Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
cropped-ar-march-for-life-header-img2The annual Mass and March for Life will take place Sunday, January 19, 2014 in Little Rock.  Bishop Anthony Taylor will celebrate the Mass for Life at 12:00 noon, in Robinson Exhibition Hall, located on the corner of Markham and Broadway.  Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and the Rosary for Life will take place prior to the Mass, beginning at 11:00 a.m.

The 36th annual March for Life, sponsored by Arkansas Right for Life, begins at 2:00 p.m. at Capitol and Battery streets, behind the State Capitol building.  Sacred Heart of Jesus will be chartering a bus for the day, which will leave from the church parking lot at 9:30 a.m. and return at approximately 4:30 p.m.  If you wish to reserve a seat on the bus, please sign-up on the sheet located in the A & E hallway.  A separate sign-up sheet will be provided for carpooling.  If you need a ride or if you plan to drive and can take additional passengers, please sign the sheet and indicate how many you can accommodate.  If the bus is filled, we will arrange rides for all parishioners who want to go to Little Rock for this Pro-Life event.

The route was shortened last year for the march and takes place entirely on the grounds of the State Capitol.  If you can't walk the distance, don't let that prevent you from participating.  The bus will drop you off in from of the Capitol, and you can bring chairs to sit on.  Please give prayerful consideration to joining your fellow parishioners in a public show of support for the most vulnerable members of our human family - the unborn who have NO VOICE, and cannot defend their own Right-to-Life.

Find maps at   For more information, call Mary Ellen Costello at 922-3915 or Jim and Patricia Goodson at 226-5312.
malone bPlease mark your calendar for Saturday, January 18, and make plans to join your fellow parishioners in celebration of the 90th birthday of our former pastor, Monsignor Bernard Malone.  It will be a potluck supper, and will take place immediately after the 4:00 p.m. Mass.  Please bring a main dish, vegetable or salad side dish to share.  Dessert (cake and ice cream of course!) will be provided.
blooddriveThe next Red Cross Blood Drive supported by the Knights of Columbus and hosted by the Village United Methodist Church on Carmona Road will be held from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 14. Thanks, in advance, for donating.
potluck2On Monday, January 13, the Sacred Heart Singles will have their Potluck and Games night in the Lower Hall between 5:00 and 9:00 p.m.  Sign-up is in the narthex.  For questions please call Ann at 922-6963 or Eileen at 915-9229
BabyThe babies we "spiritually" adopted back in April are due to be born January 8, 2014.  To welcome them into the world, we are planning a Parish Baby Shower.  All parishioners are invited to participate.  Please purchase a baby item and bring it to the church, UNWRAPPED, beginning Saturday, January 4, and no later than Monday, January 13.  The Ladies of the Sacred Heart can consider this their "something extra" for January, and bring the gifts to the general meeting.

A display area will be set up in the narthex where the gifts can be left.  The donated items will be sorted and then delivered to Catholic Adoption Services and local Pregnancy Help Centers in Hot Springs, Benton and Malvern, based on need.  Disposable diapers (all sizes), are always welcome along with crib sheets, blankets, clothing for preemies up to 18 months, powders, bath items, bottles, and just about anything else that parents would need for a newborn baby.  Please DO NO WRAP your gift.

For information, call Mary Costello at 501-922-3915 after January 2.  A flier listing the needs of each agency will be available at that time.
Movie NightThe next move night will be Friday, January 10, at 6:00 p.m. in the Lower Hall and will be a recent film called "Restless Heart".  This movie is about one of the great doctors of the early Church, St. Augustine.  It chronicles his great conversion to Christianity after many years of prayer by his mother, St. Monica.  It is an award-winning film, well-worth your time and attention.
EpiphanyA Pot Luck Dinner will be held in the Lower Hall on Sunday, January 5, 2014.  All past attendees of our book groups, Bible Study classes, and Oremus programs are invited to this gathering, as are all PRE teachers and parents of children in the PRE Program. Spouses are included.  Those attending should arrive at 4:00 p.m.; dinner will begin at 4:30.  Following dinner, a film will be shown.  Bring the drink of your choice, a dish to pass, and any special seasonings.  Note the category below.  Those with last name beginning with the following letters have been designated a food category.

Last Names     A-G     Main Course  
Last Names   H-N   Dessert
Last Names   O-Z   Side Dish

Sign-up sheets are available in the hallway.

