Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
Harveys ChapelHarvey's Chapel Baptist Church Clothes Closet in Mountain Pine needs donations of clothing, linens, small kitchen appliances, kitchen utensils and small household items to distribute, at no charge, to the needy within our community. Place your donations in teh closet to the left of our church's main entrance. Call Linda Luyett at 501-472-5113 if you have any questions or if you don't have a way to bring your donations to the church.
LOSH LOGO COLORThe first general meeting for LOSH will be Monday, September 12 and our "Something Extra" will be school supplies.  Shop the upcoming sales for these general supplies:

High School:  Expo Markers, pencils, pens, highlighters, composition books, 3-ring binders, Clorox wipes and Kleenex.

Elementary School:  Crayons, markers, colored pencils, kids' scissors, Clorox wipes, germ-x and Kleenex.
TREEGod uses His creation to grab our attention, reveal HImself to us, provide for us, and demonstrate His restorative power.  Trees are an instrument He uses top capture our hearts and minds, and to put His plan into physical realm where we can witness and be a part of it.  In the Bible, trees represent:
  • Life
  • Growth
  • Provision
  • Beauty
  • God's family
Parishioners of Sacred Heart of Jesus come together as one to represent God's Family.  What better way to understand its significance and importance?  Before I begin to break down the different ministries, I want to expecially thank Steve Schramer for his artistic abilities.  I gave him a very small picture of a tree and asked him if he could draw and paint this.  Immediately, without hesitation, he said, "Yep I can do that", and he did.  Mr. Hugh Dunnahoe, Creative Arts located in Hot Springs, painted the wording.  This tree that you see on our wall represents an umbrella for all our parishioners who devote their time to the different ministries within our parish.  The branches of the tree represent the different ministries within our parish. The leaves represent our dedicated parishioners who give their time and energy to the ministries. The roots represent the firm, solid foundation that takes hold and keeps the tree steady and strong.  Hence, the tree continues to grow.
casalogo08By the end of last year almost 300 of our parish families made a contribution to the ongoing effort to fund Catholic ministries and activities throughout the state of Arkansas that do not have adequate means to carry on their important work in the name of Jesus Christ.  The last report was that 200 families from Sacred Heart Church have answered the need.  Please join them with your gift.  Envelopes are available in the Narthex next to a poster that chronicles how we are doing.  Please respond!!
DCIM\100GOPROPlease consider Sacred Heart's Cemetery as the final resting place for you and your family.  The Memorial Garden and Columbaria are on Church grounds and are a beautiful and peaceful place to visit and pray.

formed logo semiboldOur parish subscription gives you access to hundreds of inspiring movies that include feature films about saints, documentaries exploring popular Catholic topics and award-winning children's programming.  It's easy to sign up on FORMED:

1.     Visit http://signup.formed/
2.     Enter our parish zip code or name
3.     Enter your name and email address

and that's're ready to enjoy.
Spiritual Direction"Spiritual direction is a process of being conformed to the image of Christ for the sake of others."
                                                                                                      -Robert Mulholland

All of us long for a more conscious experience of God's presence and love.  Each of us has a sacred story unfolding and inviting our attention.  Spiritual direction provides a space to notice, reflect, discern, and discover where God is present and active in our lives.  Each season of life offers its unique challenges and opportunites:  loss of loved ones, health concerns, diminishment due to aging.  Reflecting on these with a trained spiritual director whose only desire is that you hear God answer your questions can be refreshing and comforting.  This ministry has been called a Holy Conversation or prayer time between three persons-the director or companion, the directee, and the Holy Spirit.  God's spirit is ultimately the sole source of spiritual guidance, comfort, and knowing.  Spiritual direction is an opportunity to step away and allow God the space to minister to you in the way only God knows is best for you.  It can be good medicine for the soul.  For more information, contact either:

Deb Troxel     501-204-4480     This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Paula Doyle   501-922-5771     This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Habitat for HumanityHabitat for Humanity, Garland County is looking for workers to build houses in Hot Springs.  If you are interested or you have any questions, please contact one of the following parishioners who are regular volunteers:

