Approximately 50 parishioners braved the 7:15 a.m. picture call! |
There were approximately 625 registered walkers that were signed up to walk. An approximate amount of money, $35,195, has been raised to date. Claire McNeill, Co-Chair for the Village Walk For Cancer Research, said that these numbers are not final. Additional monies come in after the Walk and will do so until the end of the year.
Thanks to all who participated in the walk, volunteered to work or who donated items to help make this Village Walk For Cancer Research a success!
Please click here for additional photos of the Walk.
You could just talk with someone about your loss? Or that there was a safe place to be with others who had suffered the loss of a loved one and just share what worked for you and what you still struggle with? There is such a place! We will begin a Grief Support Group here at Sacred Heart in the library on Thursday mornings, after the 9:00 a.m. Mass beginnning September 26. There will be six sessions facilitated by Deacon John and each one will last approximately one and a half hours. The size of the group is limited, so if you wish to attend, please make a reservation by calling Deacon John at 226-5506 or 226-9035.
(l-r) Brenda Sallee, Cathy Ament, Rebecca Huber, Fr. Bill and Sherrie Nichols |
Eight teams from Sacred Heart of Jesus Church, including two teams from the Knights of Columbus, participated in the tournament. The first morning flight had Deacon Bill Friedman, Deacon Larry Lipsmeyer, John Behling and Rob Bowers taking second place. The first afternoon flight had Larry Stein, Rick Meyers, Don Levac and Don Glinka representing the Knights of Columbus taking third place.
There was only one all ladies team from Sacred Heart, pictured above. The other five teams were made up of men and women parishioners from Sacred Heart Church. They are Ed Miller, Danny Murphy, Bill Patterson, Scott Krantz; Dennis VanLeeuwen, Fr. Bill Elser, Tom Ament, Phil Stephenson; Milt Spaniel, Bill Roe, Mike Welsh, Gary Wolfer; Ralph Melenson, Gene Widlowski, David Witchger, Ed Calhoun; Jim and JoAnn Arnold, Richard and Marilyn Allen.
Rebecca Huber posted the longest drive of the day for women.
All parishioners are invited to nominate one or more parishioners for election to the Pastoral Council Commissions: Education, Liturgy, Parish Life and Social Justice and Charitable Outreach. Self nominations are also encouraged. Nominations will be open from September 21 to September 29. The election will take place on the weekend of November 9-10.
Each elected parishioner will serve for two years and serve as liaison between his/her Commission and the Pastoral Council. Normally the Commissions and the Pastoral Council meet six times a year.
Nomination forms and a ballot box are in the narthex. Questions about the nomination/election process and the responsibilities of the members of the Pastoral Council can be directed to any member of the Election Committee: Tom Canavan at 922-1822, Mary Ellen Costello at 922-3915 or Marvin Young at 915-8028.
Each elected parishioner will serve for two years and serve as liaison between his/her Commission and the Pastoral Council. Normally the Commissions and the Pastoral Council meet six times a year.
Nomination forms and a ballot box are in the narthex. Questions about the nomination/election process and the responsibilities of the members of the Pastoral Council can be directed to any member of the Election Committee: Tom Canavan at 922-1822, Mary Ellen Costello at 922-3915 or Marvin Young at 915-8028.
We all need a prayer warrior in times of crisis, emergencies, surgery, immminent death or the loss of a loved one. Our Parish Prayer Warriors are ready to help.
Fifty-one prayer warriors in our Sacred Heart Parish are prepared to offer intercessory prayers to God for you and your loved ones at these and other critical times.
All you need do is call Kathy Oesterle at 922-3553, Suzy Gieringer at 915-9777, Marcia Bresnahan at 922-9190, or Marilyn Burke at 915-8833 to get these intercessory prayers started. They will continue for 60 days, unless cancelled by you, and may be continued by request.
You too can become a member of our Parish Prayer Warriors by calling Kathy, Suzy, Marcia or Marilyn.
Fifty-one prayer warriors in our Sacred Heart Parish are prepared to offer intercessory prayers to God for you and your loved ones at these and other critical times.
All you need do is call Kathy Oesterle at 922-3553, Suzy Gieringer at 915-9777, Marcia Bresnahan at 922-9190, or Marilyn Burke at 915-8833 to get these intercessory prayers started. They will continue for 60 days, unless cancelled by you, and may be continued by request.
You too can become a member of our Parish Prayer Warriors by calling Kathy, Suzy, Marcia or Marilyn.