ChristmasbellsThe Single Christmas Brunch will be held at Diamante Country Club on Saturday, January 4, at 12:00 noon.  If you did not sign-up for the previously scheduled date, but would like to attend, please sign-up in the narthex and send $20 to Eileen Boecher at 20 Vilafranca, HSV.  For questions call Ann at 922-6963 or Eileen at 915-9229.
Happy New YearThe Knights of Columbus will again sponsor the New Year's Eve Party on December 31 in the Lower Hall.  Happy hour (BYOB) begins at 6:00 p.m. with dinner at 7:00 p.m., catered by Home Plate.  Dancing to the Blue Velvet band at 8:00 p.m. will follow until the ball drops at 11:00 p.m. (midnight New York time).

Dinner will include an appetizer of mixed fruit, followed by salad and rolls, prime rib, red potatoes, cream corn and assorted desserts.  Party favors, champagne and all set-ups are provided.  Dress is semi-formal.

Table reservations can be obtained from Russ Harrison at 922-1767.  Cost is $37.50 per person, with checks made payable to Knights of Columbus, and mailed to Russ Harrison at 38 Doscientos Circle, HSV to be received by Dec. 29th.  This event is open to everyone in the community, so reserve early, bring your friends and welcome in the new year of 2014.
red ornamentIf you have not, as yet, brought in a red ornament for our Family Tree, please do so as soon as possible.  The Family Tree will be located in the back of the church and we are asking for one red ornament for each parish family.  We also ask that your name be included.  There is a basket in the narthex to collect your red ornament.
2013 Mon. Scott FriendAn Advent Day of Recollection with Monsignor Scott Friend will be held on Friday, December 20, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.  Between 9-10:00 a.m. we will register and share coffee and pastries.  Bring your Bible and finger foods to share for lunch.  Sign-up sheets and detailed schedule are in the narthex.
reconciliationPlease mark your calendars for Friday, December 20, at 2:00 p.m. for our Advent Reconciliation Service with priests available for individual reception of the Sacrament of Reconciliation.  Some of you may already be present for the day of Recollection with Monsignor Friend.  Those who are not, can just come to the service at 2:00 p.m.  If you cannot attend at that time, Father Bill will offer the Sacrament of Reconciliation on Saturday, December 21, from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m.  
drivingAARP Driver Safety Program has been rescheduled to Tuesday, December 17, from 12:30 to 5:00 p.m. in the Upper Hall. Please sign-up for the one day course at the credenza by the entrance to the A & E hallway.  Bring your driver's license and AARP card and a check payable to AARP for $12 for each AARP member and $14 for each non-member.  Call Gene Widlowski at 922-5170 with questions.
ChristmaswreathThe Ladies of the Sacred Heart Christmas Brunch has been rescheduled to Monday, December 16, at 10:00 a.m. The Christmas Brunch will follow daily Mass that will be held at its regularly scheduled time of 9:00 a.m.  Guild members, please contact a team captain if you CANNOT attend, by Thursday, December 12. This information is needed to give an accurate count to Home Plate.
IMG 3746 1024x768Each Angel on the Angel Tree in the narthex represents a gift for a child in one of the needy families receiving a Christmas Basket.  The angel has a child's age, gender, size and a suggested article of clothing.  Please select one or more angels from the tree,  If you choose to purchase more than one gift, please take additional angels with one gift per angel.  Each child has four angels.  After the gifts are purchased and wrapped, please tape the angel firmly to the gift and return it to the Angel Tree.  Please place the side of the angel with only the age and gender facing up.  All gifts must be placed under the tree no later than Tuesday, December 10, 2013 in order for families to receive their gifts before Christmas.

Donations can also be made to the Village Outreach Shoe Fund.  Each child in the families receiving a Christmas Basket will also receive a certificate for a pair of shoes. Please make checks payable to Sacred Heart Church, with the notation "shoe fund", and place the donation in the box located on the cabinet in the Administration & Education Building hallway.  Thank you for your generous support of our Sacred Heart Holiday Basket Program!
eggs-sausageSunday, December 15, the Knights of Columbus would like to invite everyone to their delicious parish breakfast. The menu includes biscuits and gravy with sausage and scrambled eggs, hash browns and juice, coffee or milk. We will be welcoming new parishioners who will be guests of the Knights.  Please join us in welcoming them to the Sacred Heart Family.  All breakfast proceeds are used to fund the Knights' charitable activities throughout the year.  Your support is greatly appreciated.  See you there!