Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
FlagOn Saturday, June 14, Sacred Heart will host the following Flag Day activities:

10:00 a.m. Patriotic Rosary Main Church
11:00 a.m. Reception and Program Lower Hall

The program is sponsored by the American Legion, Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus, Veterans of Foreign Wars and the Military Order of the Purple Heart.  All are invited to attend.
potluck dinnerSacred Heart Singles will meet for their Potluck Dinner and Games on Monday, June 9, from 5:00 to 9:00 p.m.  Invite your neighbors and friends, and sign-up in the Sacred Heart Singles book in the narthex.  If you have questions, please call Ann at 922-6963 or Eileen at 915-9229.
2014 Dr. Ling GaoThe Doctor Is In the Village, sponsored by the Village Walk for Cancer Research team and hosted by the Village Church of Christ, 210 Balboa Rd in Hot Springs Village, will be presented Tuesday, May 20, at 6:00 p.m.  The presentation is free to the public.

The doctor who will be presenting the program is Ling Gao, M.D., PhD.  Dr. Gao is an assistant professor in the Department of Dermatology in the College of Medicine at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS).  As a physician-scientist, she conducts basic research at the UAMS Winthrop P. Rockefeller Cancer Institute and sees patients in the Dermatology Clinic.  Dr. Gao will share information on skin cancer and provide an update on her scientific research in Merkel cell carcinoma.

Everyone is invited and encouraged to attend this wonderful opportunity to learn more about skin cancer and to meet and speak with a UAMS doctor and reserach scientist in person.  For more information, contact the Village Church of Christ at 501-922-2827.
handandfootThe Potluck Dinner at the church hall will be held on Thursday, May 15.  Social begins at 4:30 p.m. with wine, iced tea and coffee provided.  Dinner will be available at 5:00 p.m. with games following.  Host teams, please call Ed Harrigan at 915-0314 if you need a sub.  All subs are invited.
blooddriveThe next Red Cross Blood Drive supported by the Knights of Columbus and hosted by the Village United Methodist Church at 200 Carmona Road, is from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 13.  Previous donors at this site with e-mail addresses have been sent an e-mail reminder.  New donors can go to for detailed information and to schedule an appointment.  Contact John Bodensteiner with questions - or to be placed on an e-mail reminder list.  Call 915-0339 or e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  Thanks for sharing your "Gift of Life".
drivingThe AARP Driver Safety Program will be held Thursday, May 8, from 12:30 to 5:00 p.m.  Sign-up for the one-day course in the A & E hallway.  Class will be held in the Upper Hall.  Bring your driver's license and AARP card, along with a check made payable to AARP for $15 for each participating AARP member and $20 for each non-AARP participant. Call Gene at 922-5170 with questions.
2014 Belle of Hot SpringsCome join us for a tour of Lake Hamilton on the Belle of Hot Springs on Tuesday, May 6.  We will car poor from the church parking lot, leaving at 11:30 a.m.  The cost is $20.  Send your check, made payable to Donna Creasy, at 6 Esplendor Way, HSV.  Sign-up in the narthex.  Call Ann with questions at 922-6963.
First CommunionPlease pray for parishioners Joel Carter, Serena Benson, Jesse Chavis and Zach Moosebroker who will receive their First Communion at the 10:00 a.m. Mass next Sunday, May 4.  We will also have the May crowning before that Mass.
2014 Fr. Gregor MendelNext Friday, May 2, we will offer our monthly movie, "The Gardener of God", which is about a 19th century Augustinian monk and priest, Father Gregor Mendel who is considered the father of modern genetics.  Come see this interesting story of a priest who combined his vocation as a priest and training as a scientist to impact the world in a far-reaching, positive way.
helpinghandsALL Helping Hands Volunteers are invited to our third annual Helping Hands Appreciation Dinner on Tuesday, April 29, 2014 in the Lower Hall.  We will meet at 5:30 p.m. and dinner will be served at 6:00 p.m.  Dinner will be catered by Home Plate.  Please sign-up by calling Pat Widlowski at 922-1395 or by using the sign-up sheets on top of the cabinet in the A & E hallway under the Helping Hands slot.  You are welcome to bring a spouse/guest, and we ask that you list the names and total number in your party on these forms.  So that we can get an accurate count of those who plan to attend, we need these names and numbers NO LATER THAN APRIL 27.  Please join us to celebrate all the good things you do - even if it has just been to wait for the call for the parishioners of Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Divine MercyThe Divine Mercy nine-day Novena began on Good Friday and concludes with the Divine Mercy Holy Hour this Sunday, April 27, at 3:00 p.m.  The messages of Our Lord to St. Faustina in private revelation were recorded in the saint's dairy.  She noted that Jesus told here: "My daughter, tell the whole world about My inconceivable mercy.  I desire that the Feast of Mercy be a refuge and a shelter for all souls, and especially for poor sinners.  On that day the very depths of My tender mercy are open."  

