Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
Each year HSV Village Outreach provides a shoe certificate to children of the families who receive Christmas baskets. Over 500 certificates have been given each year for the past several years. The cost has been over $14,000.00 every year and is covered by donations from our Village churches, organizations and individual donations. If you would like to contribute to this program, please place your donation in the decorated shoe box in the A & E hallway. Make checks payable to Sacred Heart Catholic Church with "shoe fund" on the Memo line. Thanks for past and future donations!
A sister writes: "We remember the many people who believe in the Retirement Fund for Religious, thanking them in prayer for their great generosity and compassion." God bless you for donating to last week's second collection. Visit to learn how your gift supports all elderly religious.
For the December 24/25 bulletin, the deadline for article submission is Wednesday, December 14. For the December 31/January 1 bulletin, deadline for article submission is Monday, December 19. 
 " solitude God will speak to us-not as a magical voice but as knowledge that grows gradually over the years. And in that word from God, we will find the inner place from which we live our lives. Solitude is where Jesus listened to God. It is where we listen to God. Solitude is where community begins."
Additional infromation on Perpetual Eucharistic Adorations is available from Kathy Clark, Coordinator at 203-816-7737 or one of the division leaders listed on the home page of the PEA website
The Knights of Columbus Council 10208 has completed our 2022 Baby Bottle Campaign and we'd like to thank all parishioners for taking and retrurning a baby bottle. YOur generosity will be appreciated by all groups receiving funs from this campaign. If you still have one of the bottles, please return it to the church and place it in the basket in the Narthex (with or without a donation.) There are 47 remaining bottles still not returned.
As you begin to plan your 2023 schedule, all men of our parish should reserve Monday, February 27 through Thursday, March 2 for our annual Parish Men's Retreat at the St John's Center in Little Rock. This year's leader will be Fr Stephen Gadberry. He is a dynamic speaker who happens to be an Arkansas native with a truly interesting journey to the priesthood. Don't miss this opportunity to deepen your relationship with the Lord. You may contact Ed Doyle at 501-922-5771 with questions.
As we approach the end of 2022, we ask all event planners to review our Parish Calendar on to ensure that your events are listed appropriately. This parish has MANY ongoing/recurring events and we strive to make certain rooms are reserved to accommodate all groups in our parish. Please utilize the Room Reservation Form located in the A & E hallway cubbie or print a copy from the website.  You'll find the form under the Parish Information tab, the last sub-tab is Forms. Once completed, drop at the Parish office or scan/email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  Thank you.
There will be a second collection for the Retured Religious this weekend, Saturday and Sunday, December 3/4. Senior sisters, brothers and religious order priests have devoted their lives to prayer, service and works of mercy.  Most ministered for little or no pay. Today, their religious communities do not have enough savings to meet retirement needs. Your donation helps provide medications, nursing care along with basic necessities. Lighten the load. Thanks you for your generous donation.
Baby bottles can be returned to the church at any time on or before Sunday, November 13 and placed in the crib in the Narthex. If you have not picked up a bottle, there are additional empty bottles on top of the cabinets in the Narthex hallway. This year's goal is to continue to provide funds to three area pregnancy resource centers and the Arkansas Right to Life organization in Little Rock. The New Beginnings Pregnancy Resource Center in Benton, Changepoint Pregnancy Center in Hot Springs and the Arkansas Pregnancy Resource Center in Little Rock all do amazing work caring for new mothers and their babies and couseling young women who require guidance before and after their pregnancies. What a great feeling to know that you have helped save and nurture a life! Please open your heart and generously give for these beautiful unborn children of God.
If you haven't already signed up for Advent Daily Reflections there is still time. This Advent make a point to dive deeper into the joys and mysteries of the Incarnation and enjoy the richness of the Christmas season as never before. Within your FORMED account sign up for daily reflections with your email address at
You are invited to join the Stretch and Balance Class led by Linda Broome every Tuesday and Thursday from 11:30 to 12:30 p.m. in the lower hall. No matter your fitness level, this class is sure to help stretch out and strengthen muscles through a routine that is safe and done at your own pace. Regardless if you want to stay seated or stand, the routine will surely help with your flexibility and balance. Come stretch your way to better health!!
In addition to this website and standard hard copy, there is another option available for our parishioners to view the Sacred Heart of Jesus weekly bulletin. By visiting just enter our church and zip code and view the current bulletin in its entirety.  Also, available on the same page is an option to receive our weeklly bulletin directly to your personal email. There are many ways/options to stay current with our numerous Sacred Heart events!
Sacred Heart of Jesus is in need of a part-time (8 hours a week total, 8:00 am to 12:00 pm, Tuesdays and Thursdays). 

We are looking for a person with clerical skills for our church office. Duties include greeting and assisting people who come to the church office, scheduling of parish facilities, and managing and updating our parish website.

To apply please forward your resume'to Dave Witchger at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call him at 501-922-9058 with questions you may have or to express interest in the position.
The DeSoto Women's Club is planning a "Taste of Tennessee Tour" for the Spring of 2023. The dates are April 24-27. We would like to invite any interested ladies from Sacred Heart of Jesus Church to join us for this 4 day/3 night trip. Tour price includes: round trip Motor Coach, 3 nights lodging, 8 meals, 6 tours at great venues and admissions. On the last night there will be a private dinner at the Mayor's Mansion and a Sunset Cruise on the Southern Belle Riverboat. All taxes and tips are included. If you would like prices and details on the itinerary, please contact Judy Dell'Aira at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

The weekend of November 19/20 will be the collection for the Catholic Campaign for Human   Development. Currently, 38 million people are living in poverty. This collection funds programs that empower local communities across the country to address the ongoing challenges they face. The   Catholic Campaign for Human Development identifies and addresses the unique obstacles people encounter as they work to lift themselves out of poverty. In addition, 25% of the funds we collect 
remain in our diocese to fund local antipoverty projects. By supporting the Catholic Campaign for Human Development you will be providing those living on the margins a fighting chance. Thank you in advance for your generosity.  

The Cemetery Committee is in search of a new member who is a Master Gardener or simply has a passion for gardening to oversee the care of the landscaping in the cemetery garden. Contact Bill Patterson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 501 922-8631 if you are interested.