Bob Bowman 501-922-6619
Michael Downes 501-922-3301
Bob Urban 214-663-0192
Dave Witchger 501-911-9058

It is fun, rewarding and you learn many useful techniques!
AR Charismatic Conference DoveSAVE THE DATE!  The Arkansas Catholic Charismatic Renewal Service invites EVERYONE to the Catholic Charismatic Conference to be held July 22-24, 2022 at the Wyndham Riverfront Hotel in North Little Rock.  Speakers will be Fr. Patrick Gonyeau of "Encounter Ministries" and Mrs. Barbara Heil, founder of "From His Heart" ministry.  The conference will open Friday evening with Mass.  Closing will be with Sunday Mass at 11:30 a.m.  Other weekend activities will be a youth track, praise and worship, children's ministry, book store and prayer teams.  Registration/information can be found at  Call Marion at 479-692-1937 if you have questions.
Thank you for your generous support of Catholic Home Missions Appeal. As a parish, we raised enough money to help maintain and strengthen the Church at home and ensure that the Gospel is spread across the United States. If you missed the appeal, it's not too late to give!

More information can be found at
LOSH LOGO COLORAdditional meetings will be scheduled for the Fundraising Committee and the Budget Committee.  If you are interested in being a member of those, please contact Vernell Bowen, President.

Remember that LOSH takes aluminum cans for recycling.  The trailer for LOSH is at the back of the church's lower parking lot.  Happy Summer!
Board GamesDo you have a board or card game you miss playing?  Well, dust it off and bring it to the Upper Hall every second Wednesday of the month at 1:00 p.m (July 13) for our new "Game Day."  Also, don't forget we play "Hand & Foot" the first and third Wednesday's of the month.  If you have any questions about this or the Single's group, contact Debbie Doughty at 414-313-0415.
3rd Degree KofC LogoWhile there are many organizations that are seeking to help the overwhelming number of refugees from the Ukraine who are fleeing their country, Fr. Bill recommends to all parishioners the Knights of Columbus "Ukraine Solidarity Fund."  If you would like to give to this effort please either log on to and then click the appropriate button or send a check to: 

 Knights of Columbus
 1 Columbus Plaza
 New Haven CT  06510
Eucharistic AdorationJesus is patiently waiting for you in our chapel. Here are ways you can experience His love in Eucharistic Adoration:
  • Substitute Adorer (contact Kathy Clark at 203-816-7737. If you are already a sub, watch for emails with opportunities to sub.
  • Prayer partner- be the second adorer during an hour where there is currently one adorer. Two adorers can be each other's back up when one adorer can't make it. That way, the hour doesn't go unfilled. Contact Ann Bowman at 501-922-6619.
  • Ready to commit to a regular hour? The following hours are unfilled:
    • Wednesday, midnight to 1:00 a.m. (Wednesday night/Thursday morning). Friday midnight to 1:00 a.m. (Friday night/Saturday morning). Contact Lorie Vincent at 337-654-2871.
    • Saturday 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.. Contact Ken Raney at 832-922-2383.
Questions? Contact Kathy Clark, Eucharistic Adoration Coordinator at 203-816-7737.

gangster museumLet's be a tourist by seeing someting in our own backyard Friday, June 17, meet at church at 11:30 a.m. to tour the Gangster Museum in Hot Springs.  We will have our own special tour and then eat in town.  If it's your 1st or 20th time, The Gansger Museum never disappoints.  Sign the red single's book on the credenza or call Debbie Doughty at 414-313-0415.  Let's see what the area was like before our beloved village was built.
Yoga stretchYou're invited to join the Stretch and Balance Class led by Linda Broome every Tuesday and Thursday from 11:30 to 12:30 p.m. in the lower hall.  No matter your fitness level, this class is sure to help stretch out and strengthen muscles through a routine that is safe and done at your own pace.  Regardless if you want to stay seated or stand, the routine will surely help with your flexibility and balance.  Come stretch your way to better health!!!