Come celebrate this year's Mardi Gras at Sacred Heart Parish Hall on Tuesday, March 4. Social Hour (bring your drink of choice) begins at 5:00 p.m.; set-ups will be provided. Dinner follows at 6:00 with dance tunes beginning at 7:00 p.m. Authentic Shrimp Creole and Jambalaya will be served to help usher in "Fat Tuesday". Music for the evening will be provided by the talented Blue Velvet. Tickets are $18 per person and will be sold after weekend Masses and by calling Ed Doyle at 922-5771 or Danny Murphy at 915-8422. This wonderful evening, as sponsored by the Knights of Columbus, will be open to parishioners and our many friends. Proceeds from this venue will go to our many local charities.
We all need a prayer warrior in times of crisis - emergencies, surgery, imminent death or the loss of a loved one. Our Parish Prayer Warriors are ready to help.
Fifty-one prayer warriors in our Sacred Heart Parish are prepared to offer intercessory prayers to God for you and your loved ones at these and other critical times.
All you need do is call Kathy Oesterle at 922-3552, Suzy Gieringer at 915-9777, Sharon Board at 922-6995, or Marilyn Burke at 915-8833 to get these intercessory prayers started. They will continue for 60 days, unless cancelled by you, and may be continued by request.
And you too can become a member of our Parish Prayer Warriors by calling Kathy, Suzy, Sharon or Marilyn.
Fifty-one prayer warriors in our Sacred Heart Parish are prepared to offer intercessory prayers to God for you and your loved ones at these and other critical times.
All you need do is call Kathy Oesterle at 922-3552, Suzy Gieringer at 915-9777, Sharon Board at 922-6995, or Marilyn Burke at 915-8833 to get these intercessory prayers started. They will continue for 60 days, unless cancelled by you, and may be continued by request.
And you too can become a member of our Parish Prayer Warriors by calling Kathy, Suzy, Sharon or Marilyn.
Thursday, February 27, the Sacred Heart Singles will be meeting in the Lower Hall from 1:00 to 2:30 p.m. to hear a presentation from Francis Tours regarding any travels we would be interested in - either as a group or individually. Francis Tours is out of Arkadelphia and offers a large range of travels. This presentation is open not only to our singles but to whoever would like to join us. Sign-up sheet is in the narthex. See you then. Any questions, call Ann at 922-6963 or Eileen at 915-9229.
One more chance to sign up for Social Six for this spring season. Three couples are paired together and take turns hosting a simple get-together. It is a great way to socialize and meet new people. Call Jan WInters at 922-0526 to sign up or e-mail her at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Pairings will be sent out the beginning of March.
Adoration of Our Lord in the Eucharist in our Adoration Chapel can be a transforming experience. Miracles of conversion for our children, peace for us, physical healings, and many other wonderful things happen where the Lord Jesus is adored in the Blessed Sacrament.
Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta said, "the best time you will spend on earth is the time that you spend with your Best Friend Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament."
Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta said, "the best time you will spend on earth is the time that you spend with your Best Friend Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament."
Select one hour a week as your special time to be with Our Lord in a quiet place; no distractions, with only Jesus to speak to you. Join with 330 other parishioners to experience putting Jesus in the center of your life for one holy hour.
The 330 parishioners have been scheduled on a prayer team. There are 24 prayer teams; one for each hour of the day. Members of the prayer team substitute for each other when necessary. They all work together to make sure that someone is in the chapel each day at their hour. Choose an hour that you can commit to. Sign-up forms are in the narthex on the Perpetual Adoration table.
Call Roger at 922-9190 for more information.
The 330 parishioners have been scheduled on a prayer team. There are 24 prayer teams; one for each hour of the day. Members of the prayer team substitute for each other when necessary. They all work together to make sure that someone is in the chapel each day at their hour. Choose an hour that you can commit to. Sign-up forms are in the narthex on the Perpetual Adoration table.
Call Roger at 922-9190 for more information.
Last spring there was a bulletin notice concerning the support of the Reintegration Program for Veterans at St. Francis House in Little Rock by the Village Knights of Columbus, the Veterans of Foreign Wars, the American Legion and the Order of the Purple Heart. The response was excellent as many parishioners, and their neighbors, came forth, (and still are) with clothing and personal hygiene items to support our Veterans. A big thank you to all those who donated.
St. Francis House processes approximately 50 Veterans every three months since the program began in 1986. Therefore, donations of clothing and personal hygiene items are always in need. To make a donation of such, contact Mike Kerwin at 922-1531 or Phil Carl at 922-9245 to make pick-up arrangements. You can also support the program by making a monetary donation to the Knights of Columbus St. Francis Fund. Make checks payable to the Knights of Columbus Assembly 2316 with a note in the memo section, "St. Francis Fund". Mail to Mike Garstecki in HSV at 5 Excelso Trace. We currently have a list of 49 volunteers who participate in various support programs throughout the year. If you would like to be a volunteer, please contact Mike Kerwin at 922-1531 for inclusion.
St. Francis House processes approximately 50 Veterans every three months since the program began in 1986. Therefore, donations of clothing and personal hygiene items are always in need. To make a donation of such, contact Mike Kerwin at 922-1531 or Phil Carl at 922-9245 to make pick-up arrangements. You can also support the program by making a monetary donation to the Knights of Columbus St. Francis Fund. Make checks payable to the Knights of Columbus Assembly 2316 with a note in the memo section, "St. Francis Fund". Mail to Mike Garstecki in HSV at 5 Excelso Trace. We currently have a list of 49 volunteers who participate in various support programs throughout the year. If you would like to be a volunteer, please contact Mike Kerwin at 922-1531 for inclusion.