The nine-day Divine Mercy will be prayed in community in church on each day of the Novena as follows:
Easter Monday -
Easter Friday
9:00 a.m.
Easter Saturday 4:40 p.m.

We will celebrate the Feast of Divine Mercy with a Holy Hour at the hour of mercy, 3:00 p.m., Sunday, April 27.  This will be followed by the movie in the Lower Hall on the life of the newly-canonized saint John Paul II (who initiated the Divine Mercy devotion).  Pizza will be served during or after the movie.  If you can't be with us all the days, you can pray it on your own at home or perhaps in our Perpetual Adoration Chapel.

PLEASE NOTE:  A plenary indulgence has been granted for those who have gone to Confession and received Communion within 20 days, before or after, Divine Mercy Sunday, and have taken part in the devotions of the Holy Hour that day at 3:00 p.m.

porterhousehslogoSacred Heart Singles will meet for Corporate Communion at the 10:00 a.m. Mass on Sunday, April 27.  They will then meet in the parking lot for carpooling into town.  Brunch will be at the Porterhouse Restaurant.  Send your $20.00 check to Eileen Boecher, 20 Vilafranca, HSV, 71909.  Sign-up sheets are in the narthex.  For questions, call Ann at 922-6963 or Eileen at 915-9229.
Forty Days for LifeSince the campaign began on Ash Wednesday, six women came to the clinic in Little Rock for scheduled abortions, but left after talking to the sidewalik counselor. Seeing the "prayer warriors" convinced them to "choose life" for their babies.  Our presence there does make a difference.

Sacred Heart of Jesus prayer warriors will be covering the vigil hours of 1:00 to 7:00 p.m. this Monday, April 7, 2014 at the Little Rock Planning Services, 4 Office Park Drive.  If you have never prayed and witnessed in pubic before, it's not too late to join us.  For information and to arrange a ride, call Mary Ellen Costello, 922-3915.
For addtional information go to
Perpetual AdorationThe Adoration Chapel wll be closed 52 hours during Holy Week.  The Chapel will close Holy Thursday evening at 6:30 p.m. and will not open until Holy Saturday evening at 10:30 p.m.  The Easter Sunday schedule is the same as a normal Sunday schedule.
2014 Stuffed pork roastThe annual Holy Thursday Parish Dinner will be held April 17 at 5:00 p.m. in the Lower Hall and is open to all parishioners and any family who might be visiting.  The menu includes Apple Sausage stuffed Pork Roast, mashed potatoes, asparagus and a variety of Father Bill's homemade ice cream.  The parish is paying $10.00 a plate, and will accept donations to help pay for the meal at the dinner.  Reservations must be made on the sign-up sheet in the narthex; or, by calling the Churh Office staff at extension 10.  Deadline for reservations is Tuesday, April 15.
2014 BransonMembers of St. Anthony's Guild are sponsoring a bus trip to Branson, Missouri on November 2-5.  A registration fee of $100, payable to St. Anthony's Guild, is due by April 10.  Registration with deposit should be mailed to Rosemary Miller, 43 Excelso Way, HSV.  Bus, lodging, four Christmas shows, shopping, meals (except two lunch meals while shopping) are included in your cost.  SIngle: $590.  Double: $465.  Triple: $430.  Quad: $410.  Flyers, brochures and registration information is available by contacting Rosemary Miller at 922-5850 or Ann Krawczynski at 922-8665.  Come join the fun and bring a friend!