Deacon Bernie was quick to laugh or giggle in his own way in almost every circumstance, which was an obvious sign (at least to me) that he lived with the joy of the Lord in his mind and heart, the Lord that he was privileged to receive at Mass daily from his early years to the later years of his life.

God bless Deacon Bernie with the beatific vision and eternal rest from the many years he was given in this world and to this world to love as Jesus loved and blessed him!!

In 2015, eleven parishioners decided to create an endowment through the Arkansas Community Foundation that would provide our church with an annual income, in perpetuity, to be used strictly for local charitable outreach use. The Finance Council has decided that we would not withdraw any funds from the endowment until it reached $100,000. At that time, the Church should receive about $3000 every year, in perpetuity for charitable uses. Many have donated to the endowment by making memorial contributions for deceased church members. Today our endowment has grown to $72,800. Please consider our endowment for memorial or recognition gifts and remember it when making your will or trust arrangements. Endowment envelopes are available on the wall bracket in the Narthex for your convenience. Checks must be made payable to HSV Community Foundation--not Sacred Heart Church. If you have any questions, please contact Carolyn Bowers at (915-8022, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or Dave Witchger at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Hello everyone! The Capuchin Novitiate in California has been a great experience for me these past couple of months. I have been busy doing ministry at a place called Alpha Resources in Santa Barbara. I help out kids who are mentally challenged by doing activities with them and assisting them as needed. My Novitiate year has been an experience of growth with the help of our Formators and 10 other novices.

We will keep you in our prayers and please keep us in yours. If you are interested in supporting my Capuchin Province, please see to view the ways in which you may donate via the Brown Robe Benefit.