Sign-up for the one day course to be held on Thursday, February 20, 2014, from 12:30 to 5:00 p.m. The sign-up sheet is in the hallway of the A & E Building. Class will be held in the Upper Hall. Please bring your driver's license and American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) card, along with a check payable to AARP for $15.00 each for AARP members and $20 each for non-members. Call Gene Widlowski with questions at 922-5170
Dr. Rodney Davis, Chairman, Urologic Oncology UAMS |
All men of the parish are invited to Sacred Heart Men's Club as we will be featuring a speaker of interest to all men. The speaker will be Dr. Rodney Davis, Chairman of the Urologic Oncology Division at University of Arkansas Medical Services in Little Rock. Don't miss a chance to hear one of the leading authorities speak on the subject of prostate cancer, its symptoms, early detection and treatment. The evening will start with a social hour at 5:00 in the Lower Hall, and Roger Bresnahan will lead a prayer service "Raising your Bible IQ" in the Upper Hall starting shortly after 5:00 p.m. Dinner will be served about 6:00 consisting of salad, lasagna, green beans almandine, rolls, coffee, and ice cream for dessert.
If you would like to join us for dinner and this exciting program, you must make a reservation. The cost is only $7.00, and you can make reservations by contacting Don Glinka via e-mail transmission to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by calling him, 922-9386, no later than Sunday, February 16. It is important that if you make a reservation that you be responsible for the cost of the dinner as we are billed for each meal ordered.
Bishop Anthony Taylor will offer a blessing to those couples who are celebrating their silver jubilee of marriage as well as ALL who have been married 50 years, or more, at the 4:00 p.m. Mass on Saturday, February 15. A reception will follow in the Lower Hall. If you are one of these couples who will be participating in this marriage blessing and reception, please register either in the binder in the A & E hallway or on the table in the narthex. If you prefer, call Linda Daniels at the church office, 922-2062, extension 10, with your name and the number of years you have been married.
The Fourth Degree Knights are hosting a Valentine's Dinner on February 14, 2014 in the Lower Hall. Spouses and/or significant others are invited, with widows of Fourth Degree Knights welcomed as special guests.
A social hour will be held between 5:00 and 6:00 p.m. with donation bar available. The menu includes Caesar salad, rolls, open-face roast beef sandwiches, and mashed potatoes with gravy, dessert and coffee. The cost is $12.50 per person. Reservation checks, payable to Knights of Columbus, can be sent to Jack Widlowski, 44 Excelso Way, HSV. Call Jack with questions at 922-1395 or transmit an e-mail to him at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
A social hour will be held between 5:00 and 6:00 p.m. with donation bar available. The menu includes Caesar salad, rolls, open-face roast beef sandwiches, and mashed potatoes with gravy, dessert and coffee. The cost is $12.50 per person. Reservation checks, payable to Knights of Columbus, can be sent to Jack Widlowski, 44 Excelso Way, HSV. Call Jack with questions at 922-1395 or transmit an e-mail to him at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Once again, the Knights of Columbus will be selling Kraemer Wisconsin cheese and sausage products. We have an excellent variety for your personal holiday use or for gift giving. Products include: (1) 15 different gift boxes of assorted cheese and sausage; (2) assorted choices of bulk cheese; (3) assorted choices of cold pack cheese spread; and (4) plain or garlic summer sausage, wieners, ring bologna and other meat products.
We are trying something new this year as we will be receiving fresh products weekly to the Village; so, we will have many items on hand. We will keep an inventory list of items currently available which can be e-mailed to you or you can check on the Knight's web site. Forward your request to Ed Miller at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Please tell your neighbors about this opportunity to get real Wisconsin Cheese and Sausage products at great prices! You can also call your orders in to Ed Miller at 922-0501, John Meyers at 915-0746 or Wayne Winters at 922-0536. Order blanks are in the hallway, on the credenza, along with a box to put orders in.
We are trying something new this year as we will be receiving fresh products weekly to the Village; so, we will have many items on hand. We will keep an inventory list of items currently available which can be e-mailed to you or you can check on the Knight's web site. Forward your request to Ed Miller at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Please tell your neighbors about this opportunity to get real Wisconsin Cheese and Sausage products at great prices! You can also call your orders in to Ed Miller at 922-0501, John Meyers at 915-0746 or Wayne Winters at 922-0536. Order blanks are in the hallway, on the credenza, along with a box to put orders in.
Lifetouch Photography will once again be taking pictures for our new pictorial directory. There is no cost to have your photograph taken, and you will receive a complimentary 8x10 portrait and directory for participating. All you have to do is click on the "Photo Directory Signup" button to the left of this article, and follow directions. If you don't have a computer or need assistance, please call Lynne Border at 922-2062, extension 13 or email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
January VIRTUS training session will be offered on Monday evening, January 27, from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m., in the A & E classroom. If you are a new volunteer minister and have not attended a previous training session, you are required to attend to meet the bishop's directive that all volunteer ministers be in compliance with this diocesan program. To register online, go to, select "registration" then "Little Rock Diocese" and "Sacred Heart of Jesus at Hot Springs Village". Select the date and follow insturctions. Any questions, call Russ Harrison at 922-1767.
Sunday, January 26, the Knights of Columbus invite everyone to come to the Parish Breakfast in the Lower Hall after both Masses. New parish members are invited as guests.
Biscuits, gravy, hashbrowns, sausage and eggs are on the menu. Breakfast is only $6.00 a plate and as always, kids are free.
Biscuits, gravy, hashbrowns, sausage and eggs are on the menu. Breakfast is only $6.00 a plate and as always, kids are free.
All breakfast proceeds are used to fund Knights charitable activities throughout the year. Please consider supporting this worthwhile cause, and enjoy some sonderful Sacred Heart fellowship and a great breakfast!