The current selection, starting Thursday, September 19, after the 9:00 a.m. Mass in the A & E Building, is by Scott Hahn. His simple and straightforward style explains why we, as Catholics, have good reasons to love and honor our Blessed Mother. HAIL, HOLY QUEEN is a "must read" for all of us. The price of the book is less than $12.00. Call Georgia Janush at 922-5770 or e-mail her at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Join us on Saturday, September 28, in the Walk to support cancer research through UAMS within the State of Arkansas. Make a donation of $30 and register to walk the Hernando Trail, starting at the Cortez Pavilion at 7:30 a.m. Free fruit, coffee and water will be available before the walk and free hamburgers and hot dogs after the walk. Please take a yellow brochure from the table in the narthex to register. Come join our Sacred Heart Team. For more information or questions, call Jane Kearby at 922-2338.
Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish Men's Club is sponsoring their annual Chicken Bake to be held on September 27 in the Lower Hall. This dinner is one of two main fund raisers for the Men's Club charities for the year. The menu will include mixed greens garden salad, Creamed Breast of Chicken, green beans almandine, baked potato, coffee, and other beverages will be available at the donation refreshment center. As a special treat, there will be a selection of Father Bill's homemade ice cream for dessert.
There will be two seatings; 5:00 and 6:30 p.m. Take-outs will also be available. Tickets are $10 when purchased in advance and $11 at the door. Tickets can be purchased from members of the Men's CLub after weekend Masses or by calling Bill Patterson at 922-6965. Don't be disappointed; get your tickets early as seating is limited. Come enjoy a great meal and good fellowship while helping the Men's Club in their support of local charities.
There will be two seatings; 5:00 and 6:30 p.m. Take-outs will also be available. Tickets are $10 when purchased in advance and $11 at the door. Tickets can be purchased from members of the Men's CLub after weekend Masses or by calling Bill Patterson at 922-6965. Don't be disappointed; get your tickets early as seating is limited. Come enjoy a great meal and good fellowship while helping the Men's Club in their support of local charities.
The Crosses for Life are displayed on the campuses of the Village Bible Church and Sacred Heart of Jesus Church through the month of September. The crosses will then be moved to Faith Lutheran Church on DeSoto Boulevard where they will be displayed for the month of October. For information, contact Mary Costello (922-3915) or Bob Bowman (922-6619).
You may have noticed that after more than 20 years we have a new sign in front of the church. Recently Seiz Sign installed a sign that incorporates a new Sacred Heart logo which Renee Steinpreis of our parish designed. Deacon John, Renee and the design people at Seiz Signs worked on the overall layout of the sign, type and size of lettering, and color. The goal was to fit the name of the church on one line and have Catholic Church stand out prominently on the second line. Hopefully you agree the goals were met! Make sure you take notice the next time you are on Balearic.
Enjoy fun and fellowship with the Parish Bowling League! Sign-up sheets are on the table in the narthex. Bowling is on Thursday afternoons at 2:00 p.m. at the Fiesta Bowl and will start on September 12. Teams or individuals can sign-up as well as parishioners who would like to sub. Any questions, contact Ann Bowman at 922-6619 or transmit an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
The Sacred Heart Singles will meet on Saturday, September 14, at 11:00 a.m. at Charlie's Pizza on Hwy. 7 for lunch, dutch treat. There will be a round of miniature golf (at Charlie's) following lunch. Bring your sense of humor and join in on the fun with lots of laughs and a chance to win a prize! Sign-up in the narthex. Call Ann at 922-6963 or Eileen at 915-9229 with questions.
The next Red Cross Blood Drive supported by the Knights of Columbus and hosted by the Village United Methodist Church, 200 Carmona Road, is 8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m., Tuesday, September 10, 2013. Donors with email addresses who have given previously at this location will be sent an email reminder. New donors can go to or contact John Bodensteiner with questions at 915-0339 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Thanks in advance for sharing your "gift of life."
The Knights of Columbus will, once again, be serving breakfast for the parish. Mark your calendar for Sunday, September 15, as all parishioners, friends/neighbors are invited. The menu includes biscuits and gravy with sausage and scrambled egss, hash browns, juice, coffee or milk. Come join us for a delicious breakfast with good friends, good food, and great conversation. We'll be ready to serve you after each of the two Sunday Masses. Breakfast is still $6 a plate and, as always, children are free. Proceeds help fund the many charitable activities.
Students and families attending the Parish Religious Education for Youth classes are invited to a Back-to-School party on Sunday, September 8, at Cortez Beach at 4:30 p.m. A picnic dinner will be served, and lemonade will be provided. If soft drinks or water are preferred, families should bring them. Families are also asked to bring water toys and any other games they might enjoy. We hope to see you there. Please note, in case of rain, picnic will be held in the Upper Hall.